Simple low content articles with single link from relevant page/s

Jan 14, 2024
I have been working through using the lowfruits app that was recommended here and find that it has been very helpful in what I have been trying to achieve.

Sometimes I come across a question that is both low volume (under 10 a month) and low competition with multiple weak spots.
These questions even have a CPC as well.

Often they are questions I know the answer to and require a very short paragraph to explain to answer the persons question and has the opportunity for one or two low end keywords as well.

I do not want to be mucking about with navigation and have these pages make it look messy and unkempt.

The actual page I am thinking of would still look like my template with all the same navigation as the other pages. The only thing is, you would never be able to reach this page through the navigation, it would only be via a link located in the body of the page/s.

Is it worth creating a folder in each of my main categories where I can locate pages that may answer a specific question that may only be a paragraph and then whenever that particular question is appropriate, linking to it from my other pages.

So while it would not be an orphaned page, there may only be a single link going to it and no other way to navigate to this page.

Just wondering if that is a worthwhile strategy or better to ignore keywords that do not fit directly into the page I am working on?
When you talk about navigation, do you mean the header menu? Or do you mean categories etc?
You're thinking too small scale. It's an opportunity for 10 visits/month. Take a step back, relax, and think about brand, market, and your competitors. Do you have a strategy to win traffic from your competitors? Is your content better than theirs? Are you targeting an opportunity in the market? These are much more important questions than, how should I go after a 10 hits/month query?

Once you have a solid business plan and brand, do technical SEO to categorize your site into themes. This is also called siloing. That's how your navigation will be laid out and where a blog post targeting a 10 hits/month keyword would fit in your site's hierarchy.

But, if it was me, I'd see if this keyword can fit within an article. It can rank just fine for its term if its a subheading in a larger article instead of a page. LLMs know what content is about now so you don't need to max out the SEO metrics with H1/meta-title to rank for keywords. This will also make your site a lot easier to navigate too.

But yeah, have a business plan and brand first before you do SEO or else you'll be the victim of a future Google update.