Who's going in on CryptoCurrencies? XRP - Bitcoin

Yet it will keep repeating until either we learn or go extinct.

Yet people act like its something new under the sun

Crypto will not stop. People are crazy to think it would.

These death are probably part of a bigger plot............ you know............ "above your Pay grade" events, like Jeffrey Epstein's case

If you think all these companies and governments with hundreds of billions of dollars now invested in tech , education programs, etc are goig to let crypto fall, you're making a bad observation

I believe I said this here.. 3-4 years ago....

We're seeing a the power of family dynasties with international rule be challenged by this in our lifetime

Institutional money is set up to have the ability to regulate and then buy in either late January or Early February.

The last Giant bull run on Bitcoin.. will happen here Im betting

And..... prices will be floored at some point in the next 30 days. Maybe 1 more large event . A major exchange gets taken out to create the FUD.

After that, then comes the savior...........

And allt hose left watching will be buying during the run, not before the run.......
After that, then comes the savior

And on the 3rd day he will rise, as it is written, it shall be:


Savior... I know this is a troll, but if you motherfuckers are waiting on a crypto/buttcoin savior:

But the stock market is down too
Car market tanked from the crazy highs
And housing... market.. guess what

It's in recession too

But I guess nobody's going to 'hate' it so.....no comments on that. Its a recession.

You guys doubted my first post on cryptos , how long ago was that? how much did everyone who used that advice make?

Same will happen here. Lets just watch.
You guys doubted my first post on cryptos , how long ago was that? how much did everyone who used that advice make?

You mean like your recommendation for Zap? The one you recommended here on August 15, 2020 when it was around $0.19, let's look at the chart (direct link: Zap Chart):


From $0.19 to 3/10ths of a single penny. Anyone that took your recommendation is probably:

I never recommended ZAP. That was your own post you linked to

And if you notice, right after that I said to "Swing Trade" or be in and out to absorb profits.

You're showing a 4 year chart and laughing as if it means something

You also could have made a million on ZAP if you traded the right time

you're not winning the argument unless you show a fall off with no regression

My winning picks were XRP, SHIB, CasinoCoin, ETH...................

if you read the post just before you made that post .. I was talking about XRP nonstop b/c I knew they would rise again. Compare price of that date to today.
What are the support/resistance levels for the coins any of you are trading? What does the volume profile look like for the past 2 weeks? Don't show me a line chart, that's investor shit, show me some levels on a candlestick chart (Heiken-Ashi is fine) and where you think there are breakouts. Show me on the chart WHY. No more guessing what's going to be hot in a year for now or in time for our kids to enjoy it, let's talk technical analysis here. Pick something and let's work out the next moves using the chart FIRST, then backing that up with fundamental catalysts and shit like that. I feel like this room is 90% investors by the talk and if that's the case, good luck with the falling knives :(
I never recommended ZAP.

I never recommended ZAP.

I never recommended ZAP.


(Direct Link)


I never recommended ZAP.


Let the "word play" games begin:


suggesting "look into it" as another member recommended does not mean I recommended it

I specified who mentioned it at that time to differentiate that........ weird you dont see that.

To actually separate who gave information on it.

Now lets take look at how the price went since then? Did it increase from that point or no?
I'm staying in ETH and applications in that ecosystem. I've just been DCA consolidating my favorite dapp. Next year will be exciting for layer 2's and specifically zero knowledge. I've been testing and doing small trades with zkSync for over a year. They do not have a coin yet, but there will be an airdrop. They have $458 million in backing, and it looks solid. They are up against other players in the race for zk layer2, like Polygon. The only recommendations I will give that can be copy pasted is ETH and if your tech-savvy use the testnets available in zkSync to be apart of the snapshot for the airdrop. I look forward to crypto talk next year here.
I'm staying in ETH and applications in that ecosystem. I've just been DCA consolidating my favorite dapp. Next year will be exciting for layer 2's and specifically zero knowledge. I've been testing and doing small trades with zkSync for over a year. They do not have a coin yet, but there will be an airdrop. They have $458 million in backing, and it looks solid. They are up against other players in the race for zk layer2, like Polygon. The only recommendations I will give that can be copy pasted is ETH and if your tech-savvy use the testnets available in zkSync to be apart of the snapshot for the airdrop. I look forward to crypto talk next year here.

ETH may not make it until February 2023 without a big case, though I hope not

It's likely ETH or Binance or Coinbase will be used to make the next big market shake

I've never really hooked into ETH , though I've seen the buzz.
Whats your take on the February Bull?
I'm not really following crypto much as my focus now is on Blue Chip Stocks and certain stocks in the Cannabis Industry (AMZN, PYPL, AAPL, AMD, etc). Here are some levels I have with BTC. Most of those purple lines are levels I was trading months ago but as you can see, prices really aren't random.

BTC needs to break resistance at 18k with good volume to break past that. You can see the strong rejection there, it's the sellers and algo. If there's too much volume pressure, you'll also see shit start disappearing as some of it gets routed to dark pool. Look at the volume on the left of the chart. It needs to look like that on the buy side to break 18 so what I do is look at the orders and see what's on the book. The price goes up till it hits sellers when market makers are ready to take it that high then they whipsaw the price to shake out the weak hands and rest of the sellers. That creates the FOMO and "could this be the BIG RUN?" stuff that will also keep people trapped at that high price no matter what so you'll have some that get emotional and "have faith" in the coin/token/ticker. Those people don't really use charts that much, they trade on news. rumors and alerts when they should probably look for confirmation on the chart first. Then it's time to take it back down to support to find buyers and rinse/repeat. You can see this on the chart when price starts consolidating and kind of barcoding but there is heavy volume. That's where a lot of accumulation/distribution happens.

If not enough buyers/volume pressure to break the level, it falls back to support where there are buyers again. I don't really follow the news. Volume precedes price in almost every situation and I'm only going to look for news if I see something on the chart that looks like a real move. A pump will look like a knife up on super high volume then the volume dries up but the price continues to move higher. That there is my signal the move is fake and to get out because it's a bull trap cause the mm need to have sellers to come back to. With things as crazy as they are, the only sensible move for me is to keep stop losses tight and position size small. I've seen too many people getting destroyed because they are buying into rumors/news. For me, what I look for is a previous level of support and I wait till price heads down there. Once it's close to that level, I get an alert and I can decide what I want to do. If I start seeing a sharp retrace, I take a small entry and hedge it up. I don't take a trade without a stop if I can help it. At any rate, those are my kind of scattered thoughts on it and trading in general. Seems to work for me, haha.
With things as crazy as they are, the only sensible move for me is to keep stop losses tight and position size small. I've seen too many people getting destroyed because they are buying into rumors/news.

Excellent analysis. Ever considered writing for a blog?
I do trust news sometimes but only from certain source with a prove track history of accuracy
I regurgitate this information on my site and sometimes here.

My biggest wins are mountains high compared to losses. I always pay attention for 'falling trends' when I have money in action
Excellent analysis. Ever considered writing for a blog?
Thanks but, nah that's really not my thing and I'd rather just share ideas in small bits at a time. Also, I wouldn't consider myself an expert by any stretch but I do feel like I'm on to something as far as style goes. Most of my initial trading knowledge came from a friend I used to game with back in 2011 or so that retired at age 30 from day trading. He turned me on to Volume Price Analysis and lead me to my "Volume IS THE UNIVERSE" approach that I'm still building. I used to study all the candlestick patterns, indicators and techniques but the reality of it all is, all those things work only because actual humans are looking at them and reacting to them or they are coding algos (more common) that use those same indicators. 90% of trading is psychology.

For instance, here's a strategy that works pretty good on penny tickers. Find something up over 20% or so premarket and look at the chart. Always use a volume profile on your charts, this is your secret sauce to reveal the levels if you roll it back to about a month. You want to see volume that doesn't match the price increase. Like a small bodied candle making a big increase on the chart. This is market makers taking off the iceberg orders and letting things run and it's potentially dangerous cause it's the start of a trap. It's pump/dump fuel. Now look for news, ONLY cause you saw nice volume, never before. Is the news anything significant or just some happy story that may cause a bit of investor interest? If it's kind of "meh" news, this is good for you. Now check out brokerage comments. Are they hyping up some kind of rumor that you just can't find anywhere or do they seem to have unrealistic expectations of price. Good, let the thing build at this high price. Take a look at RSI, you're looking for about 70+ indicating severely overbought. Let that thing inflate, it has about 80% chance of breaking down and mean reverting back to the price it came from. It's not "gambling" at this point with coin toss odds to consider a trade.

What you're looking for are things like sudden consolidation (sideways movement) and candle bodies starting to get small but with lots of volume. Dojis are likely here and also string tipoffs of a breakdown and traders gauging intent. The side to side consolidation point is like a diving board for a short sell. This is where you're going to set up your short, right at this level that is showing signs it can't break through. At the first sign of a breakdown under the bottom of the consolidation, take a small starter position and set stop loss about 7-12 cents or so above the level it's struggling with. That's your protection to keep you from getting wrecked. If you're right, the breakdown will be pretty fast and continue. Target the next lower support or POC (Point of control) on the volume profile. As the price falls, add to your short and also move the stop to secure profits and also take some profits off the table by covering incrementally. Always consider sacrificing a bit of profit for a TON of confirmation, you'll still do well and it's just a cost of business. I target about 3% a trade and I don't really get greedy. Hope some of this helps or someone can use part of it. It seems to work pretty well for me on the short side and if you reverse the whole thing, it's basically what I do on the long side as well. I'm always trying to read the markets and levels while more traders are reading news. Emotion is the enemy and charts have none.
Looking for retrace on BTC to downside around or before 21.5. Breakout from 21.5 would be great but not likely with current volume. Currently consolidating at 20.8, trying to break 21. If not enough volume to break, looking for sharp drop right back towards 19.3 IMO.
I've got a news report to develop about 'smart money' coming in.

I think this is could be a 'fake bull' before a real bull comes in but this could be a real bull.... so confusing. Glad you're here @SmokeTree to provide the stats analysis.

My report comes from a stats analyst alongside regulatory news on smart money that's not published on most major sites

I expected after the 15th but the prices right now make it hard to tell if the analyst who first gave a public report on this will be 100% right

1 Big event was expected this month to shake the market but maybe.... it wasn't necessary.... we'll see. If it drops suddenly due to some big gov't involved fiasco, i'm going in on SHIB and BTC at bottom

What is sure, smart money was getting their licensing together to set up for trading this month
Still trying to break 21k. Remember that chart I posted and I said that the volume needed to look like it did on the upside to recover from that big drop that happened at 21.5? You can see now that the volume currently is enough to take the price back to 21.5 but 21.5 is a super high resistance level and it's struggling to break it. It's right there on the chart showing you price is really "NOT" random. This is what I watch. News is a distraction and fizzles out or is completely bogus most of the time, meanwhile the chart tells me the truth most every time, including the bull traps we may be seeing currently. I've got some pretty strict rules when it comes to trading and they come from the many mistakes I've made and my continued learning and growth as a trader.

I never buy just because some "analyst" or hedge company says it's a good idea. Why? Because the big money, the "smart money" is just that, "SMART". They MAKE the moves that cause the news, not the other way around. I'm not trading crypto at the moment as I'm focusing on Blue Chip Stocks and and some stocks in the cannabis industry but if I were to trade BTC, here would be my thinking on it.


So now we have the buyers stepping in here on the right and trying to break 21.5. In order to do that, first the wall of sellers needs to be eaten up then the real money, the "smart" money, the Market Makers need to actually "allow" this to run. How do they prevent it? With things like iceberg orders where they just set out chunks of smaller orders that never seem to go away. The walls look small but they never seem to break. if I were to trade a breakout, I'm sure as hell not going to buy now... The buyers are chipping at the ice here at 21.5 and falling back like a magnet, why? It's what the market makers want and there isn't enough "regular people" volume to break that, period.

All these people watching the news that told them some "big move" is supposed to happen are getting excited. That FOMO is starting to kick in. People that are going in at this high of a level tend to either be one of two types. They are gamblers or they are trading with emotions because there's nothing on the chart that says "BUY THIS NOW". Either way they think "this is it, this is my moment". Another reason I don't like news. News literally is designed to provoke emotional responses, it's the highest form of marketing. I'd be "falling for my own landing page" if I bought into that hype most of the time. You have to ask yourself why smart money is so "smart".

In order to have a healthy breakout, there needs to be a "floor" of buyers set up at the breakout level after all the sell wall is eaten away. Right now there are too many sellers to break 21k and the market makers will absorb the excess to hold the price at or under till enough support is build that it would take a lot of DOWNSIDE VOLUME to break it. Once the price were to break 21.5, it needs those buyers that bought at that level because they are now potential sellers wanting to break even if panic strikes and it normally doesn't take much. There are also buyers that are more on the cautious side and will stop stops right under 21.5. If this shows up on the book and is not a "conditional/triggered order", the market makers just see that and take the price low enough to trigger those. If there's not enough volume overall to break well past the level and continue, the market makers will shake trees then take the price back down to previous level of support where that whole process happened there.

With this chart, I'd only consider an entry on the long side once the price were to break to about 21.7, fall back to 21.5, which would then "hopefully" now be SUPPORT and then start to climb again. THAT is the point I'd take an starter position and only when the price got back to 21.6. I need the confirmation before I trade. I need to know the move is real and not a bull trap, which I think this likely is right now is to trap buyers at the high level cause mm need them to come back to or there is simply NO INTEREST or REASON in taking the price higher.

Now on the other side, if this thing breaks down, which it does appear to be, this is a prime candidate for a short sell back to about 18k or so. Market makers and the smart money are playing both directions, it really doesn't matter which direction the price is in. This right here is what most people don't understand and why they think the world is doomed every time there is a huge move to the downside that ALMOST ALWAYS RECOVERS because it's part of the game THEY THEMSELVES are admitting they are being played by whether they know it or not. Market makers are LOVING this shit when the price falls, why in the hell else would they do it?

It's the same game every time and once you really see it, the chart becomes a super powerful tool. This is why when I see people posting line charts almost exclusively, I know they are long term investors mostly and not really traders because even the long term swing traders I know and respect use candles or other form of chart that shows not just "up/down" but range. Volume, range the book and level 2 are really all that's needed to survive.

At any rate, hope some of this rambling helps or even makes sense. Been in the cannabis industry for a minute now and I get plenty of nice "goodies" from clients (growers, dispensary owners) so I may just be some stoner hippie talking shit, haha. BTW, next major level on the upside is 23.4...
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All these people watching the news that told them some "big move" is supposed to happen are getting excited. That FOMO is starting to kick in.

It's not what they say

There's groups paying attention to their filings being done silently
There's groups paying attention to their filings being done silently
That "insider information" works about as well as "Top secrets Google doesn't want you to know" though. There are a billion of these groups that claim to know something others don't or doing things we were in the SEO field like watching Google patents, best to just trade what you see on the chart. The chart will show something before whatever news breaks and I'll react to that. News is a highly lagging indicator. BTC still consolidating at 21k. Looks like some kind of big move is about to happen. If there's a big bull run, this thing is going to break way past 22k on high volume pressure, chart is not showing that. If it's a trap, it's going to do what I'm thinking and mean revert and things could be setting up right now for that. If I was trading this, I'd set 2 alerts and call it a day, one past 21.5k and one below 20k.
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Currently trying to break 21k again. MAY have the volume to do it but if not, price will snap back like a rubber band. 21.5 is the real resistance level though and that one is a super strong rejection point.
@SmokeTree, It's not insider information. It's just people keeping up with legal filings. It's public information that most would not spend time to look up.
Here's a great news write up on the Fidelity Investments story I spoke on

They have Trademark filings for a Crypto-Exchange; Their total value in assets (9x the current cryptomarket value) and more -

Crypto Market value today = $1.1T (flucuates)
Fidelity Assets = $9.6T (hard.; some believe it's more)

News can help you make an educated decision but it has to be paired with the charts to understand when things will happen
Let's see if it's enough to pull BTC under 15.5k. If it can't, BTC will survive. If it can, I'll look at the volume then and see how weak/strong it is. BTC rejected at 21.5k, no surprise there, volume said that. If it can't hold 21k, it'll head towards 19.3k and I'll most likely see that on the chart before any news source breaks it. I'm looking for the levels, not the edge cases that MAY break them and if they do, I've got alerts that catch that and sometimes conditional trades set up to buy/sell if volume/price pressure and other things look a certain way. BTC currently back in consolidation around 21k, either gassing up to try to break 21.5 or much more likely to run out of gas and head back down.