The world's equilibrium hath been upset


Nov 18, 2014


I was recently rewatching House of Cards to catch up before the new season. So I started from the beginning. They were going on and on about a shipyard closing and 12,000 jobs were being lost. The citizens of the city were very angry cause their congressman gave up.

What struck me odd was they literally were depending on one man for their salvation - knowing that the shipyard was losing more and more money every year. It was going to close eventually, and the congressman managed to fend it off for a while, but was cornered/blackmailed by FU.

What really griped me about the situation was none of those people thought - "Well I'd better start doing something else different instead of relying on a single individual" or "Why don't I start my own business so I don't have to rely on the government or others to feed my family".

I'm sure some people in that community smartened up and got into other careers, but for most they were comfortable working at the shipyard and even though they saw the writing on the wall they never planned to escape the consequences of standing still. Like deer caught in headlights they just stood there, and then when they got hit, they blamed someone else for not stopping the car.

Why didn't the deer move? As the car approaches how can it possibly be better to standstill and not move out of the way? I thought about those citizens for a long long time.

What's really saddening is when you are young and a child you are willing to explore the world, run around, get into trouble and keep pushing your limits. But then as you get older, you take less and less risk - and for the majority of people it's because they become comfortable with this situation they are in. But that "less risk" taking turns them into deers on the road, and if you aren't looking up you won't realize there is something coming for us all - especially if you are not constantly moving forward, pushing limits, pushing boundaries and taking bigger risks.

So the question is - are you a deer in front of someone else's headlights? Are you a target?

Are you the hunted?

OR - are you the hunter?
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