My Journey to $100,000 a Month, New Year Resolutions and What I’ve Learnt


BuSo Pro
Nov 24, 2015
Hey guys! Happy new year everyone!

I just wanted to share an update on my goals real quick and some ideas that might trigger bigger goals for you on this 2016.

Three years ago I met with one of the most knowledgeable internet marketers I know and I told him one thing:

“Man, all I want to do right now is to earn $1.500 a month, if you could get me there, I’ll do anything.”

Little did I know that I’d completely smash that goal shortly after that!

Then at some point last year, I decided to go for $10.000 a month.

I didn’t know how, doing what or under what business, but I just figured that would give me the freedom I needed to run my business the way I liked it.

I can now say that I’m well past $1.500 a month and just shy of $10.000 a month. Both are net figures.

I’ve built a house, I’ve purchase a car and I’ve successfully taken 3 of my business to the 6 figure mark.

For this year, I want to earn $100.000 net a month.

And I know exactly what to do, how to do it, which kind of funnels to implement and how many people to bring into those funnels to make it happen.

I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but in my mind it’s pretty simple and straightforward.

I decided 2016 will be the year that take me to the next level.

I’ve seen a lot of people I really admire going to masterminds, meeting other people that are above and beyond where they are now, and I just want to start hanging out with them.

I also want to read 60 books and travel to 3 international conferences. And I also know how to do it.

However, I didn’t want to talk about what I’ve accomplished, but rather what I’ve learnt during the process. So here it goes.

Putting these achievements and thoughts into perspective, I also realized three things:

Set your goals intelligently and strategically. Most of the time you’ll hit those goals. Doesn’t matter how big or small they are.

Many of my goals were crossed out of my list for 2015. Some of them weren’t, but at some point they become irrelevant during the course of the year.

Which is a good thing IMO.

People changes, goal changes, etc.

But I’ve noticed that many people are not miserable because they didn’t get to their goals, but rather because they hit them and now they don’t know what to do with their lives.

Failure should be the fuel of your everyday grind. In fact, many of the people I know that it’s killing it wake up completely fired up because of their past failures.

Remember: Failure = Knowledge.

Keep failing until you succeed.

It takes the exact same amount of effort to make $1.500 per month than to make $10.000 or even $100.000 per month.

Think about it, we all have the exact same amount of hours during the day. And you can only work for so many hours before you crash and burn.

So the effort is the same, the amount of hours you spend working will be the same, the grind and the sweat, the learning, etc. They’ll all be the same!

I might as well aim for the big prize!

And I suggest you do to. It’s just a matter of deciding what you want to do and moving forward.

Wanting to earn $100,000k/mo of net income scares the shit out of me. But also did $1.500. So it’s not about the number, but about the mindset and going for what you want.

The amount of money you earn is directly proportional to the amount of people you help and the amount of lives you touch.

If you want to be payed the big bucks. If you want to take your business to the next level, if you really want to crush it in 2016. There is only one thing you need to do…

Reach out to more people. Solve their problems. Get them into your list. Give away true pure value. And offer them something valuable and life-changing.

That’s it!

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You just need to make more people happier, more comfortable or better with some product you’ve created.

The more people you can help, the more money you’ll earn. That’s a simple proportion that will make you tons of money.

So make your #1 priority to put more people into your pipeline by being “out there”, expose yourself, present yourself as the expert and have a funnel in place to capture that traffic.

So keep it simple guys. Help more people, aim higher than this year and put forth the effort.

And unless you get distracted or procrastinate, there’s no way you can fail.

I wish you tons of success in 2016 and beyond!

Let’s kill it together!


Are you exiting these old businesses? Cashing out in anyway, assuming you owned them?

I agree that it takes the same effort to make $x,xxx as it does $xx,xxx and so on. By the time you achieve one level, you'll get the systems in place to achieve the next and it snowballs. The financial snowball isn't really the struggle as much as the knowledge and effectiveness snowball. Knowing what works and what works best and doing that more than other tasks... that takes time and experience. Eventually all the barriers fall down though, and it's only you and your fear, as you've mentioned. Then the true battle wages...