Posted on February 23, 2015

Don't be the guy or gal who ignores the intricacies and complexities of page speed until it's the final consideration (especially since the Builder Society has made it easy and free with the BuSo Lightning WordPress theme).  Take care of it up front and you'll save a thousand headaches, two thousand human-years of loading time spread across all of your visitors, save three thousand dollars, and make countless thousands of dollars more... (per website... (per month...)).

Here is a list of frequently asked questions concerning page speed, answers to the queries, and explanations on how BuSo Lightning solves it all:

1. What is Page Speed?

Let's not take this question for granted.  Page speed is the amount of time it takes for a user's browser to load your website from the moment they land on it until the moment it is fully functional and visible.  Things that get in the way of a fast page speed?  A lot of CSS files, JS files, huge and uncompressed images, using images where CSS would suffice, etc.  Guest what BuSo Lightning doesn't do?  (Hint: All of the Above)

2. Why Should I Care About User Experience?

That was kind of a loaded question.  Simply put, your visitors won't have a user experience if your page doesn't load fast enough for them to not bounce immediately.  Even if they persist, do you think they will put up with a 5 second wait every time they click a link?  If you don't have a fast user experience, you don't have visitors.  If you don't have visitors, they aren't spending money, clicking affiliate links, or clicking ads.  Page speed is a fundamental concern above all else.

3. You're Telling Me Fast Loading Time Will Make Me Money?

Yes.  If Amazon's site takes an additional one second to load, they lose $1,600,000,000 per year.  Which is to say, that if they gain one second of loading time, they earn that much more.  If Google's site loads 0.4 seconds slower, they lose 8 million searches per day.  You should read that as 8 million advertisement impressions.  Customers and users will not wait for too long.  And if you give them a chance to think instead of be driven by the emotional experience you've created, your allowing doubt to creep in where impulse should thrive.  Yes, your conversion rates are directly proportional to your page loading times.

4. And BuSo Lightning Solves This How?

First off, most WordPress theme developers come from a world of graphic design.  They want to impress you with a flashy, colorful site that convinces you to use their theme.  These things actually negatively effect conversion rates.  Second, they have no knowledge or consideration for page loading times.  They just want their themes to work.  So they add more and more until your site is operating from a bloated, obese framework that is server and bandwidth intensive.  You may think it looks cool, but your users may not even see it since they browsed away at about the 4th second of waiting.

BuSo Lightning was developed by a team who specializes in conversion optimization first and let graphic design be the afterthought.  By employing their coding and digital architecture backgrounds, we've given you access to what otherwise would require years of study or a high four-figure / low five-figure invoice payment to achieve.

With minimal HTTP requests, clean code, and small file sizes, your site will rip it's way through your user's browser so fast they'll literally notice it.  If someone notices that your site loads fast, it must load REALLY fast.  And BuSo Lightning does.  Let us show you...

actual page speed of buso lightning

We know that picture is impressive, but that's like trying to describe the majesty of moonlight rays shining through the leaves of a forest rooftop to a blind man.  It's not the same.  You need to experience it, which is why we urge you to head right on over to WordPress.org and give it a whirl.  There's no reason not to, mainly because it takes only a moment to snag it and revolutionize your business, and because it's free.

When you're done and impressed, come join us at the Builder Society where we'll share far more of our knowledge and skill-set with you.

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