Hustler's Movies


BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014
I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about...
  • Wall Street
  • Boiler Room
  • The Wolf of Wallstreet
  • Jobs
  • Runner Runner
  • American Psycho :smile:
  • Blow
  • Scarface
  • Casino
  • Limitless
  • Glengarry Glen Ross
  • The Social Network
There are so many that aren't even popping in my head right now that I have in iTunes and cycle through.

What are some good movies that energize you like a mad man and have you working 16 hours a day? I'd love to add more to the collection.
Man...I wish runner runner was better. It was a great concept.

No joke... this new show Mr. Robot on USA is soooooo good. The first hacker-style show/movie that actually did its research and got the "hacker" part of it correct. It's a mix between a hustler movie, hackers the movie, and fight club. Saw the first episode and got so motivated.
- Barbarians at the Gate

You'll thank me. :smile:
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The Hustler, rewatched it yesterday. One of my favorite quotes:

"Why'd I do it? I coulda beat that guy, coulda beat 'im cold, he never woulda known. But I just hadda show 'im. Just hadda show those creeps and those punks what the game is like when it's great, when it's REALLY great. You know, like anything can be great, anything can be great. I don't care, BRICKLAYING can be great, if a guy knows. If he knows what he's doing and why and if he can make it come off. When I'm goin', I mean, when I'm REALLY goin' I feel like a... like a jockey must feel. He's sittin' on his horse, he's got all that speed and that power underneath him... he's comin' into the stretch, the pressure's on 'im, and he KNOWS... just feels... when to let it go and how much. Cause he's got everything workin' for 'im: timing, touch. It's a great feeling, boy, it's a real great feeling when you're right and you KNOW you're right. It's like all of a sudden I got oil in my arm. The pool cue's part of me. You know, it's uh - pool cue, it's got nerves in it. It's a piece of wood, it's got nerves in it. Feel the roll of those balls, you don't have to look, you just KNOW. You make shots that nobody's ever made before. I can play that game the way... NOBODY'S ever played it before."​
A bit different to the others here, but I watched Whiplash last night and loved it.

A great example of someone pushing himself to his limit to get what he wants with fantastic drumming scenes throughout the movie. The last 15 minutes are amazing!
A bit different to the others here, but I watched Whiplash last night and loved it.

A great example of someone pushing himself to his limit to get what he wants with fantastic drumming scenes throughout the movie. The last 15 minutes are amazing!

Was my favorite movie for 2014. That final drum scene.

Also it was interesting how open the film was to commentary. I loved it and the characters and saw it as uplifting, I know others who said the ending was negative.
Public Enemies

Great movies about really stubborn bastards
Just the type of movies I need right now, thanks
Two For The Money
For being a comedy show, Silicon Valley is exciting. I just finished season 1 and watching the story grow (unrealistically) but seeing normal grinders find big success is great. Getting some insight into the startup culture is cool too. They introduce the viewer to a lot of jargon and concepts i'd never have know about, like a Weisman Score.