I Am Angry At Myself


Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014
This isn't a fucking game. If you don't work you don't eat.

First of all, this is going to be a rant, cause this shit is fucking pathetic. One person's been able to do over 20K so far, so why am I pissed though, cause I've not only given you all the techniques needed to do bigger numbers without MAJOR effort on your parts, but for some reason... it's not clicking. I sat back and wanted to watch what people would do during this "down time". I really wanted to see who was going to figure it out, and who was going to wait around with their dicks in their hands waiting on instructions from some overlord.

Rule #1 - you never wait for anyone - not even me. You know why, cause it's YOUR business, it's YOUR FUCKING revenue. If I sent you a PM telling you if you need anything let me know, and YOU don't take advantage of that, that's on YOU. That's going to effect your revenue, not mine. If I give you a technique that people are using to generate over 100K visitors a week with, and you decided to ignore it, cause you want to fall back into your SEO ways and default back to "on-site bullshit work", that's on YOU.

There have been some serious people that have been self-starters, you see them posting to their journals everyday or more then once a week at least, and you see them grinding over and over with - AND THIS IS IMPORTANT - with the traffic generating portion, and then you see them after days of trying to figure it out, without asking questions for some reason, but after days of trying to figure it out - BAM they hit it, some small, some extremely big, but all are satisfied, well maybe not, cause they want MORE now. Then I turn around and have people dead in the fucking water. They all got the same assignments, they all got the same lessons - why are some people not getting the hint that everything is about self-starting and grinding? I know some people are in the "lets not work too hard camp", but you kind of have to do traffic leaks in order to generate traffic leak numbers.

I'm really angry, cause when I see wasted time and talent, that means I'm wasting my time. But I'm angry at everyone involved in this process. I'm angry at Metadata cause he hasn't been tough enough on me. I'm angry at the Scribe, cause he hasn't been tough enough on the CC9 about traffic leaks. I'm most angry at myself, cause I haven't been tough enough on everyone - I haven't been in Drill Sergeant mode, I've been in "let's give everyone a trophy" mode - cause I don't want to hurt people's feelings. I tried to come back about hardwork, then when I saw Kevin's post, that' set me off, cause I realize I'm sitting here trying to motivate people to do work on THEIR own business, and generate them money - and I wonder, do they really want it? Why did they sign up for the CC9? Did they thing CCarter was going to be coding their site for them, writing their content for them, doing their work for them? I'm going to pretend no one is that stupid...

Then I had to step back and think about the general mentality of Internet Marketers, rather SEOs - it's all a game of manipulation to do the least amount of work, yet yield the highest results, but the work to get to that level of doing the least amount of work, gaining that knowledge is still required. There is a lazy atmosphere in SEO which is a cancer, and can stop you dead in your tracks if you don't break it. The grind has to be there...

You see Calamari grinding for days on end, trying to make something click, them BAM, 20K visitors in a day - cause after grinding over and over, the final tumbler clicked into place, and the door unlocked. Now he's got a new max, 20K, meaning that at any given moment, you've got enough skills to do at least 1/20 of your max, meaning he should be able to command 1K visitors in any niche to any site, cause he's got a 20K max, that barrier was broken in his mind, and now he's going for 100K. But that took grind, and you saw it with your own eyes. He took the 100K visitor, the biggest technique that I showed him, at first he kept trying to be original and create scholarly work, but then actually did the technique verbatim through how it was instructed to be used, and generating 20K+ visitors -And now he sees the light. It's not about creating original content, it's not about having a pretty website, it's not even about manipulation - it's the prey and predator mentality. He sees the prey, studied it, understood this technique works on this platform to get these results, he studied past successes, and attempted to mimic, then bam - the magic happened. But it involved studying and grinding on the platform.

You see ModernMarketeer now hitting 500 visitors as a start. Even have a dude NOT in the CC9 just get 500 visitors off a traffic leak, and he wasn't even directly taught the Reddit pawnage technique, although it's been hinted at several times, and I've actually had to suppress knowledge at other times. They're all using the same technique, well ALMOST the same, once people let go a little more, they'll understand why it works. So here is what I'm going to do while becoming the dickhead I should have been and taking absolute control of this bootcamp. We are going in on traffic, and nothing but traffic, fucking period. I don't give a shit about your shitty ass site, with it's shitty ass sidebar, and shitty call to action, only assignments going forwards are going to be about generating traffic - cause there are a thousand and one websites about designing pretty websites, there is only one traffic leak bootcamp, and we aren't going to waste the last half worrying about CSS and dumbass shit I talked about fixing the first fucking week, 2 months ago.

1 - Assignment #1: - Write a self.reddit that generates 1K visitors to your site. - You seriously shouldn't bother trying to come up with original content, I have no idea why you people think you have to be creative for this shit, but something is wrong with your minds, how about this - lets break all concepts, just rip some shit, make some edits and change things around, then post it. It's not fucking difficult, you guys are making this shit difficult by thinking you need original content. I showed you guys how to pawn Reddit with that one technique - People ARE generating 100K visitors a week with that ONE technique, why the fuck are you not?

2 - Why the fuck IS EVERYONE concentrating on Reddit? Shit has fucking baffled me... I literally had an assignment about finding multiple sources of platforms to traffic leak from - so then why the fuck am I seeing nothing but fucking Reddit or Facebook attempts at traffic leaks? It baffles me, cause Reddit is not going to be as targeted as a forum for your niche. Reddit is not going to be as targeted as a blog post from an author in your niche.

Assignment #2: Get 100 visitors from a blog post comment.

Assignment #3: get 1000 visitors from a forum traffic leak.

3 - I think you guys are fucking confused, or just not asking the right questions. Not everyone, a couple people got WHY I was assigning the assignments, and what the importance of the assignments were, and were utilizing the techniques after the assignment was done. But most of you are completely lost at some fucking level as to WHY I did what I did, and why I assigned what I assigned, cause you are not clearly utilizing anything I wrote or talked about, so I'm going to start ALL over and explain in fucking baby steps:

A. Big Brand Refresher (https://www.buildersociety.com/threads/on-site-crash-course-big-brand-refresher.383/) - This is about having your site looking fucking legit. If you don't have a call to fucking action at the end of every article, post, or on every page - DO NOT GO TO THE NEXT FUCKING STEP. I literally wrote over 400 words in a section called "What every site needs to have: Clear call to actions (CTA)" - You want to know why? Cause when you generate 1000 visitors to your site with no fucking call to action and you didn't make a fucking dollar, you are going to feel like shit, cause you'll realize you just wasted your fucking time.

Read the Big Brand original at Wickedfire, and the Refresher, then implement it on your site, don't fucking skip steps. There is a section about "Newbie Guides" - that's literally the most important thing you can write about for beginners for any niche, yet absolutely no one has newbie guides on their site... Seriously? think about that? If I'm creating software to do something, wouldn't writing a bunch of newbie guides and get started make sense? Are you telling me there are no newbies in your niche that wouldn't benefit from "getting started" tutorials and content?

I talk about the importance of having an FAQ section - do I really have to spell it out in detailed words on why having a FAQ section might be beneficial to ANY website? Having a section where people are familiar and can go to in case they want to ask questions but want to see if these are frequently asked questions might be of benefit to your visitors - NO? so why the fuck is there no one with an FAQ section?

Some of you people don't have onsite search engines... I can't comprehend how you don't see a problem with that.

Comment sections with no comments - You guys have the option to have comments enabled, but yet there are no comments on the pages NOR some of you, on your whole site... Think about it like it wasn't your fucking site. If you read an article and saw no comments, yet a comment section - would you comment? No, you are less likely to comment. So when you post an article MAKE FAKE comments have at least 3 of them so there is some dialog on each page, it's not difficult to do, you can use polarizing sentences - it's about making your site look like there is activity, and not dead.

Assignment #4 - Do this on your own time, and AFTER you have done the previous 3, those are more important. In fact this isn't an assignment, it's a strong suggestion - Big Brand your website.

I've got more surprises coming...
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Always love it when you unload cans-o-whoop-ass on the brethren. Sometimes I wish this were a paid forum. Maybe then mofos will take what you have to say more seriously!
-New Year, New Money
That was good!

I have created 4 accounts per forum, one starting a thread about my niche, the others to upvote/like the post and add how effective my affiliate product is.

I jump in every now and then with other accounts, kind of having a convo with my self basically.

Been working like gang busters, they hit the site and convert.

Another thing, instead of just dropping a link to my site. The post tells them to google the site as if it's a brand!! Example:

" hey, I tried this stuff, it works!, google this to find it "(branded site name) wart cream", the stuff is great, I have no more warts!!,"

Second act, a week later:

"Thanks, I ordered it right away, it works instantly, that site (site), is awseome!, now my friends have no clue about my warts!"

3rd act:
" You guys are silly!, I have know about the (brand site)'s products for years! , if your just catching on now!"

4th act:
" (site name) is pure evil, I google "(what ever you rank for)" and their site comes up. "

If the forum has voting, do it. When ever your post starts to drop due to newer threads, add another reply to thread, keep it on the top 5.

Talk about great tactic for niche sites!
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I'm gonna go ahead and pretend like I'm apart of the CC9 and do these assignments.

DAMN your posts get me pumped to start grinding. As my boy Rich Homie Quan would say "its got me feelin some type of way".

Great update CC - looking forward to your posts.

I believe were asking the wrong questions in the CC9 application. This is why you are now having to step up and lead by example. If you'd found hungry applicants this problem would have been avoided.
It's pretty difficult to tell how hungry a person is. It's great to get in on a project, but when you have to do homework and serious studying to understand concepts, sometimes you just you don't really want it bad enough. Everyone's got potential, it's just about hitting the right button OR figuring out exactly where the obstacles lies and seeing if the mental barrier can be cleared.

I can ask people in a questionnaire if they are willing to grind 80 hours a week in order to make it, even if they don't see results. Several people will say yes THINKING they can take shortcuts or might see results sooner regardless of my warning, but then it comes to the 3rd or 4th week of 80 hours - they don't see the instant gratification so they'll bail. (For the most part no one has all out bailed within the CC9, some have just started to gradually go back to old habits, old thought patterns, focusing on SEO and social media bullshit...)

It comes down to this, if you work at something 10+ hours a day for 90 days straight, it's impossible for you not to get results unless you simply aren't learning from your mistakes. People are where they are in life cause of the decisions they've made. Only way to get out of that is to break the cycle, doing the same shit you've done for the last weeks, months, years is not obviously going to help you if you are trying to attain a new level. You are where you are at cause that is EXACTLY where you are comfortable being, financially, mentally, or physically. If you weren't comfortable there, you would change...

I'm angry at everyone involved in this process. I'm angry at Metadata cause he hasn't been tough enough on me. I'm angry at the Scribe, cause he hasn't been tough enough on the CC9 about traffic leaks.
Oh, the CCarter show is on.

So now you are angry.

That is rich.
When this started, all I said was "I volunteer to be the scribe"

Little did I know that I had to fullfill UNSPOKEN expectations.

Guess what?
I commented and helped each one in their PM threads.
I took 3 of they guys on closer, replying on skype, etc..
2 of them were the ones that quit (eh, just my luck), the third one is Badiya... maybe not the beacon of the project, but he needed help.

So now you are angry.

Angry at me pitching in on your project on my own volition, self starting whatever I did because there simply was no input form the almighty CCarter.

While you are busy marketing yourself as the only true grit genius marketer left in the world, peppering your forum threads with a jumble of "wisdom" quotes from Yamamoto Tsunemoto, Myamoto Musashi, Sun Tzu, Castaneda , spanning centuries and even continents...

You might do well and get down from your high horse at times.

So now you are angry.

How about taking a moment of respite and looking at what is.

While I truly appreciate all the stuff you share, the nimbus you surround it with is mainly for self-marketing - so people come to you to contact you. As you stated yourself in another thread.

So now you are angry.

Guess what?
Stop believing your own hype.
You are not the only hard working person in the world.

I have a very demanding 9-5, two kids to raise, a freelancing business, and I am trying to get this IM thing working for me.
I share tips, knowledge and tools on the blindape and on forums like WF and here.

I volunteered for the scribe thing.
Got little input, did what I could.

And now you are angry.


Got little input

I do acknowledge this part - that's why I am angry at myself.

Thank you for acknowledging me as the greatest marketer in the history of ever. It's an honor for the crown to be bestowed upon me. As I descended from Olympus I don't call riding a horse, but I assume thats a metaphor for you mortals which reverberates my marketing level of consciousness.

I accept your apology, as you stated excuses are for the weak, lazy, and peasantry. The 9 are here to attain another level, and I'm glad you are a part of the journey.

Like I stated earlier marketing is motion. And motion and traffic are unity. Two aspects of a single power that is beyond comprehension to all but myself. That is why certain Internet Marketers can see into the future traffic sources and correct their aim.

A real internet marketing can transcend Google. Throughout the years, an elemental balance of good and Google Evil has always denied most final victory. Until now - For I have discovered a way to break that balance, by simultaneously copying the most powerful big brands on the internet and linking them to the the society's writings. Like atoms being smashed together, this traffic manipulation, along with mind-bending thoughts shall release a force of marketing energy powerful enough to stop search engines' power, to disregard searching, itself.

And so it shall come to pass, that all SEO's existence will end and be reborn a new, the society, now again representing big brands, outside of search engine's grasp.

Then the 9 shall begin a new, recreating traffic patterns in their own image, perfectly funneled conversions, where they shall rule, unchallenged - And all who oppose them - shall be crushed...