What are Your Favorite Writing Tools? (AI, Optimization, Etc.)

May 15, 2024
I am wondering which writing tools you guys use these days?

I regularly use Frase, Neuronwriter and Strell. Sometimes Textmetrics, Contentpace, Writerzen and Writesonic but those are not as good.

I hear people use Agilitywriter with Quillbot to get pretty good results with AI-generated content as well, which can (not) be detected?
I've been writing professionally for 5 years and I haven't used anything other than Google Docs or MS Word - maybe Grammarly when I can't be bothered to proofread.

Once you've read a bunch of stuff, got the writing techniques down, and have experimented with a bunch of different formats - good writing comes to you naturally.

At the end of the day, critical thinking skills, analytical skills, research skills, presentation skills and creativity is all you need to develop effective writing.

On the flip side, there was a time when I was expected to write 4+ content pieces in a day which was humanly impossible for me. For that, I used chatGPT (free version) and dropped that into Hix AI Bypass which seems to remove AI.

Two caveats tho: 1) My prompts in chatGPT alone used to be of 200+ words with constant refining; so you can't just say "write a 500-word blog post on [topic]" and expect a good output. I also used to feed it external sources for a better output, so you still need research skills to prompt an AI. 2) "Tools" that "spin" your content to "remove" AI detection are mostly bs. They try to add some artificial personality and basically dumb down the content to make it seem as if it was written by a human - as us mortal beings cannot surpass the superior intelligence of an AI that doesn't make spelling mistakes and uses transition words in their intended way.

A principal I follow for every tool I use: Don't use a tool for something you are not yourself skilled at. Grammarly was out and popular for 2 years since I started writing but I never touched it despite the writers in my circle using it in their day-to-day. I used to proofread every single article I wrote 2-3 times myself and revise everything myself. I do everything manually until it hurts before I tech-bro my way out of it. This way you're always in control of the new and emerging tech and don't use it as a crutch

If you're too reliant on tools, don't be disappointed once you suffer a roadblock and have no idea what to do...

I've been working on coding my own research/writing agent - I know everyone raves about perplexity but I find it to be garbage. Obviously mine is way slower and burns way more credits but I've been managing to get pretty decent long articles out of it with cited sources that I actually like etc. Lots more work to do but... that's the fun right.
I think AI writers were needed moreso when the game first started but now that everyone has api access you're better off making your own writing assistant. Especially since you have the ability to fine tune your models as well as incorporate it into automations.