I need 9.

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This sounds awesome and I can't wait to follow along.
Would have posted earlier and said I was in for this. Just too busy, but I can't wait to hear all about how this pans out.

For 'The 9' I'm sure you know how lucky you are and as you get into this you'll see you're luckier than you ever imagined. The first time I talked to Carter we talked for 10 minutes and I ended that convo with my brain buzzing like a nest of bees. He has this way of making you feel like anything is possible, and when you apply yourself it truly is.

I'm just left here wishing this opportunity had come up a couple of months ago when I was less involved in what I'm building now.

- RF
I have a couple questions; will these projects be starting from scratch, scratch? As in conceptual stage to //edit: market //research to building the sites and so on?

Preferably not from scratch scratch. It'll depend on how fast you can get content up on the site if it's that early in the game. Every site is going to be analyzed by me and I'll be making comments on the on-site elements which need to be changed, updated, or remove - we want to maximized the traffic for the call to actions once users get to the site. So if a site has a sloppy wordpress 2012 theme to is, I'm going to need that person to update a ton of work,

Hey CC, I'm in if you are after a different sort of niche. You know who I am and you can guess the site. Let me know bro.

Well be careful, cause if you are chosen and I think it is for the site I think you are talking about you'll be revealing your secret identity to the CC9.


We are going down the list of people who posted IN THIS THREAD that they have expressed they want in. If you are hanging around and haven't actually stated IN THIS THREAD - then please don't get offended when no one PMs you.

It's about following basic directions cause I'm going to be creating a ton of them for you at a macro level and individual level for your project. It's for my own sanity - mentoring 9+ people is difficult enough without having messages from all over the place coming in. If anyone continues messaging me on Skype regarding the CC9, please don't get offended when there is no response.

We've got the first set of vetting questions ready, and once @MetaData reviews things we'll start asking. When and if you get selected, you'll be instructed on what to do to confirm.

(P.S. yes you can still get consideration if you post in this thread you want in - until the 9+ are chosen, it's still anyone's game)
I'm not saying that if you invite a friend to throw their hat into the ring during the final moments of registration that you'll earn yourself special consideration, because that's probably not even true... But I will say that it definitely won't hurt your chances... like, at all.

I really want to emphasize that as long as the vetting process is still underway and the CC9 haven't all been chosen, it's not too late. You can still express interest up until the moment the final spot is filled... but obviously your chances are better if you get in before the spots start being announced.
Got an e-commerce project that would be perfect for this. It's in a competitive, but massive market with (I imagine) plenty of traffic leaking opportunities. Unfortunately I have no clue how to traffic leak properly as I only seen about 40 visitors for my trouble. In short: I want in.
Hey @CCarter I'll sack up and throw my hat into the ring for consideration - I think this could be the kick up the arse I need to get some traction behind my project.
Preferably not from scratch scratch. It'll depend on how fast you can get content up on the site if it's that early in the game. Every site is going to be analyzed by me and I'll be making comments on the on-site elements which need to be changed, updated, or remove - we want to maximized the traffic for the call to actions once users get to the site. So if a site has a sloppy wordpress 2012 theme to is, I'm going to need that person to update a ton of work

Okay thanks for the clarification, I only asked though, because you said extreme beginners are welcome. And I wasn't sure if you wanted everyone to start at one basic level, or if you wanted varying levels of "maturity", so to speak, for each project.
Okay thanks for the clarification, I only asked though, because you said extreme beginners are welcome. And I wasn't sure if you wanted everyone to start at one basic level, or if you wanted varying levels of "maturity", so to speak, for each project.

Yeah, you're right, I can see where the confusion came in. If you got a simple wordpress I'll show you what needs to be improved if you are a complete newbie. Obviously there is only so much I can do to point someone in the right direction - so the newbie will need a budget to hire people to develop the site or do the work themselves. I'd rather not spend time teaching people how to edit links and other stuff, they'll need that basic knowledge to implement.
Yeah, you're right, I can see where the confusion came in. If you got a simple wordpress I'll show you what needs to be improved if you are a complete newbie. Obviously there is only so much I can do to point someone in the right direction - so the newbie will need a budget to hire people to develop the site or do the work themselves. I'd rather not spend time teaching people how to edit links and other stuff, they'll need that basic knowledge to implement.

Makes sense! Well I guess in that case you're probably gonna wanna implement an incubation period of sorts, before the project officially kicks off, just to make sure everyone's projects are at an acceptable level and ready for the traffic to be thrown at them :D
Makes sense! Well I guess in that case you're probably gonna wanna implement an incubation period of sorts, before the project officially kicks off, just to make sure everyone's projects are at an acceptable level and ready for the traffic to be thrown at them :D

Yeah we thought about that - but we don't want to delay the whole group cause of one or two people need to get their situation straight. We might have people in the "reverse" so to speak, in case a couple of people drop or get booted so we'll still have a complete 9. We're working on a plan that I think will make sense once we see what people are working with.
Just in case someone decides to quit once they've been chosen and confirmed(!) that they are in, what will happen? Will you pick someone else to fill the spot or will you just roll with the rest of the guys?
Well be careful, cause if you are chosen and I think it is for the site I think you are talking about you'll be revealing your secret identity to the CC9.

I figure most people from Wickedfire already know anyway, although it did blow BlogHue's mind when he found out (inadvertantly) a few months ago... lol. I'd be very surprised if there were a whole lot of people that didn't know to be honest. :wink:

I have a two more projects like that one that need some work as well, so I can apply this to multiple sites. One of which, is more established than the other.

The only real issue I see with me being part of the nine is the time zone differences.
If it's possible for foreign languages sites, let me know. I can understand if you only want English based websites:smile:
Foreign languages sites are not limited - not even different timezones. We're going to be working off this forum and private group PMs, so there should be any problems with communication imo. It's your site, as long as you understand my instructions to you and how to convey it to your target audience, you should be more then fine.
Hi guys,

intriguing idea that motivated me to stop lurking and post here. The timing is probably perfect for me.

I'm averaging 80-100k profits a month with paid traffic, but that's where my problem is. I became fucking lazy and totally lost my motivation and drive. It's easy to oversleep, skip gym and procrastinate while the money is rolling it, but at the same time I know that it doesn't take much to entirely evaporate my income stream (this happened to me about a year ago). This year has been a very good one for me but I feel I'm trapped in my thinking patterns. I always thought that thinking outside of the box is my main strength but I'm a bit clueless right now where and how to get traffic outside of media buys.

My goal is to create an asset that is not dependant on Google or any display traffic. I've already set up my new community site and created good content. The idea behind this is:
  • to have a flow of non-paid and non-search traffic
  • to build a base of recurring visitors
  • to get visitors into new communication channels (Facebook page but primarily getting them into newsletters)
  • the ultimate goal is to find out what kind of problems my people have and to create a digital product for it
Please feel free to hit me up if you consider me, I'll definitely follow along.

This blows my mind. To see someone that is profiting so heavily from something I know little about, but for them to yearn to learn something I'm profiting from and know much about.

If you're down for a knowledge trade, i'm all ears.
This blows my mind. To see someone that is profiting so heavily from something I know little about, but for them to yearn to learn something I'm profiting from and know much about.

If you're down for a knowledge trade, i'm all ears.

Big Brand boners everywhere. I know I've got one
Hi CC, can you add me to the list of potentials. Thanks
Now that my pomodoro sessions for the day are done

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