What is this? Negative SEO?

Jul 30, 2021
"generic-name".web.app => 85 Domains
"generic-name".onrender.com => 45 subdomains
"generic-name".firebaseapp.com => 43 subdomains
"generic-name".netlify.app => 24 subdomains

# ech single subdomain has backlinks from 1 to 600+ to the client's site
# each subdomain has (hot)links to a lot of sites but only with pictures
# All Sites look like scrapping & building on autopilot

(The Client Site is in the YMYL Niche.)
His Site lost a lot of Traffic. From 13.500 to 5.600 per month. Authority Score a stable on 39.

Is this kind of Negative SEO or a wrong Backlink building approach (the client hired "a guy" last year)...?
I've seen a lot of this too. I've never visited the URLs but my assumption was it was those Google Image gamers who re-host everyone's images and rank highly in Google Images for easy traffic for crappy display ads. The assumption was that they were messing up their CNAME records and exposing the underlying URLs instead of "wire-diagrams-2006.info", etc.

I never acted on it and have seen zero negative effect from it. You could definitely do a wildcard style disavow for the entire netlify, firebaseapp, onrender, and web.app domains if you're concerned though.
I've got these too, some firebase but mostly blogspot. Been meaning to do a domain wide disavow for them but haven't yet and see no ill effects from the links
There are tons of these recently. My understanding is that people use them just like any other parasite hosts (e.g. google sites, yelp, houzz, manta... a few years ago). Either as an affiliate channel or for backlinks. You can search for "johnny-harris-q6582" to see an example but be warned that it is a pile of garbage.