STDDIOT - Stuff That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread

I am glad everyone is catching up. :happy:

sorry mods, it was too late to combine.
The bot army that was used on us were all Android Firefox. They would go to a single page scroll to the bottom and stay on the page an average of 11 mins, then leave after some more scrolling. Avg time on page is usually 1/2 that.

They were hitting about 10k users per day for 7 days straight. Don't quote me exactly I'm going to have a case study on it. What ended up happening is the amount increase past the Google threshold they are willing to send a site, hence dropped ALL other traffic from Google.

The traffic was not just organic, it was direct AND from Bing as well. They were really testing a complete blanketing.

Don't quote me on exact numbers and scenario, i'm going off memory, and am away from my laptop. When i get back I'll try to go into better details.

I only figured this out in the past week, and I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but the page I'm pushing people to with my social media lab thread sees something similar. I'll randomly get spurts of 2-3k visitors a couple times a month, and the average time on the page jumps from about 3 minutes to 10 minutes. This has been going on since at least October.

I didn't realize this was happening, so all of my numbers I've been working with in that thread are clearly going to be off. I'm going to try to set up better analytics so that I can to get more information on what this looks like for me, but here's the most recent example:

Avg Session Length​
June 1, 20247832:49
June 2, 20248933:10
June 3, 20246392:10
June 4, 20247932:36
June 5, 20247762:50
June 6, 20243,0829:38
June 7, 20241,4085:01
June 8, 20248843:06
10 minutes

Look at those dates' data - look at the operating system, browser, and viewport sizes. Also look at the city/state of the origin. If you notice a similar pattern to what we are talking about then you too are being targeted with Negative SEO using Click-thrus and session metrics.

If 80% of your audience is iOS, then for those 2 days a ton of android users come out of no-where, with not new backlinks or referring traffic source, you are obviously being targeted.

It was impossible to spot by random browsing - I stumbled upon it when I was doing deep dives for regions/states the client could improve upon, and noticed there was a massive drop in California for exactly one week, but overall traffic was the same.

So I looked for the traffic that increased to account for the offset - low-and-behold, 5-10K visitors a day from Android users using Firefox, all 13.0.0 version - all from Ashburn Virginia.

Unless there was a Firefox Browser convention going on for 7 days straight in Ashburn and they were using my client's site to testing - that activity was highly suspicious.

Sort by browser types for that day and you'll be able to figure out if you are indeed being targeted or attacked.
Look at those dates' data - look at the operating system, browser, and viewport sizes. Also look at the city/state of the origin. If you notice a similar pattern to what we are talking about then you too are being targeted with Negative SEO using Click-thrus and session metrics.

If 80% of your audience is iOS, then for those 2 days a ton of android users come out of no-where, with not new backlinks or referring traffic source, you are obviously being targeted.

It was impossible to spot by random browsing - I stumbled upon it when I was doing deep dives for regions/states the client could improve upon, and noticed there was a massive drop in California for exactly one week, but overall traffic was the same.

So I looked for the traffic that increased to account for the offset - low-and-behold, 5-10K visitors a day from Android users using Firefox, all 13.0.0 version - all from Ashburn Virginia.

Unless there was a Firefox Browser convention going on for 7 days straight in Ashburn and they were using my client's site to testing - that activity was highly suspicious.

Sort by browser types for that day and you'll be able to figure out if you are indeed being targeted or attacked.

I figured out that this was a false alarm. There's an image board sending me traffic at random intervals for a couple of days at a time in spurts. They're spending more time on the page for whatever reason, but I am getting conversions from it (though at a lower rate than my traffic gets on average), so I can't complain.

Thanks again.
Yall are focused on the easy to catch guys getting away with obvious stuff.

Meanwhile the "former alphabets" and or some really brilliant bot herders are shaping who's links count in an offensively black hat manner. More importantly they're effectively dictating how auto complete works right now......
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some really brilliant bot herders are shaping who's links count in an offensively black hat manner

I tried talking about it here, in fact sold a services here for that exact thing. But THEY weren't having that:


And this was a service I was offering 5 years ago. NOW... Forget about it.

The amount of manipulation going even BEFORE you get to the SERPs is wild. And it's impossible to detect.

I also believe this ties into the Negative SEO stuff we are talking about.

These bot army guys are on Android phones - one can only assume that Google uses Google DNS and by default. So now they are showing onsite signals from the DNS level. Does Google explicitly state they don't use Google DNS as part of their collection of data on a site? I don't know, but here is ChatGPT's response:

Privacy: Google has privacy policies that dictate how this data is handled. They anonymize and aggregate data to protect user privacy, and they do not link DNS queries to individual user accounts.

Usage: The primary purpose of collecting this data is to enhance the service and protect against security threats. However, aggregated and anonymized data could provide insights into general trends and usage patterns.

In summary, while Google does collect some data from its DNS service, it is primarily for improving the service and ensuring security. They take measures to anonymize and protect this data to respect user privacy.

Is ChatGPT the authority on Google? No. But the key is they are aggregating data, what data? Motherfuckers that translates to collecting website data - including where a person visits more pages or backs out.

People are getting nuked out of the SERPs and completely clueless they even got attacked. You guys got Neutron Bombed and are asking "What's even a neutron bomb?" - It doesn't matter, you're already dead.

Black hat is beyond alive - just now the black hatters have stopped publishing and talking about it out in the open like before. I would wish you guys in SEO good luck but:


Soo... I don't think we're going to make it guys. There are so many things to point out, but if you don't know about 10% what's going on, that's the point - we're done. We had a good run. I'm clocking out, I'll cut out the lights when I leave.

Soo... I don't think we're going to make it guys. There are so many things to point out, but if you don't know about 10% what's going on, that's the point - we're done. We had a good run. I'm clocking out, I'll cut out the lights when I leave.
Well these kinds of people have existed for quite a while now.

Takes me back to the Ye Ole' COD black ops and GTA 5 lobbies where kids where screaming into the mic.

At one point in time these kinds of commentary style gaming videos were very popular in YouTube. The theme would be of how some dude "made a 10-year old kid rage in GTA V ONLINE by spawn killing him." Which usually ends with the kid screaming on top of his lungs and the YouTuber just making sarcastic jokes like "What're you talking about I'm not even in your lobby?"

Anyways, that's the gaming community for ya. You go from raging kid to this weird serene, blissful, almost borderline, spiritual phase where you start gaming for fun and make internet friends. ...Then go full circle into a raging adult once you jump into competitive

"We beat medicare":


"A lot of young women raped by their ... 'sisters'":


The kill shot

"I don't know what he said and I don't think he knows what he said either":

HAHAHAHA, what in the flying FUCK is going on?.... LUNACY! I had to stop watching this slow motion train wreck...

But I bet their "sisters" love them longtime! BWAHAHAHA ROFLMA. SMH
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A) Dems don't want the presidency over the next 4+ years because they see inbound economic turmoil and/or love how much money they fundraise when Trump is in power/gets air time.
B) Something will happen between now and November that will put "democracy" on hold, i.e hot war with U.S troops in Ukraine at which point it wouldn't matter if Kamala or a stone were president because the war machine will (*continue to) be run out of Langley.
C) Enough people in "the government" see RFK Jr. as the only viable option against Trump and are finally openly subverting the Biden campaign to force the issue.
A) Dems don't want the presidency over the next 4+ years because they see inbound economic turmoil and/or love how much money they fundraise when Trump is in power/gets air time.
B) Something will happen between now and November that will put "democracy" on hold, i.e hot war with U.S troops in Ukraine at which point it wouldn't matter if Kamala or a stone were president because the war machine will (*continue to) be run out of Langley.
C) Enough people in "the government" see RFK Jr. as the only viable option against Trump and are finally openly subverting the Biden campaign to force the issue.
This probably deserves a thread... but I don't feel like starting one:

I feel like I'm building a business for the internet of 2015... but everything is changing so fast... and I feel like I should be building a business for the internet of 2050 instead.

But that would require a complete retooling... something I'm not able to do in terms of time or resources... and something I don't want to do.

Not sure if this is just a momentary feeling or a much bigger insight that could change how I move forward in the coming months... Is the ground shifting?