what would be the best strategy to quickly build n flip a toy site?

Jul 22, 2015
I know it's already late for a new site to build and flip before Christmas.

But still would like to go with the experiment.

Where would you start your research to build and monetize with Amazon?

What platforms would you promote it?

Personally I'm thinking abt building more than one targeting different groups. Would you say that would be a good idea?
Check out some parenting forums, see which toys kids are going crazy for this year... Check out what's being released this holiday season, Toy companies all want to have that huge hit, if you start now you might be able to find some room on the SERPs for upcoming toys.

Check out some of the top sellers on Amazon. Stuff like Skylanders has a lot of different SKU's that you can make pages for (Not the best examples since I imagine that one's really competitive by now...), but there are lots of others.

A buyer's guide / gift guide might be a good angle to go with.

"Best Gift Ideas for <age> year old <gender>s 2015"

Parent forums and communities, Facebook groups, will probably be your best bet for quick traffic and easy links. You don't have a lot of time to rank for any big keywords but you could be able to slip in for some of the lower hanging fruit.
Thanks @MetaData . Yes my plan is to go for keywords like say for example dinasaur toys and build a site for all tupe of dyno toys

Ot it can be like you mentioned best toy gift for <age><gender>

Would pintetest be a good place to promote since ths demo is mostly women 24+