Free Autoresponder Recommendation

Dec 5, 2014
Hey there,

I was hoping a few people here could shed some light on any good, free autoresponder / mailing list solutions?

I've found a few scripts and services but nothing that seems quite right. I'd like to be able to control as much of the system on my own server as possible, at the bare minimum the user database. Infinite Responder sounded great but I guess it's pretty outdated, and I'd be open to using a service like MailChimp if I absolutely had to but it looks like you can't set up a true autoresponder without a paid plan.

Any advice? Thanks in advance.
Thanks @lion1978, I've actually used listwire in the past but wasn't too thrilled with it.

Does anyone have any experience using Sendy?
There was a thread on here about Mautic - they have a hosted solution, but it's totally free (open source) to slap it on your own server and use as you see fit. It's more than an autoresponder too with a lot of nice marketing automation basics done well. I grabbed it last week and got it set up without any issues, just setting up all the automation now so we can fully make the move over to it from aweber.
Yep I looked into Mautic and got a little intimidated, I've never set up CRON tasks before.

Sendy sounded interesting because it's cheap and uses Amazon SES. It looks like my shared server has been blacklisted by at least one big spam mail site in the past, and even after enabling DK and SPF and improving my email content I'm still getting sent to spam by gmail.
Check out Freshmail also. The only downside to their free version is optin confirmation message that cannot be customised. But it's cheap anyway and it has cool automation features.