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What's the end goal? How does this end? If the virus can still be spread among the vaccinated, and the vaccine doesn't kill the virus, then how will anything ever change with the standards currently being employed?I'm not typically one to take part in these threads, but there's a few fundamental arguments that need stated here:
1. It is possible to die from covid under 60. Examples:
Young nurse and mother who joked about vaccines
Another mother who orphaned her 12 year old son
Another young mother who left behind four children
Healthy Republican Senator (52) leaves behind wife and two children
There's plenty more examples, but I don't have all day. This is just to show you CAN die from it without a vaccine, even if you're young and healthy. But honestly that's not important.
2. What's important is that you don't spread the virus.
If you're young, healthy, and have no medical issues, that's great. Yes, you only have a minor risk of dying without a vaccine. But what about everyone else in your life?
Sure, you may not be over 60, obese, or have medical issues. But what about your grandparents? Or your friends? Or their parents?
The goal isn't to 'beat' covid solo; to laugh at it because you're young and healthy. It's to stop it from getting to the vulnerable people around us. The problem with being unvaccinated, not wearing a mask, and not caring about guidelines isn't that you're way more likely to get covid. That's your choice. The problem is that you're way more likely to give covid to someone who could die from it.
3. The vaccine works.
I know you may not be arguing with this one, but it's worth stating for the point coming up below.
Here's data from Switzerland showing mortality rates per person in unvaccinated vs vaccinated people.
4. Mandates are there to protect the vulnerable.
Like I said, the chance of you dying from covid without a vaccine are low, so it's understandable not to care about it. But that isn't the point.
The issue is that you are capable of spreading the disease to vulnerable people. That's why we need vaccines, masks, and all the other annoying restrictions. I don't do all that because I'm scared for myself. I do that because I don't want to be the reason my grandmother ends up suffocating in a hospital. Or the kind old lady in my building. Or my friend who's got bad asthma.
The reason restrictions are being put up (all over the world) is to stop people spreading the disease to the vulnerable. Masks and vaccines aren't there to protect you from getting the virus, that's just a small bonus. They are there to stop you from spreading it.
That's why they're putting restrictions on people who are unvaccinated and who aren't wearing masks. Because they're more likely to spread the disease if they have it. It's not a punishment, it's about protecting people.
If Covid didn't spread easily, then I 100% agree you should be able to skip the vaccine and face no consequences. It's your life, do what you want. But when skipping the vaccine means you're WAY more likely to infect the vulnerable people around you, that's when restrictions are needed.
I hope that makes sense. I normally avoid getting involved in this stuff but I care about this forum too much to see misinformation spread on it.
To summarise:
- You can die from covid, even if you're young and healthy. But that isn't the point.
- The issue isn't you, it's the vulnerable people around you. Even if you're healthy, you can spread the disease to them.
- Masks, vaccines, and so on are there to minimize everyone spreading covid to those vulnerable people.
- Restrictions on no-masks/unvaccinated are there because of the massively increased danger of spreading the disease. It's not your life that matters, it's the impact you have on the vulnerable people around you.
It doesn't matter if you have 4 doses of 0 doses- you can still kill Grandma. This is the reality of the situation. Remember how old age homes were during the flu season? Old people have always been at risk of dying from colds, flu, viruses, etc. We used to just not visit them if we were sick and we'd use sanitizer like crazy.
Also, how selfish is it of people to expect everyone else to stop living their lives for their own safety? I have sympathy for cancer patients, those with diseases from birth, etc. but I do not have much sympathy for most obese people, for example, because they ate like crap and knew they were doing so. They made the conscious choice to not be active.
The reality is, masks have never been as effective as they've been led to be, vaccines aren't the miracle that the world was promised, and COVID is never going to go away. So, what do we do? Do we continue locking people in their houses, ruining the development of children, and letting governments and corporations trample over our freedoms when convenient? Or, do we say, "I just won't see Grandma because I went to a party last night, and I'll take 2 tests before visiting her (when I do) just to be safe."