Kitchen Koncoctions (drunk or sober)


War Mongering.
BuSo Pro
Jun 20, 2018
So i been craving chili for a while, so i started looking around the house for what was available and then started searching "the Gorg"/google for different recipes. After about an halfhour of reading through recipes i figured i got the Jist of things lol. After i processed this thru my noggin i came to the conclusion to thaw out a lb of burgler and lb of bacon and chop up that and some chunky onions to brown in the frying pan. After i did that and put in crockpot, i added 3 heaping ass table spoons of brown sugar, some TACO mix packets(2) along with a chopped up tomato(you say tomatao lol) with 2 cans of tomato(tomatao?) soup sauce, and then put 1 cup of liquid beef broth in it. After that i diced up some taters(potatoes, or potataOs?) and thru those bitches in. Its been perculating for the last 4 hours and those taters(potataOs?) are done. Ill try some out after i take a mini coma and give you the verdict, stay tuned.

Cheers bros!

What kind of crazy shit have you tried making in the kitchen (drunk or sober)? id love to hear about it haha.
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I do crap like that. I'll buy a bunch of random canned veggies and just dump them into the Instant Pot and toss in some stew beef and pour in some beef broth. I also buy some rolls, then I hope for the best. "Cowboy Stew" as it's called. I should add some rice in there too and turn it into a kind of gruel.
I usually just make omelets and throw whatever in there. Cheese, onions, mushrooms. That's some tasty stuff and avoids the fattening carb cravings when drunk.
What kind of crazy shit have you tried making in the kitchen (drunk or sober)? id love to hear about it haha.
Haha we probably all do this, It's so funny.

My craziest ones were when I was a kid. I used to mix the weirdest shits, like yogurt with cheese. Sometimes I was eating soup and instead of drinking water you could find me with a chocolate milk glass, my stomach is probably steel at this point.

I'm into cooking so lately I'm able to mix flavors a bit better, but sometimes I destroy the food xD. I had a roommate from Hong Kong, so I have some chinese spices and sauces, and I've been mixing those with some spanish foods and rice, and some turned out pretty good ^^
Good stuff guys, keep em coming.

Ok, after trying it and thinking on it, this definitely did NOT go according to plan, nothing like i was thinking it would taste. It wasnt quite soup, and it wasnt quite stew(maybe stewp?) lol. It does taste decent thank god, different, but decent. It tastes like a taco stewp? haha
Would i do it again, no.

Till next time.... haha