One - CCarter Weekly #4


Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014

All it takes is one to hit it big.

It can be one view on YouTube, that viewer might be Oprah Winfrey or Mark Zuckerberg and they connect and skyrocket your project. But most people want each video they post to be seen 100K times otherwise you'll think it's a failure.

It can be one person clicking through within an email newsletter. That person can be Elon Musk or Joe Billionaire that you didn't even realize was on your newsletter that connects and buys your most expensive product/service and puts you into the stratosphere.

It can be one page view that connects with someone that again takes you into another continuum.

The problem is people want instant gratification.

You post something on social media and it gets zero likes. That doesn't mean anything, I never like any female photos but it doesn't mean I don't lurk. I've had multiple female friends ask me DIRECTLY "Hey why don't you like any of my photos" - what? That literally means they were looking for me to like them.

If I don't like anything, yet see everything, the lurker ratio is real. For every 1 comment there are 99 or probably 999 that just view and move on without any engagement. BUT that doesn't mean they will not take some action that helps you or leaps your trajectory.

Consistency is the key to every game. You have to keep swinging at the plate no matter what, because:

#1. You never know who's watching.
#2. You never know who you'll connect with at the right moment when they are in the right mode.
#3. You will never be able to predict which content pieces, art, music video, whatever will go viral or take you to the next level. I've had home runs that people latched onto that I thought were just okay. Then the content pieces I put the most sweat in the feedback was "meh" at the best.

You just have to keep swinging.

You might have a podcast that gets 10 listens total, you don't know WHO is listening, who they forward it to, and then next thing you know you are on GaryVee or the Ellen show.

You guys can't be discouraged cause you only get one.

In my scenario that 1 post might turn into a paid customer or a link buy that goes on and becomes my greatest customers/client ever.

Right now I've got a project where I'm reaching out to potential super affiliates - all it takes is one with the right traffic and boom @Satvrn's head is mounted on my wall.


You can do traffic leaks for months, get 1-10 visitors per attempt, but if you've got a product/service that converts at 10%, that's literally money every traffic leak right?

You can connect with one guy in your industry with a sick userbase and strong newsletter and do a collaboration and next thing you know you both are banking left and right.

It just takes ONE.

But you have to be at the plate swinging.

If you don't then you, your brand, and your dreams are going to fade like a single drop of water in the ocean that is the internet. That ocean is constantly refilling itself daily with new content, new competitors, more relevant content, and newer shiny objects.

Don't let yourself fade into oblivion because of fear.

Previous Issues:

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#2. You never know who you'll connect with at the right moment when they are in the right mode.
You might have a podcast that gets 10 listens total, you don't know WHO is listening, who they forward it to, and then next thing you know you are on GaryVee or the Ellen show.
Right now I've got a project where I'm reaching out to potential super affiliates - all it takes is one with the right traffic and boom @Satvrn's head is mounted on my wall.
It just takes ONE.
Ok, send me more info via message please.