Talk me off the Wordpress theme bloat ledge!

This is my site's speed (99% done) seating on WP with BUSO lightening theme (Thank you @Ryuzaki and all!)


This is not a home page, it's blog page with a few test posts published. Also, images are not optimised yet and a few other things need to be done. It seats on a test host which is VERY slow...

I need to turn on just two more major plugins that will help me with funnels etc. so it will get slower by around 300/500ms, but once I will get all clean and tidy it should stay around 500/600ms I think.

Ultimately I will be moving to Grav flat file, but for now I want to start this site asap, so I must be happy with what I got at the moment. Anyway, I need to be faster than at least 99% of sites out there, if I'm not that makes me one of 98% of losers...

It pays off to have a fast website, no discussion about that Google or not Google, just half sec delay can kill our wallets.

Great responses guys, thanks! For the reasons mentioned above, it thinks it's best I stick with Wordpress but ditch the avada theme.

Alright so are there any themes for Wordpress you guys recommend off hand that give decent functionality but are still fairly lean? I did some research, and most of the top selling themes on themeforest and other marketplaces are all multipurpose pigs.

There are some themes supposedly built around speed (like the swift theme) but look like shit out of the box for the most part. I also see another camp of troops who are ditching fancy themes and using this visual composer and the like front end editing plugins. I'd imagine in the end that wouldn't be much better, although at least you could optimize the way the plugin renders itself and switch out themes without content changes I'd assume.

Goodlayers seems to be getting more toward a compromise... Not quite as much bullshit, but still a ton of stuff I'll never use.
You have it here, it's called BuSo Lightening WP theme, it's fast, lean and really easy to customize. Also, don't be scared to use Firebug plugin while customizing your site. It's awesome plugin really.
Here is a very nice tut for people who don't want to use SEO plugins like Yoast or Allinone to save some speed (and to have nice and clean WP dashboard).

Plus this and you are good to go IMO.

BTW, I have separate header for homepage, and separate for the rest so setup in your case might be a bit different, but overall it does what it says. Works just fine. Also, maybe this tut is outdated in terms of SEO (regarding descriptions), but besides that it's OK.

P.S If you are doing this with BuSo Lightening theme comment out TITLE tag in the header or just delete it, otherwise you will have two title tags which is not cool. I believe it's because buso theme was created before WP decided to implement title tag as a standard.
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