Personality Types Among Builders...

Haven't seen any defenders here yet

I've done this a year ago, but I couldn't remember my results.
It'd be interesting to give this test to all of the Guru types in IM out there.

I'm INTP. Not sure about the A/T thing they've added. I'd guess A from reading the pics.
INTJ-A -- took it years ago and got ENTJ. I've become more reclusive over the years, and have less patience for people than I did at ~21.
INTJ-A -- took it years ago and got ENTJ. I've become more reclusive over the years, and have less patience for people than I did at ~21.

Can relate to this. I find my personality has changed as well.

Finally got around to doing this - it's pretty accurate :smile:

So now what


Edit: Well now I know why I'm frustrated
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Although in the past I did the test and the result was "INTP", I've repeated it now and this has been the result:


I've done it several times and the result is the same.
I guess I'm also a part of the INTJ club. This is the 4th time I've done it and I've got this one each time. Should really look into what it says this time. :confused:
yeah, we cleaning up now.

go 25% down this post, and start connecting the dots on your life now

I always thought core values and things like the thread above wouldn’t be very useful because “fuckit I can just grind”. But after taking this test and seeing that you mentioned web design as something an intj would be good at (I think web design is my passion tbh) I’m going to just take the time to do these things.

I really don’t feel like I’m on the right path at the moment so hopefully this will give me some clarity
Interesting that I've changed from INTJ -> INFP in the 10 years since I last took the test.

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I also agree with CCarter, that site is beautifully done.
Guess they are trying to sell their "premium profile".

I thought including fictional characters was an extremely well done tactic.

Neo, Gandalf, whoever... grab the crowd.

At the bottom of their sales page...

Let's round that to 100 million for easy calc

Let's say they convert ... 0.5% ..

That would be 500'000 customers

at 32.99 for a report - I'll just round it to 33

so we have 16.5 million in revenue. (With all the rounding I did... we'll assume 15 million)

And this is so well done, I am almost buying one myself.
I think the INTJ crowd just dominated up in here
I've done a bunch of these and always seem to get INTJ, INTP, or ESTJ. I guess my mood dictates how I answer on any given day.

But today... I am an:
I've done a bunch of these and always seem to get INTJ, INTP, or ESTJ. I guess my mood dictates how I answer on any given day.

But today... I am an:

Yeah, this is why I stress in my other posts to do this tests a lot and spread it over some time period.

For most people:
  • Doing this test several times in 1-2 days - get the same results mostly
  • Doing this test several times over a few years - get different results mostly ( as you mature, you can change )
  • Doing this test several times over several days/weeks of rest - what comes up the most ( can be different ) is more than likely your true profile.

It's also why I push the Enneagram test with the MB test too ( done at same times ). Enneagram shows you a different side and can help confirm. The "wing" score can help show you why sometimes you score differently on these test too.

A lot of INTJs on the MB tests will score a 1 or 5 on the Enneagram which will go a bit deeper into your "who" and "whys" that make up yourself. When you add the "wing" score too, you start to see why you might get ESTJ sometimes with your INTJ score.

Personally, I'm an INTJ-T, 5w4 sx.

I get why I'm very analytical, but extremely creative. I get why I can be moody and emotional even as an INTJ. There is a paradox here, but I can see why and who now.

But at the same time, I can now see how to overcome a lot of my obstacles and I now know "thresholds" for when I'm at my best, and when I am at my worst. It's almost a built in weather gauge.
I've taken the test again, and I've tried to answer as honestly as possible to all the questions, stopping even in some to try to give the most correct answer possible.

The result is very similar to the previous ones:


From what I see in the "Judging" and "Prospecting" sections, my result is INTJ, but it could perfectly well be INTP.

Any way to see which fit better or I could be a "mix" between both?