What is the best way to get Twitter/Instagram Followers?

May 23, 2015
Hi, I'm working on a project in the "new parent" niche and am looking to engage Twitter and IG. I'll be putting up an email capture splash page to collect emails. What is the best way to attract more followers and ALSO convert them into email signups via my website? Thank you!
One method is to follow lots of twitter accounts of people in the niche you are targeting. So for example search for tweets relating to your new parent niche, follow the people making those tweets and hope they follow you back. They will be more likely to follow you back if your twitter profile is good and your tweeting the kind of stuff they want to see in their feed.

In terms of converting them to email sign ups, try offering some kind of sign up bait. Like giving email subscribers an ebook called something like "5 best ways to be a good parent". The ebook could just be a simple PDF of content already on your site. Make sure the title of the ebook is attractive to the people you are targeting.
I don't know about Instagram - but your rates to get people opting in from Twitter fans will be extremely low, Twitter people aren't looking to optin to anything.

Instagram might do better - I never messed with it.
Addmefast might work for that. Use it with macros and you should be good. Haven't used it in a while though...