Optimizing WordPress for testmysite.thinkwithgoogle.com

Nov 23, 2016
So I have noticed that a lot of you are talking about GTmetrix, which is pretty good considering that it provides a waterfall analysis too see which exact resources are slowing down the site. However when dealing with google I found out that testmysite.thinkwithgoogle.com scores are more important. Mobile Speed in particular. GTmetrix for example does not look at your render blocking resources in the above the fold content. If you need any tips on getting those scores to 100/100, hit me up!
Nice share, I hadn't seen this one before.

I got a 99/100 on mobile friendliness. Apparently I have a tap target too small somewhere. I can live with that. I'm guessing if you take the report they push AMP at you non-stop?
Another good one is https://www.webpagetest.org/ You can test using multiple mobile device types, plus there's a more detailed breakdown of the page load process.