[Help] - Can't Decide on Anything to 'Pick' and Go For and Start Marketing

Apr 25, 2015
Okay, I've read a lot... I'm creative... I'm ready to work... I know how to set up a good looking wordpress site, and I know a decent amount of coding. I've got some experience in the field already, however, its all been with small CPA offers for 'free shit.' This isn't what I want to do anymore, I don't want to be getting $1.20 per first page submit for grey-hatting kiddies into filling out a page that offers them a free xBox. However, I don't have my own business, I don't have my own product, and I don't have an idea for something 'new' to go make/build. I'm a damn good writer - I could write a good eBook, but I don't have a profitable niche to write it for.

I guess its clear now, this is all coming down to me not having a niche or a product. I got into micro-niche sites for a brief period of time. I had no interest in making super-niche spammy-looking websites for retarded things that 200 people Google a month. I'm not a SEO and I don't want to be. I'm just saying, 200 people Googling it a month is a good sign that its way too small to do much with. But like I said, I have no interest in stupid things like "dark minecraft texture packs" and "long winter coats for women." But I also think like a consumer -- There's no point in going after something very broad (where there are already many well established 'Brands') because as I consumer I would go to the forum with 1Mil posts about ADHD vs the new forum I stumble-upon with 1000 posts.

I've read stuff from CCarter, I know what not to do. I know to build a community, to 'traffic-leak', etc, I just can't get off the ground. I've looked into many of the things I love, and they aren't going to be profitable or worth going into (after doing some research). Plus, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little scared to decide on something and go for it (and risk it being a bad niche) because I can't afford to waste my time. I'm stretched pretty thin as it is already.
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I know exactly how you feel. I'm keenly aware of how time ticks forward and you don't get it back. I suffer from these same maladies.

But what's worse? Choosing "the wrong niche", gaining experience, and making a little money along the way... or... Not doing anything out of fear?

I disagree wholeheartedly about not starting a broad authority just because others are already established. There's so much money in huge niches and people aren't going to not look at yours just because they look at another one. It's not exclusive. You can get in there and take a slice of the pie.

If your main passions aren't money makers, choose something related to them that is, and go. Yeah, we want it to be fun, but it's still work. Get. Stuff. Done. Find a need and solve it. CREATE a need and solve it. Do something. Anything is better than stagnation.

Failure is inevitable and a good thing. I keep hearing "Fail Fast and Frequent". It causes you to iterate, and each time you start over, your better equipped to win. It's a good thing to fail. Go Go Go!
Every single person in history that has succeeded has failure stories, from Edison, Einstein, to the @Tavin and Zuckerbergs of the world. Somehow some way you plan on being the very first person in history to overlap all of them and jump into success? Really?

You fail the first dozen, hundred, if not thousand times you pick up a sword to slice the enemy. No one slices their opponent on the very first swing. The first swing you are learning to balance a sword with your body. Most likely your muscles aren't even adapted to balancing a sword. Your wrists are weak. After a week/month you'll be able to pick up a sword and swing for hours. But you'll still probably not hit a great opponent.

You want the success of being a great sword fighter without going through the ups and downs that MAKE a great sword fighter.

You don't have time for the failure that will make you a success, hence you will never be a success. There are one-hit wonders, but if you want to keep hitting and winning you'll soon realize this whole road is paved with failure.

Problem is everyone wants instant gratification... No one wants to fail, everyone wants a guarantee in life that this one project they are working on will be a success... Only thing guaranteed in life is your death, so you can sit on the side line for the rest of your life wondering "what if?" or you can pick up your sword and start failing quickly.
Time is passing you by whether you move towards your business goals or not. What you're doing now is fear based. Reorient your mind to a positive, optimistic, pleasure based style of thinking and start going after your goals while focusing on the rewards and not the possible loss of time invested in a "failed" project. You get more out of failures most of the time than you do your successes. Get on with it.
You just need to be decisive and make that first move. I've found that keeping a journal as well as utilizing a white board as helped me get out of that paralysis of analysis stage of where do I begin. In terms of making a profit out of what you love - I'd be surprised if there isn't some way to make money but if you can't think of a creative way to make money out of your passion, then find a vertical that interests you, or at the very least, is something you can see yourself putting work into day in and day out until you get it to where it needs to be profitable.