Help to decide: Landing page tool without online editor, is it worth it?

Sep 23, 2015
I was using Unbounce previously, the tool is great, but being forced to use online editor - really annoying. Also, you have no control over your HTML and CSS: you can't extend it the way you want, online editor limits you. This is classical vendor lock - if you decide to move to another landing page tool you can't export and import.

So I decided to build my own tool. No online editor - just upload your HTML, JS and CSS and it is working. Hosting, A/B split testing and analytics - all included.

What do you think about the idea? Is it worth implementing?

I would really appreciate if you answer two questions: 1. Why would you use it? 2. Why wouldn’t you use it?

Also, i can't measure market size, any advices on this would really help me, thanks!
Why wouldn't you include (as an option) a richt text editor?

TinyMCE or NicEdit spring to mind.

> Why wouldn't you include (as an option) a richt text editor?
This is for quick edit online? Good idea, thanks!

The main problem for me now (because i am newbie) is find the way how to measure market.
And if market has reasonable size - how to market the market.

Some examples would really help me, thanks!
What is your Unique Selling Proposition?

The fact that you won't have an online editor or visual editor isn't a bonus, it's a negative. Having no control over your HTML and CSS isn't going to be an issue for anyone who needs a visual editor anyways, and those that care can view the source code and copy and paste it out. I'm not seeing the issue here.

The hosting, analytics, and A/B testing is nice.

In this industry, the first thing anyone's going to think is that you're trying to steal their campaigns. You have the lander, the data, the split tested optimized lander, the optimized campaign. I wouldn't use your service. If it was free, I'd be skeptical about your intentions. If it costed money, I'd laugh at paying someone to steal my campaign.

I'm not saying that's what you'd do, but that's what these jokers will think.

I also think the PPC and lander game is complex enough that anyone worth their weight will know how to edit some HTML or write some CSS.

It's like selling owners of a Ferrari a guide on learning how to drive. Of course they can drive, they own a Ferrari.

1. Search for terms related to your product.

landing page creator
landing page builder
landing page generator
landing page software
landing page templates
landing page testing

2. Analyze the paid ads for each of those searches.

These are your competitors. Note the design, and pay attention to what is common. Take screenshots. Make notes. Sign up for all of them.

3. Create a landing page

Using your tool, create a landing page for your tool, applying what you learned from the previous step.
You must collect at least their first names and email ids.

4. Get leads without spending much

2. Pretending that you are a clueless guy, post this question on niche forums, just like you did here. Make sure you post the landing page URL along with your question.

5. Create a second landing page

Remember you have signed up to all those competing services? Read their emails. Learn how they are pitching their paid services. Make a better pitch highlighting your USP. Create a second landing page for this.

6. Email your leads

Send your "better pitch" to your leads. Send them to your second landing page.

7. If you get zero signups from Step 4/Step 6


8. PROFIT!!!


Good luck bro.
2. Pretending that you are a clueless guy, post this question on niche forums, just like you did here. Make sure you post the landing page URL along with your question.

Haha, he did :wink: It was edited because this seemed a bit too self-promotional for a first post and it was just an email opt-in with a "coming soon".
2. Pretending that you are a clueless guy, post this question on niche forums, just like you did here. Make sure you post the landing page URL along with your question.

Haha, he did :wink: It was edited because this seemed a bit too self-promotional for a first post and it was just an email opt-in with a "coming soon".

LOL - that's hilarious! Well, at least, he is trying out traffic leaks :wink:
^^ You're a good sport - he he.
Try old phpBB forums where mods are tired :wink: