What was the last movie you watched? How was it?

Sep 17, 2014
I just watched the newest Darren Aronofsky movie, Mother! I really liked The Fountain, Pi, Black Swan, and Noah. The weird gnostic ones are the best, but The Wrestler and Requiem for a Dream were good too.


I really enjoyed it. The entire time I was thinking "I have no clue what this movie is about, but I like it." It is the epitome of uncomfortable frustration.

When it was over, I tried to interpret it and came to my own conclusion like this:
I initially thought the movie was about (and I still think this is valid since the movie is definitely layered in symbolism) the damage that occurs in a narcissistic home. The husband was all about himself and his work, belittled his wife who supplicated to him, couldn't get enough adoration from strangers, and apparently had a series of trophy wives. This narcissism creates absolute chaos in the home.

That's what I thought at first and I think it's still legitimate, but then the internet showed me another layer that I missed completely, which is sad because I'm supposed to be good at this since I claim to like the movies:
The poet was God the Father and the wife was Mother Nature. The dude that shows up is Adam, and his wife that appears later and is a complete temptress is Eve. Then their children show up and enact the Cain and Abel story, arguing over birthright and ending in murder. Eventually God and Mother Nature produce a child (Christ allegory), and all of the people tear it apart, worship it, and cannibalize it (the eucharist). We blow through wars, cults, home invasions, lack of privacy, and it all burns to the ground, then God destroys it all and starts over, like the Flood, etc.

You can see, if you spoiled this for yourself, how complex this guys movies are. It's not an artsy flick, none of them are, but they're definitely "thinkers" that take some unfolding and unpacking.

What did you last watch?

I'm finishing up Logan on HBO Now, the 3rd Wolverine movie. Fox does it way different than Marvel, with the realistic hyper-violence.
In a few hours I'll say Star Wars: The Last Jedi

So I'll come back later with a review..
Hmmm,. oh yes, I rewatched 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi the other day, enjoyed it a lot 2nd time round too.
In a few hours I'll say Star Wars: The Last Jedi

So I'll come back later with a review..

My review:
Amazing movie.

Ignoring the spoiler that I got from an edgy kid from reddit, it was amazing, full of surprises and great great storytelling.

BTW, avoid r/ImGoingToHellForThis at all cost if you don't want to see big spoilers.
I watched 1922 last night:


For being a Stephen King story, it was pretty weak. I don't know the background but if I had to guess this was pulled from one of his anthologies of short stories, because it was weak on substance and pay off.

It had fantastic acting, high production value, great sets and costumes... but the story itself was about as generic and weak as you could hope for.

It's not a bad movie to play in the background as you work on other things, but if you sit down to fully absorb a movie, this one will disappoint you in the end.
Tried El Chapo on netflix

it is shite... do not watch
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Hmmm,. oh yes, I rewatched 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi the other day, enjoyed it a lot 2nd time round too.

Giving this a watch tonight...

Noticed it had an actor from "The Office" as a combat veteran.. :neutral:
Haven't watched any hollywood shit for as long as I can remember. Literally can't remember what the last one was. Hollywood has slipped so far since the days of Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark, not interested.

Saw the live Ghost in the Shell on a plane, was pretty good, wouldn't call it Hollywood because it had Beat Takeshi being a badass in the Japanese style.

Also saw an anime called "Your name" I think, a recent one (君の名は). Guy who made that is just operating on a different level to other creatives/artists. Fucking hardcore conceptual pressure.

Side note: I wouldn't watch any Jennifer Lawrence "watch lingering close ups of my serious symmetrical face" fucking garbage if you paid me. And read my journal: I need the money.
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I watched Downsizing with Matt Damon a few days back and it's the worst movie I've seen in many years. The plot was thin and while it was supposed to be a comedy it was difficult to tell..
Watched "The Last Jedi" last night and as a die-hard Star Wars fan, I left feeling quite disappointed. Forced dialog (not a pun!) and quite a few plot holes too...
I've been plowing through the Harry Potter movies on HBO Now. I never saw them, was born way too early for it to be appealing. It's been interesting. I'm on #4, and each one is better than the previous and more mature, since I guess the crowd she was writing for was growing up through the years and she had to pivot her style. That's a pretty incredible feat for an author to pull off, as well as for the movie makers.
Just rewatched Barry Lyndon which was directed by Kubrick back in the 70s. Although it's one of his best films, it's one of his least talked about. And that's a damn shame.

This is the film where he had to borrow a NASA lens to install on his camera just so he could film night scenes in nothing but candlelight...something you can't even do now with today's cameras.

The movie itself is beautifully shot and what I found so cool was that he'd open a scene with the characters in the background completely still, as if you're looking at a painting.

There's also a really epic story to this film and while the movie is long, none of the scenes are boring.

I urge everyone to Netflix this one.
Recommend Korean/Japanese films?

Madadayo by Akira Kurosawa.


It's his 30th and final film. It's very simple on the surface but unbelievably lofty if you take the time to analyze what's going on.

In general, it's about a real life professor who taught students German before WW2 popped off. You see the impact he makes on their lives, you see the war, you see the after effects of the war, and how much the students continue to honor this guy's life. There's a birthday party for him at one point that seems to go on forever and just becomes more absurd and outlandish as it goes on.

The title comes from them chanting (which comes from a legend) "Mo ii kai?" and his response "Mada dayo!" Which basically means "Are you ready? Not yet!" The legend and the movie is about this professor's life and him playing hide and seek with death, telling death that he's not yet ready to move on.

Here's some of the shenanigans they get into at the birthday party:



It's a masterpiece.
Recommend Korean/Japanese films?

Oldboy - don't watch it dubbed, though.

I ran into it again on Netflix a few years ago and they only had the dubbed version; I didn't last ten minutes.
Yeah, I watched Oldboy and a bunch of others. I generally don't like the torture porn genre though.
queen of the south
young sheldon #spinoff of how i met your mother

The Lobster (2015) #if you are interested in intrigue & a little confusion
I'm into really good horror.

Can't remember the last movie I watched, but I seen previews for A Quite Place and can't wait for that to hit the theatres.
I'm into really good horror.

Can't remember the last movie I watched, but I seen previews for A Quite Place and can't wait for that to hit the theatres.

Yeah, that looks great. There's another one coming that's more scifi but still seems to have horror elements.

It's called Annihilation and here's the trailer:

Same person who did Ex-Machina, so you know it'll be intellectual and challenging, but well produced and directed.
I'm into really good horror.

Can't remember the last movie I watched, but I seen previews for A Quite Place and can't wait for that to hit the theatres.

I watched a new one last night called The Ritual that you'd like. Has the same feel as A Quiet Place in terms of location and aesthetic.


If you like that, you'll definitely like one of my favorites along this same line called The Shrine.


They both deal with stuff like being in the woods, old gods and cults, psychology of the characters, etc.