Goals for October 2016

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Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014
Victory Loves Preparation.

Are you ready?


It's the final quarter, and we're entering holiday season - the Super Bowl for this "thing of ours". What you have to keep in mind going into this quarter, this month, this week is everything you do, every extra minute of sweat adds a brick to your future that will help you elevate your game to the next level.

Don't forget to update your September 2016 Goals with what you accomplished, what you failed at, and how you plan on moving forward.

It's also a great time to update your overall 2016 goals in order to pivot, get rid of dead projects, or re-energize your end game.

As @maximus stated "Brick By Brick we build"

And as I stated before after the long Summer comes an even longer Winter - and now it's at our doorstep. I've got some ideas for 2017, but they depend on me killing it for the rest of 2016 going 200%. So if you are with me and are ready to crush your enemies - violently, it's time to get your game-face on, go 200% into October, and keep that momentum into November and December - marking 2016 as a victory in your book.


I know it'll be a victory in my book, no matter what, but I want to add a LOT more gravy on-top of my fat turkeys this holiday season. So I pray to the Lord of Light for strength during this coming 24/7 no sleep nights - for the night is dark...

  1. Five pieces of affiliate content on project 1
  2. Finish design for project 1 (objectively, it already looks like a large player in this industry but improvements can be made)
  3. Train new writer for project 1
  4. Setup all social and media accounts for project 1
  5. Setup GA goals, tracking and also email list for opt-ins
  6. Get 10 domains linking to project 1
  7. Deal with bank accounts, lawyers and accountant to setup NewCo
These are my October goals:
- Finish my diploma thesis
- Add 3 new clients to my business
- do seo to my agency site
Goals for October:
Publish 8 more articles on my authority site.
+ Finish content upgrades on current published articles and 8 articles to be published.
+ Start outreach for link building opportunities after all articles are published.
+ Start establishing relationships with possible local sponsors for the coworking space I am starting in 2017.
Main Site:
  • Finish this first new style of post I'm rolling out on my main site
  • Traffic Leak to it like a madman and another post ready for it
  • Do outreach for it and see what if I can score a handful of links
  • Schedule out some easy posts for the month to keep freshness going
  • Possibly roll out another review post or two
JV Site:
  • Update the Pay Per Call on this site I'm taking over for a JV split
  • Update the CPA form on the same site
  • Finish re-optimizing inner pages now that the penalty seems to be lifting
Quick Flip Site:
  • It's not going to be ranking and banking yet. I need to toss some links at it is all. And not crappy ones. The ones I did use got it into the game. Now I need to drive it home. I may drop some cash towards it this month. Not sure. Knowing it's aging for now makes me not worry too much. Whenever I circle back around it'll be that much more ready.
My goals for this month:

1. Take new SERPWoo's SERP Sightings live.
2. Take new SERPWoo's API live.
3. Finish off Side-Project #1.
4. Finish off Side-Project #2.
5. Internal organization for the future corporation. Need to get a tester site up this month.
6. Finish off Market Research for a business associate.
7. Create 3 new SERPWoo videos and 10 new blogposts.
8. Finalize framework for SAAS #2.
New here. Posted an intro thread if you want to know more. It's good to get your goals down and also good to be accountable so -

Main ho (e-commerce, clothing / merchandise):

This is my main personal project at the moment.

1. New up sell products on e-commerce site
2. Expand product range
3. Pushing forward on Instagrqam
4. Pushing forward on Twitter
5. Concentrate on / grow email list

Side chick 1 (kind of Saas)

This is one I started around a year ago with a partner however we hit issues and have both been busy. He rang me the other week and wants to get it moving again. Potentially good earner can't say any more. It's made us a good return already on our initial investment.

1. Stop spending the money
2. Replace money i've spent / grovel to partner
3. Start link building (outsource)
4. More content (outsource)

Side chick 2 (Saas)

I've recently written some custom Wordpress stuff which i think will do well as plugins. I have looked and there is nothing else on the market. I want to write and launch 3/2 wordpress plugins on CodeCanyon. I've got most of the underlying code and i've written some basic WP plugins before. Sure I can put something decent and sellable together. Anyone got any experience with this?

1. Start project
2. ???

also -

Contribute here (already got an idea for a good article I can write for you all )
Gym / lift more - it's all part of the mindset :wink:

* Side chick 3 (The guide from this forum)

1. Picking a VERTICAL (not a niche) with plenty of money in it where I think I can make inroads.
2. Research, planning, thinking. Got a lot on at the moment but i'm thinking about it now. l Got an idea already but not going to start yet lest my other projects suffer. Looking to "put pen to paper" in January.
1. Take new SERPWoo's SERP Sightings live.
2. Take new SERPWoo's API live.
3. Finish off Side-Project #1.
4. Finish off Side-Project #2.
5. Internal organization for the future corporation. Need to get a tester site up this month.
6. Finish off Market Research for a business associate.
7. Create 3 new SERPWoo videos and 10 new blogposts.
8. Finalize framework for SAAS #2.​

1/3 of the month is already gone, so now it's time to double and triple down to get most of this stuff taken care of.
Contribute here (already got an idea for a good article I can write for you all )

Wrote you guys an article.
Finally moving forward with my business. Here are the steps for this month:

1) Get done last design touches (for today actually).
2) Setup GWT and GA (for today actually)
3) Publish all "must have" pages (for today actually)
4) Implement Mautic (still on the fance regarding self-hosted or not...)
5) Create funnels, forms, lists etc.
6) Setup social media accounts
7) Publish 7 quality articles
8) Publish at least 3 news a day starting 17th
9) Get 100 subscribers before end of this month
10) Test paid traffic from major news sites (like Yahoo etc.)
11) Get new one time assigment client that will pay for the traffic tests
12) Force current clients to do their job, and if not get rid of the most annoying one (that won't be easy but fuck it, I have to do this otherwise he will eat me one day...)
13) Stick to the plan
Got my taxes done, finally.

Just to clarify, they have always been "done" but I was waiting on some paperwork from other companies who didn't send things in on time ( health insurance, etc ) and also had some issues with transfers and wrong entries that I needed help with from someone a bit better at business law than me.

Always sucks to have to be at the mercy of others sometimes.|

Also, minimize the type of transfers you do within multiple business bank accounts. Will help you in the long run.
We're halfway through the month. Where are you at? If you're not where you want to be, what can you do in the third and fourth periods to make sure that come November you're one step close?

Progress on Goals:

  1. Five pieces of affiliate content on project 1 (3 strong pieces with custom graphics, infographics and other custom media where needed)
  2. Finish design for project 1 (objectively, it already looks like a large player in this industry but improvements can be made) (Done. Site is looking solid and will be finalized when the site is populized fully with the first round of content)
  3. Train new writer for project 1 (Done. Guy is killing it and handling everything from A-Z for pennies)
  4. Setup all social and media accounts for project 1 (Done - not perfect but will do for now)
  5. Setup GA goals, tracking and also email list for opt-ins (Not got to this yet, this is for the fourth period)
  6. Get 10 domains linking to project 1 (Outreach prospects are listed out, content is ready to be promoted and will start getting in contact next week. This goal is lofty given time remaining, but we'll see what can be done)
  7. Deal with bank accounts, lawyers and accountant to setup NewCo (Done)
Feeling great about this month already, lots has been done. Hope you guys are making solid progress and if not then there's still time so make the most of it.
Late addition here, so taking into account i have a little less than two weeks:

- Create youtube channel for brand/authority site, and post first video
- Get 100+ visitors via social media (facebook, instagram, reddit)
- Get 10 subscribers

Promotion starts this weekend. In a similar boat as VinnyP. Started from complete scratch about 30days ago. Wanted to setup the site in such a way and write content in such a way that didn't immediately make people bounce out. Nearly finished with all that and ready to start driving traffic to it

1. Take new SERPWoo's SERP Sightings live. FAILED. A lot more difficult than it seems but a ton of progress has been made that will take the feature to the next level. It has to be built correct from the ground up the time around.
2. Take new SERPWoo's API live. FAILED. On back burner until Sightings and New Reporting is live.
3. Finish off Side-Project #1. FAILED. 95% complete, but there is the final stretch that will take about 10 hours to complete.
4. Finish off Side-Project #2. FAILED. 80% complete. Outsourced the design, the content has already been written, now it's time to stitch it all together and get this things out the door. The partners have seen the site and are excited, so now it's time to deliver.
5. Internal organization for the future corporation. Need to get a tester site up this month. FAILED. Had another meeting with the sales team and decided to outsource the website design and take on the first 'intern'/'test pilot' to get a website off the ground. I was going to do it myself but looking at everything else going on and the major contract deals I'm working on it's not realistic.
6. Finish off Market Research for a business associate. SUCCESS
7. Create 3 new SERPWoo videos and 10 new blogposts. Got 2 blogposts up. FAILED. 100% efforts were from @eliquid, but I did happen to write 4 new blogposts in total, just not publish them - polishing them is my problem at the moment.
8. Finalize framework for SAAS #2.FAILED. A lot of good progress was made with planning the features, and we've started down the road towards alpha testing.

Overall it was a lot of "good progress", but not enough "completes and FULL successes.
Main Site:
  • Finish this first new style of post I'm rolling out on my main site: DONE
  • Traffic Leak to it like a madman and another post ready for it: DONE
  • Do outreach for it and see what if I can score a handful of links: STARTED
  • Schedule out some easy posts for the month to keep freshness going: DONE
  • Possibly roll out another review post or two: NONE
JV Site:
  • Update the Pay Per Call on this site I'm taking over for a JV split: DONE & EARNING
  • Update the CPA form on the same site: DONE & EARNING
  • Finish re-optimizing inner pages now that the penalty seems to be lifting: STARTED
Quick Flip Site:
  • It's not going to be ranking and banking yet. I need to toss some links at it is all. And not crappy ones. The ones I did use got it into the game. Now I need to drive it home. I may drop some cash towards it this month. Not sure. Knowing it's aging for now makes me not worry too much. Whenever I circle back around it'll be that much more ready.: NONE

I'm happy with the progress. I took on a surprise website build job that was too juicy to turn down. Happy to have gotten as much done as I did while still plowing away at this site build.
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