So When Will You Start Your Business?

May 5, 2017
Consider this ..

You start a freelance dog walking business.

You charge $10/hr and focus on overdelivering.

You show up on time, treat the dogs right, soon you have referrals.

Now your schedule fills up and you walk 3 dogs every hour for 8 hours a day.

That's $240/day and you do it 5 days a week.

That's $1200 per week or $4800 per month or $57,600 per year.

Better than most freelancers do on Upwork for sure.

But you're a Heathen.

You're not gonna stop there because you'd just have a job.

You want an empire.

So you scale.

You outsource walking to teens at the local college.

You build a nice website with good branding.

You increase from $10 to $20/hr as a premium dog-walking service.

Now you just manage clients and sales.

No more dog-walking for you.

Eventually you outsource that part too.

You add digital marketing funnels.

You crush all the local competition.

Your business expands.

It's not freelance anymore. You set it up as a legit company.

You branch out to nearby towns.

Soon your piddly freelance income is a half-mil biz per year.

Now you start franchising.

You don't walk dogs.

You don't deal with customers.

You only sell the process to wannabe entrepreneurs.

Or maybe you just sell the whole damn thing for a big wad of cash.

I dunno which way you'd go.

Just pointing out there's a lot of opportunity locally.

Even if you freelance.

This business model could work for a lot of other ideas too.

So when will you start?