Semiconductor Shortage = Trouble

Steve prefaced his comments by saying that he went through a stage where he thought it would be better for the environment to be a vegetarian, so he did a great deal of research.

"Let's say this represents one cow, which will keep me in food for, let's say, a month. Now that cow needs this much land and food. Well, you can imagine, that cow needs x by x amount of land, and you can grow trees in it. Around that cow, you can have goannas, kangaroos, wallabies. You can have every other single Australian animal in and around that cow," Steve told The Scientific American. "If I was a vegetarian, to feed me for that month, I need this much land, and nothing else can grow there. Herein lies our problem. If we level that much land to grow rice and whatever, then no other animal could live there except for some insect pest species. Which is very unfortunate."
I admire Steve Irwin a lot, but that's a load of dung.

The cow you eat is not happily grazing in the green lands and attracting bees and insects. It is held captive in a 10x5 feet cell where only its mouth can come out to munch on hay. Regardless of whether you eat meat or not, the land for agriculture is taken - there are 7 billion mouths to feed, and anything arable is taken.

Beef contributing to global warming is not some vegan mumbo-jumbo. It's a scientifically proven fact.

The real reason SJWs want you to not eat meat is because real meat increases testosterone and makes men more "manly". It's easier to docile people that have no muscles versus guys benching 315 lbs.

  1. an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
I admire Steve Irwin a lot, but that's a load of dung.

The cow you eat is not happily grazing in the green lands and attracting bees and insects. It is held captive in a 10x5 feet cell where only its mouth can come out to munch on hay. Regardless of whether you eat meat or not, the land for agriculture is taken - there are 7 billion mouths to feed, and anything arable is taken.

Beef contributing to global warming is not some vegan mumbo-jumbo. It's a scientifically proven fact.

And this is a load of dung.

I live in rural Kentucky. The first house I owned, was smack in the middle of 3 farmers who raised cattle ( cows ). I smelled fresh shit all the time and heard cows "Moo'ing" all day and even had to help mend fences for my neighbors and recapture their loose cows sometimes.

None of them lived in "cells" or "cages" like you speak of.

The only time they were in a 10x5 cell or cage like you speak of?

1. Getting vet shots
2. Getting milked ( dairy cows )
3. Vet/hoof work
4. At state fairs, farm shows, or for travel and showing reasons

Let's not dare even pretend they "live in 10x5" cages or cells.

I've moved since from that house. I don't actively live there now.. but I know nothing has changed in the last 14 years since I moved because my brother in law owns a cattle farm too I was just there a couple weeks ago.... and guess what? The hefers and dairy cows are moving pastures and the bull has his own by himself too still. No cages.
Dr. Doom: "They're Delusional"

Roubini, also known as "Dr. Doom," said debt ratios are historically high at 420% for advanced economies and climbing, while bailouts during the pandemic have resulted in "zombie corporations" that put the economy at risk.

In contrast, the stagflation seen during the 1970s was accompanied by low debt ratios, and the debt crisis during the 2008 financial crash saw falling inflation.

"This idea that it's going to be short and shallow, it's totally delusional," Roubini said.

Source: Nouriel Roubini says predictions for a mild recession are 'delusional' as severe financial crisis looms

And it looks like people are having a difficult time paying simple utility bills:


Source: Difficulty Paying Bills Tops Pandemic High in US Census Survey


We're in the belly of the beast now folks. We're in it.

I don't even have any jokes. The main explanation is this chart:


Source M1 Money Supply

You don't have to be a genius or even KNOW what this chart indicates (supply of money in the system) to see "something is wrong".

"Something Doesn't Look Right"

Yeah - too much money in the system and now here we are. Hold on tight boys and girls it's going to be a bumpy ride.

P.S. I really do wonder if the buttcoin people can make the connection, it's right in their face.
I admire Steve Irwin a lot, but that's a load of dung.

The cow you eat is not happily grazing in the green lands and attracting bees and insects. It is held captive in a 10x5 feet cell where only its mouth can come out to munch on hay. Regardless of whether you eat meat or not, the land for agriculture is taken - there are 7 billion mouths to feed, and anything arable is taken.

Beef contributing to global warming is not some vegan mumbo-jumbo. It's a scientifically proven fact.

  1. an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
I live in Alberta Canada which is basically the Texas of Canada. I can assure you cows are “happily grazing” all day everyday, they are not in cages as you note.
This argument is similar to "It snows where I live, and so there is no global warming".
This argument is similar to "It snows where I live, and so there is no global warming".


You've seen a cow on TV getting milked or fed for 30 seconds and now you are "it snows where I live so we must be in a global ice age".

Further backed by some quack online article written by AI and spun with a low-quality content tool, your confirmation of this is now entrenched!
I'm not sure if this particular topic should have its own thread or if it's enough of a part of this one at this point...

But has anyone else noticed that this anti-farming, pro-bug eating thing has been getting pushed super hard over the past month or so?
I have, but we've been eating bugs for a long time now.

You do know the FDA allows a certain % of insects and other foul stuff in your food, right?

Like, for every jar of peanut butter, they can have like.. idk 5 cockroaches or something. I don't know the real number, but its still too high for me.

And it looks like people are having a difficult time paying simple utility bills:

Source: Difficulty Paying Bills Tops Pandemic High in US Census Survey

Also, watch this as a follow up. ; from June 29th, 2022

Summary: Bullwhip effect (too few dollars for too many goods = overstocked) > deflationary pulses (retailers lowering prices to increase demand and in turn raising the purchasing power of the currency which slows down inflation) > disinflation in CPI (consumer price index changes to reflect this and signals that there are too few dollars in the economy circulating to buy up all the goods) > Fed/other central banks slash rate hikes and end quantitative tightening (FED stops rate hikes to allow new fiat money to come into existence more easily and allow the demand glut to be filled; treasury yield fall and growth stocks rise again) > cycles (ending with "bust" part of a boom and bust cycle which leads into recession) ; from July 26th, 2022

Summary: Walmart informed investors that its facing supply glut and its slashing prices. “The increasing levels of food and fuel inflation are affecting how customers spend,” Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said.
"Most retailers now understand having to discount to stimulate demand, because the consumer is under financial pressure," he said.

It is starting.
Lights Out Germany...?

Back in September I posted this chart here:


3 years before Trump warned Germany about their reliance on... Russia.

They laughed at him.

A little while later:


Who's laughing now?

There are numerous global consequences to the SJWs and the Woke Walkers. Green energy sounds great, it really does, but the forced green movement had made governments in Europe start to turn OFF nuclear power. Well that means they'll be reliant on gas and coal (that's being phased out too).

Well what happens when your source of 40% of your gas decides to not giving you gas cause you are sanctioning them? Lights out.

Take a look at Europe's power production portfolio (last image):

The #1 #2 source of energy is natural gas (17.3%), guess what's coming in at a close 2nd 1st? Nuclear at (24.4%).

No matter how many ways you cut it, none of the other "green alternatives" are enough to sustain the current power demand. What's the end result? Lights out.

Germany is now reconsidering NOT turning off one if its nuclear power plant that's scheduled to be turned off end of the year.

It's a bit ironic because all the green energies are labelled under "unpredictable power generation" - you figure out what that means.

The SJW and Woke literally are pushing their agenda to turn Europe back into the Stone Age. When your electricity costs have increased 12-15x in a little as 7 years at what point do you say enough is enough?

I don't know but hopefully before lights out.

Spain limiting Air Conditioner to 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit (27 Celsius)

A debate has been sparked after Spain's government moved to prevent offices, shops and other venues from setting air conditioning below 27°C in the summer.
It is part of plans to cut the country's energy consumption and limit dependency on Russian gas.
The decree, published on Tuesday morning, will also stop heating from being raised above 19°C during the winter.
The rules will be mandatory in all public and commercial buildings, including bars, cinemas, theatres, airports and train stations.
“Right now, perhaps suggested by the heat wave we are experiencing, I would say that with 27 degrees we will be very hot," Andrea Castillo, a worker at Castellón university, told Euronews. "Perhaps we could work at 25 degrees, but not at 27.”
Laura Berge, a civil servant in Valencia, questioned the practicality of the measure.
“Generally speaking, you can work at 27 degrees, but to reach that temperature in hot areas, you need to put the air conditioner at 22 or 23 degrees for a couple of hours, so I am worried that it will not be allowed to exceed 27 degrees. at any time,” she told Euronews.
"In that case, the air would have to be turned on well in advance and it would be counterproductive in terms of energy savings."


The chick running Madrid isn't having any of that though.

'Madrid will not switch off' vows mayor who also defied Covid lockdowns, as Spain orders cities to save energy in wake of EU's gas crisis.
- Madrid's regional leader Isabel Diaz Ayuso has vowed city will not turn off lights
- Spanish cabinet ordered shops and public buildings to turn off their lights by 10pm and temperature limits
- European leaders are scrambling to save energy as Russia cuts off gas supplies


Interesting times ahead for Europe... Good luck.

No matter how much shit that's said about the US you could NEVER tell Americans to stop eating meat or turn off their A/C.

In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll, the main thing Americans care about is inflation at 17% versus "Russia" at 1%.


The war in Ukraine remains a dominant news story, but only 1% of Americans mention the situation with Russia as the major problem facing the U.S. Mentions of the Ukraine situation were at 9% in March, after Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24.


It's very critical to be aware of the consequences to the Woke and SJWs. They WILL cost us all in the end. When you start hearing that SJW rhetoric around you understand they are coming to make YOU pay for THEIR utopia dream. Look at Europe's energy costs, continuing to skyrocket. You have to stop the Woke and SJWs at their root, otherwise - lights out.
Just to add...

This is why I invest in silver.

Inflation = historically people turn to metals which includes silver.

Industrial needs for silver are higher than gold too.. and guess what goes into a lot of those electrical parts? Silver. Silver is in a lot of switches, relays, etc.

Guess what we also have a shortage of atm? Silver. There was a run on it and a so called shortage has happened driving the price up. It's actually difficult for me to buy physical silver atm.

When the raw materials come up short, it trickles down to everything else.

Let pretend they are able to still make these parts, the shortage and inflation and slowdown will cause all these products we buy to increase in price. This demand will also make silver go up in price in general...

I'm waiting for metals to explode in price.

When they do, any of you with trucks better watch out for your catalytic convertors ( they contain Palladium and Rhodium and Platinum ) as thieves will start to saw them off. It only takes like 3-4 minutes to do.

Anyone around when copper exploded? People were breaking into air conditioners at your house and robbing the copper out of that. Same will happen with all precious metals soon.

Learn from the past people..
I'm curious what vehicle you use? I Shares Silver ETF?
I'm curious what vehicle you use? I Shares Silver ETF?
physical.. bullion.


I'm running down to the numismatic coin shop and melting down the silver to make me a grill.

physical.. bullion.


I'm running down to the numismatic coin shop and melting down the silver to make me a grill.


I do remember when people broke into houses being developed to steal copper and in some cases the granite counter tops!

The silver grill is great, what about giant silver chains? Like Mr T. Except silver.

I've always felt in the pit of my stomach that someone was setting this society up for a massive collapse, but now, this is just pure evil.

We need to return to God, fast!

On Thursday, Sunshine Earth Labs, a psychedelics manufacturer announced that Health Canada, a federal government agency, is allowing the company to legally produce and distribute the coca leaf and cocaine; MDMA; opium; morphine, heroin and psilocybin, the active ingredient in shrooms. The company said it plans to "bring a safer supply of drugs to the global market."


Meanwhile, cannabis extractions company Adastra announced it’s now legally allowed to both produce and distribute psilocybin and cocaine.


At the end of January, B.C. started a three-year drug decriminalization pilot program that allows people to possess up to 2.5 grams of drugs like cocaine and heroin without fear of arrest.


“We will evaluate how the commercialization of this substance fits in with our business model at Adastra in an effort to position ourselves to support the demand for a safe supply of cocaine,” said chief executive officer Michael Forbes in a news release. The company told VICE News it would not be commenting further.


Canada already has safe supply programs, through which people with opioid addictions can access pharmaceutical heroin and fentanyl. There are no safe supply programs for cocaine, but activist group the Drug User Liberation Front has repeatedly handed out free cocaine, heroin and meth, as part of safe supply protests in Vancouver.

Source: 2 Drug Companies Can Legally Start Selling Cocaine, Heroin, and MDMA


They are gearing up to sell cocaine to your kids. This is just the tip of the iceberg that marijuana protestors warned everyone about.

You know within 10 years they'll be legally selling cocaine at some level, or legislation will start making it's way into the governments around the world to start selling currently illegal drugs legally.

The one thing the war on drugs has shown is, drugs are profitable. And you can only ignore that much money for so long.

Holy Shit.

I don't see how anyone can say with a straight face that having these drugs out here to eventually be in the hands of consumers is a good idea. Just imagine people driving on MDMA. They seem to really want to kill us or the next generation of kids.

Wow, just wow.
Yeah - too much money in the system and now here we are. Hold on tight boys and girls it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Lets check in on the money supply

Let's take a look at the money supply first:


That pink arrow is where I estimate the Fed wants to get to in terms of the money supply (Money Supply - M1). Right now we are at about $18 trillion, we need to be at a little over $5 trillion.

Anyone with a logical brain will realize, you haven't even BEGUN to feel the pain.

I know a lot of you guys are in survival mode... but this ride is not over for another 2-4 YEARS. Not months, years.

Let's check in on some consumers:

Dude is quoting 75% inflation on the food his store used to buy from this wholesaler.

You know the crazy part of that flour, that looks like pizza dough flour. When I was flipping pizzas they sent me one-time on an errand to buy 3 bags of them cause our distributor was late and we needed to make dough fast. They were $2.99 back then. I remember the price distinctly because they only gave me $20 for all the supplies we needed.

Well, to say you guys are fuuuuked is an understatement.

Let's check in on Black Friday:

The retailers can tell whatever story they want, if there was a 5% increase in revenue spend this Black Friday, yet consumer product prices are up 20-75%, that's generally means people bought a lot less. A LOT LESS. A LOT QUIETER.

Go to your malls and stores right now. I guarantee that it will feel not as packed as previous holidays.

Let's check on employees:


Sleep in cars because they can't afford rent - that's normally called homeless.

People need to get back to getting married younger and stop doing all this independent shit. The United States nor the world were not made for single people to thrive. It's always been about family units.

Let's check in on your borders:

I don't care what side you're on, but that's a lot of motherfuckers... And that's just in a single day. Nobody can look at the above people coming into the country and think we can overall afford this. Look at New York and Chicago crying they don't have enough money now that they have to deal with illegals.

We didn't even get to the aliens yet, or even Covid-23.


I know that when I started this thread, a lot of people called me Dr. Doom. I was promoting fear...

Well, here we are.

And in the next 2-4 years, it's only going to get worse, if you don't start hustling like there is no tomorrow, because for a lot of you there will be no tomorrow.

I saw that kid Andrew Tate, said something along the lines of "you got to get your shit together, you don't want to be worried about whether you can afford bread in the next 5-10 years."

The way this shit is going, a lot of these motherfuckers can't afford bread NOW!

There is still a lot to report, we haven't even talked about the Dutch and the farmers winning the election, potentially looking at a NEXIT - Netherlands leaving the EU.

The pendulum is swing the other way, hard times are upon us.

Yall got to get yall shit together. I got to get out of here and go fill out an application at McDonalds.
Love your posts bro, good shit. Do the Aliens need our semi conductors too? lol, jk. I seen that TIm Burchett guy getting all "dadgum" pissed off the other day. Has been interesting to follow.

- Dead corpse
Enjoy these CCarter's posts too.

Seriously don't know how these folks making $15-20/hr are doing it.. EVEN living with parents or cramming 12 families into one apartment. LOL @ employers paying $16/hr and patting themselves on the back for paying above the minimum wage... (Real life convo from a boomer CEO of a $50M company) Meanwhile McDonald's near me is starting at $20/hr, and the grocery store @ $24/hr to stock shelves.

We haven't even seen the worst of it.

I think a lot of the "inflation" were seeing right now is just corporate greed. Beer cheese used to be $2.99 at the grocery store, now it's $8.99. Meanwhile at another store it's still $3.99. Some of these big companies are going ham. The real inflation hasn't even hit yet LOL. Peasants are in trouble.
The worst is that this could all be over tomorrow. It's all political.
I got to get out of here and go fill out an application at McDonalds.

Well, looks like I won't even be able to do that:

When I tell you guys that you need to hustle TODAY like there is no tomorrow, it's cause the tomorrow isn't going to be like it used to be.

The car factories that used to have 10,000 people are now automated and employ 100 to maintain the robots. That transition happened in the 1960s and 70s. That was 50-60 years ago. Technology will continue displacing people - but it will create new opportunities.

If you aren't doing something that requires you to use your brain power versus physical labor - you're going to be right in the soup line.
Interesting times ahead.

I like to entertain the idea of the next evolution of movies (disregarding the impact this will have on video content creation in general and even Hollywood). Imagine an evolution where studios generate big movies but AI allows you to insert you and your friends into it with your faces, bodies, voices instead. And then another step would be VR movies where it's first person and you get to be the star, possibly interacting with the environments and making decisions, and it's those key decisions that move the plot line forward.