Links Quality, Natural, Editorially-Given, Links Obtained Through Content Promotion and Outreach

Steve Brownlie

Building Links
BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Nov 16, 2015
Most of you know our story.

We started small. Worked only in the toughest niches (gambling, payday, pr0n, s3x toys, the big V for the men with the bent P). Directly with agencies only.

Then we went global with the Reach Creator brand.

Doing real outreach. Only building links to natural pages that make sense for webmasters to link to. Never paying for links.

But you all also know what happened - niche edits returned (the ‘hacked’ kind first, then more often paid links), paid links generally became huge.

Everyone wanted fast links. In DA buckets. That went to sales pages. With aggressive anchors.

Our paid links became our biggest product by miles - away from BuSo and sometimes for members here who asked for it, we were doing the same as everyone else but being more fussy and at a lower margin. No penalised sites. No outbound spam. No ‘write for us’. Heck we even sourced virtually all our own paid links instead of just reselling like half the agencies you find do.

We got seduced like you all did by the short term success paid links brought.

But as more and more joined us on that journey we started to see the few clients who stuck with natural links, with a minority just using paid links strategically to ‘snipe’ key pages, dominating more and more. Getting more long-term success. Hardly any of them even noticed the late 2022/early 2023 updates.

Watch this video. Shane is the Director of SEO at 3Ships - Huge site owner and operator.

The truth is Dutka is right. Most link agencies are garbage. His list may be a tiny bit too long (it includes a handful of sites that aren't paid link farms/probably have only worked with the odd agency etc) but the concept is true.

Everyone selling links that aren’t guaranteed 100% not paid is basically selling links that are somewhere on that list.

Google knows it. You know it. And the majority of people who lost 80% of their traffic this year know it. Those links don’t work if they’re all your links anymore. Not for the long term.

We’re still here grinding real outreach. Finding real businesses, blogs and creators in your niche, location or who cover topics that make sense (even if the DA isn’t high enough for one of those buckets). But imagine the value of a link on a site that links to nobody vs a link from a site on Shane’s list that 50 agencies are using? Imagine the long term safety and not worrying about updates so much anymore?

Paid links are still powerful when used correctly - to boost tough pages that can’t get natural links or to get a site off the ground - heck use ours, they’re great - but they can only be part of your strategy going forward. Building up that site authority and relevance with natural links nobody else is getting is worth so much more than anything almost all the other vendors out there are pulling in.

Here’s our latest pricing and products. As always mention BuSo when ordering and you’ll get 10% off. These really are the only Pure links you can buy ‘in a box’. Need content - just order 10 links and I’ll even take care of the linkbait for you on any package (written linkbait is free, animated/designed linkbait extra).


Get in touch - or DM here on the forums.
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Travelled to meet up with Steve a couple days ago to discuss this in person.

Guy knows his SEO and ran me through some things that I hadn't given much consideration before. Put in an order and I have no doubt I'll be pleased with the quality.

We have an in-house team who does outreach and I'm still willing to give Steve an order, that's how confident I am in what we'll receive. Stop being cheap and give it a punt homies
Thanks Prentzz, appreciate the support.

Just a quick heads up that due to August being very slow for responses/out of office replies on a couple of campaigns we're running slightly late. Naturally I've already personally spoken to anyone who isn't on track for the original ETA for delivery, and realistically we will not even be later than our quoted range on more than one or two cycles, but out of respect to those businesses and individuals we're not starting new orders, from any channel, including BuSo, until caught up.

So our next available start date is currently September 16th. I will update shortly before that date to confirm.
Can vouch for Steve as well, he has been running a light campaign for the last 3 months for a local business client I have and we are up substantially. One of the only hands off link building packages I will allow on client sites.
Thanks @Phenom - it's been a pleasure working with you and your client.

We're getting ready to reopen orders, for immediate starts, at the end of the month, and will be starting to open up to our waiting list shortly - we have substantially 'staffed up' and existing outstanding campaigns here on BuSo and elsewhere are either outreach completed and just waiting for links to show up as agreed, or waiting for clients to upload some new content for another reach out, so as long as all their new content goes up on time we should be totally up straight on the time-intensive outreach phase by October 1st, and ready to fully open the floodgates.

In the mean time we will be easing new clients live from the waiting list from next week until October.

The current waiting list is 3 for our reopen date, and after we reopen there will be a small price increase so if any of you want to get on the waiting list for current terms please PM me before then for consideration.
Looking to get on the waiting list for some NYC startup clients.
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@Zevoltai @Greyhat pms sent.

For general info we're down to around a two week waiting list and can take some smaller orders to start immediately so if anyone is interested please do PM so we can have an initial chat and get things set up with your content etc ready to start and get you on the list too!
Just thought I'd pop in here and give a shout out to Steve and his service. In the process of wrapping up the first batch of links, and so far the links are fantastic. Extremely relevant and strong.

From the prep info he sends out to familiarize new clients with how the service works, to the communication, to the quality of links, all top notch. I was so happy I just doubled my order for next month, and if things continue to do well (which I'm confident it will) I'll double that order again.
Steve and I wrapped up our first batch of outreach.

I'm beyond satisfied.
I've been bootstrapping a site the past couple of years out of necessity at first and then out of the idea of making sure each site can support itself. Steve was patient as I kept waffling back and forth about when I'd be ready for my first order. He accommodated my special needs and came up with a solution that would allow us to start working together immediately. He's even done so again now that our first batch is complete. I'm not saying you should try to knock him off course but he might work with you in terms of quantity and time frame, so don't be shy.

I was and wasn't surprised that the foundation of Steve's work was something similar that I had seen in the wild and intended to implement. I'd even mentioned it in my main case study before. Steve is at the forefront of the link bait game and he and his team can coach you through developing an asset that will ensure you receive the best links he can score for you.

In my case, I did my part and tossed him the URL. His team liked it and it was go time. Fast forward to today and my order for 5 initial trial links ended up being 7. Some of the people on the other side of the emails goofed around and produced two lower quality (but still valuable) links. Steve didn't try to worm his way into charging me less or justifying anything. They just buckled down and scored me two more and hooked me up with the extras as a bonus. You can't beat this professionalism.

To give you an idea of the link quality, this is what I got:
  • DR 53
  • DR 53
  • DR 48
  • DR 45
  • DR 41
  • DR 15
  • DR 4
All do-follow goodness. Of course your metrics will vary but Steve promises a certain threshold on metrics and makes damn sure you get what you expect.

What's also nice is that these are high metric sites, meaning they've been around for a while, meaning they aren't likely to disappear soon or ever.

You may be wanting to know about the content quality of the guest posts. They were all great. I can't be sure if Steve's guys wrote them or if the site owners did. It seemed to vary. One actually was a resource page, which didn't require anything more than my link being plopped onto the page.

Basically, your expectations will be exceeded. I think anyone could use this service but from one White Hat Authority Site operator to another, you guys are the ones that need to try this out. I can guarantee you'll make a monthly arrangement afterwards. It's that good that I'm not hesitating to make this a regular part of my operation now. Thanks, Steve & Team. Fantastic work. I'm looking forward to the next batch (and next batch, and next batch, and...)
Hi Steve, I am interested in this service. Can you please let me know how to go about ordering a sample run? Also do you allow choice on Majestic metrics?
@cos71n PM sent, thanks for your enquiry.

Just as a general heads up our standard package (the sales thread will be updated early next year once I finalize the wording/details) is for links measured using AHREFS Domain Rating. We target a minimum of DR28+ sites with the average DR over our last 1,000 links or so being 42.

(For the mathematicians among you - I realize I'm selling ourselves well short by doing a simple average of DR numbers, when it's a logarithmic scale. Those occasional DR60+ links that end up in batches are actually way more ahead than they would be if a simple average made sense, so the average is actually a fair bit higher, but I just use the simple average as it's easy for people to figure out what they 'expect' to see in a batch numbers wise - eg a fair few over 40 etc if it performs in line with our other clients).
Hey Steve, I am also very interested in your service. Please can you PM more details as I will be looking to kick things off after Xmas. Cheers
Hi Steve,

I would be interested in trying out your service. Is it possible you could send me a PM as I can't you. Alternatively I can email.

Thank you!
I took @Steve Brownlie and his team for a test drive this past December.

I work at an agency so everything we do has to be white hat. I started talking to Steve in early November and finally got the ok to mover forward in early December. The vertical I am in is about as sexy as prepubescent boy with a zit on his forehead, but its very competitive in local SEO world. Think $75-$200 CPC.

Steve's team came up with some solid ideas on blog post which was marketable, but also tied into the theme of our client's site. After a few revisions and some suggestion from Steve where where finally ready to go.

By the time we where ready to go it was the holidays and Steve straight up told me that it might take a little longer to deliver because most people are more concerned about buying Christmas presents then they are about their websites.

On Jan 5th, his team wrapped everything up. We ended up with the following
DR 36
DR 47
DR 43
DR 35
DR 43
He also included a DR 37 for free because the link was nofollow.

We did see an increase in traffic. While it wasn't targeted traffic, this campaign was for links only, but it is always something nice to show to the client.

In my 5 years of SEO I have purchased a lot of things/services (most where crap) Steve and his team did a fantastic job. He makes my short list of quality providers.

  1. Steve was very patient with me. Things at my office move at a snails pace.
  2. He was patient with my boss. The guy who signs the checks around my place is very skeptical about everything and he had about 100 questions before he would move forward.
  3. He was candid. The first post I wanted to promote was a puddle of steaming vomit from a frat boy on a cold Minnesota night and he told me so, but in a nice way. Then offered some viable alternative ideas.
  4. His professionalism. With the interactions I had with him, I can tell this is a business for him and NOT some fly by night crap you find on other forums.
  5. Most importantly, he under promised and over delivered.

Would I order from Steve again?
100%, I already have.
Very impressed with Steve and his team!
He went beyond my expectations and delivered some AMAZING links.
If you're looking for quality links definitely give Steve and his team a try.
If anyone is still on the fence, I'm back with my 2nd review on my 2nd batch:
  • DR 44
  • DR 52
  • DR 55
  • DR 50
  • DR 47
  • DR 41
A site doesn't get to that level of metric by not having awesome content and links. And better yet, it's a solid assurance that the sites won't be going down any time soon, as they likely make money for the companies.

These aren't contributor accounts that will get busted and shut down. These aren't re-brokered and re-sold links. This is 100% legit outreach with top-tier content on great sites.

Steve delivers again. I signed on for a 3rd batch!

Imagine what my own DR metric is going to look like after a year of this kind of work...
Just got the batch of published articles for my client. Not only the sites are great, but Steve even gave me a nice bonus. Will definitely order more in future!
Just got the batch of published articles for my client. Not only the sites are great, but Steve even gave me a nice bonus. Will definitely order more in future!

Thanks for the review, Golan, it was a pleasure working with you. Look forward to collaborating again in future.
Hey everyone. Exciting times coming up for our product offering - we're bringing out two new variants over the coming month.

The one that will be coming to Builder Society, including a special BuSo only discount is going to be a mega-premium offering for those of you who want only the very finest authority links. They will be DR40+ with around 1/3 typically over AHREFS DR50, and all the linkbait is going to be taken care of for you by WordAgents (@stackcash here). In fact for any sites we contribute the content to (sometimes the webmasters write their own, of course, WordAgents will also be writing the posts guaranteeing you and your clients if you're an agency/reseller will be delighted with what they read.

So now is a good time to jump on out standard product here if you're looking for our regular offering as we could be very busy in a couple of weeks! Though we're scaling quickly and any interruption will be short-lived!
I don't usually post reviews, but the results from @Steve Brownlie's team outreach were so good it wouldn't be right not to.

I discussed what wanted with Steve around 5 weeks ago, and agreed on the details.

The blog in question was my most profitable in 2016, but due to a flood of new (cashed up) competitiors I've been going backwards for all of 2017. I've been trying to recover for months, using several 'guest post' services with very average results.

With Steve's outreach service I've scored links on 7 'true' business blogs. There's been a residual flow of referal traffic and social leaks. All posts look extremely natural and well written. I've even agreed to a biz deal from a reader of a guest posts.

Metrics of the links:
DR 43
DR 46
DR 33
DR 44
DR 52
DR 46
DR 54

The only metric I really care about is organic traffic. All sites look healthy in both SEMrush and Ahrefs.

If you dont have the time or tools to do your own outreach, Id highly recommend using Steve's service. I've already made my second order.
