Undo Change of Address, How Long?


BuSo Pro
Mar 28, 2015
anyone have experience undoing a change of address with Google?

Is there a limit to the length of time you can withdraw after you submit the initial change?

Do rankings generally return to their previous state when you do this?
So now you are ripping out the skeleton - again without waiting?

Are you purposely trying to destroy your domain? You are making it so it'll be maybe 12 - 24 months before you recover now... Do you literally have zero patience?
I was exploring the idea of reverting to the old brand and letting it sit since I don't have any interest of taking the new sit any further. Cutting losses.
I've never done this. So I'm speculating based on other experiences.

I would expect this change to take as long as the initial change, maybe longer. It's randomized by Google, but then you also have the actual re-indexing time. Especially if they already dropped the old results out of their databases or whatever. Then that also means re-calculations for ranking.

But if they think you're manipulating they might tank it too. I'm not sure this would trigger that but you never know when it's left up to an algorithm.
Not the same but I did this for pages once... merged several pages into one (took around 10 days to all be completely in Google) and then reversed it. Took longer to reverse, maybe 16 days. The reversal was 100% fine though, no negative effects.