So this happened today while on a cruise checking out the crops... Lol


War Mongering.
BuSo Pro
Jun 20, 2018
Holy cow right now, the grasshoppa is real outside. I went for a cruise, wearing shorts, I felt something up my leg moving and go to check while I'm driving slow, lifting up my short pant leg and there is a grasshoppa chilling on my boxer briefs moving up my leg... I screamed like a girl, slammed on the breaks, entered "NOPE!" mode and Kung fu'd that thing off of me. After chasing it jumping around in the cab for a few minutes I finally caught it and threw it out the window, Haha, those things give me the heebee jeebees!! Drive safe out there if u have your window down, still don't know how that lil fucker got there lol.

Farm life... :D
I'm glad you're ok hah. I thought you were on a cruise ship from the title, would be strange to have that happen out there.

Made me think of this

lol where are you farming?

i was thinking of doing this
My family farms around 4300 acres, small grains. Wheat, barly, canola, flax, and some soybeans. We are up in north dakota about 20 miles from Canadian border. Was out on a country cruise, is a great view.
My family farms around 4300 acres, small grains. Wheat, barly, canola, flax, and some soybeans. We are up in north dakota about 20 miles from Canadian border. Was out on a country cruise, is a great view.

I drove from Denver to SLC one time and saw all the beautiful fields of the great wildernes out your way. I also saw a wolf walking the side of the highway. Must feel great to be out there.

4300 acres is nuts though (no pun)... I was thinking of buying farmland in Central GA. if Marijuana legalizes, i expect all that land price to skyrocket . It will be the hub of the southeast for mJ
I think for medical and rec you gotta grow indoors or in a controlled environment, not sure, it wld be sweet. M not sure how it works.

I love going on cruises up here, is pretty cool, sip on some beers, get goofy, see all kinds of wildlife usually, and take in a good sunset.

If u have allegies it can suck, harvest and different shit in air messes with ya, I have to take allergy stuff for it.

Relaxing times usually going on a cruise.