Goals for May 2018

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BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014

I'm coming in two days late, my apologies. It's been hectic, which is a good thing. I hope it's been hectic for you. It means things are getting done!

Q1 has come and gone. Long live Q2.

Many of us make sensible and actionable short term plans that all play into a bigger picture plan, usually annual plans. It's easy to dream up all of the big things that you'll get done this year, but suddenly you look up and it's already May. Are you staying on track with your goals for the entire year?

It's time to review how April went for you and scheme up the direction that May will take.

I don't know why, but I've got an absolute fire lit under me right now. When this happens, I try to take full advantage and get tons of work done, because you can't ride the peak forever.

Keep me fired up and list off some "get it done" goals. I want to see that you guys are slaying it to an absurd level, so my subconscious realizes there are still new planes of reality to ascend to. Let's ride this gravy train all the way to Valhalla this month!
  • Keep cranking out content
  • Outreach and build backlinks
  • Start making linkbaits based on Data Visualizations/Infographics
  • Code Social Media Follower scripts
Main focus will be on linkbuilding via outreach and however I get the chance to drop links around the web. I'll be publishing at least 10 pieces of content, many of which will be primarily for linkbuilding. My remaining time outside of general admin etc will be spent on outreach. Should be a fun month!
  • Secure 15 live guest posts/link placements
  • Post 20,000 words of content
  • 10% earnings increase over April
  • 10% traffic increase over April
  • Design a new logo
  • Start site redesign (if I don’t have time it’s not getting done)
Milestones for May
  • Setup master Airtable document containing
    • Common competitors with their DR, backlinks and site type (Publisher, Authority, Affiliate)
    • Setup the site structure sheet with keywords and hierarchy (Widget Reviews > Best Pink Widgets > Best Pink Widgets For Martians)
    • Setup content tracking sheet
    • Setup link tracking sheet
    • Setup work tracking sheet
  • Install Wordpress
  • Install theme
  • 3 longtail informational "question" posts written to help learn the niche
I've got to keep it simpler and realistic this month. I always get more hungry than is possible to complete. The three asterisks goals are the most important. I need to quit getting down on myself about these goals. These are goals, not a list of all tasks I'm doing. I'm keeping up with the everyday tasks too. I'm smart, I'm handsome, and gosh darnit, people like me!

Main Project
- Finish the 25 money posts I'm trying to slam out all together *
- Finish extending the short posts from the past, I'm so close to done *
- Drip some content in the meantime

JV w/ Stackcash
- Get the main money making posts published *
- That will allow me to finish off the design
- Maybe start building some links if time allows

Incoming Service
- Realistically, I'll only get to this if all other tasks are completed.
- It needs a big chunk of full focus to get it to where I'm ready to offer.
- I need at least a full week or two where I can devote to it undistracted.
Gonna chime in this month.

- 10 money pages
- 15 info pages
- complete 30 day workout challenge
Mid-month update:

Starting with the small goals below was a real boost for motivation as nothing seemed to grand to tackle and so was easy to get it all done.
  • Setup master Airtable document containing
    • Common competitors with their DR, backlinks and site type (Publisher, Authority, Affiliate)
    • Setup the site structure sheet with keywords and hierarchy (Widget Reviews > Best Pink Widgets > Best Pink Widgets For Martians)
    • Setup content tracking sheet
    • Setup link tracking sheet
    • Setup work tracking sheet
  • Install Wordpress
  • Install theme
  • 3 longtail informational "question" posts written to help learn the niche
Bonus new goals for the month:
  • 1 x commercial page published (best x for y)
  • Find topic on BuzzSumo and outline the post to outsource
Fresh newly entered a freelancing mid-ticket subniche,
scored and served a contract a week,
keeping up with the momentum :happy:

Also sorted out some related low-ticket product,
set client care & product delivery 100% automated,
momentum flow became surfing :happy:
  • Secure 15 live guest posts/link placements - Done (20)
  • Post 20,000 words of content - Done (24,000)
  • 10% earnings increase over April - Done (65% increase!)
  • 10% traffic increase over April - Done (16% increase)
  • Design a new logo - Done
  • Start site redesign (if I don’t have time it’s not getting done) - Done
Technically the last two weren't done for the site I was planning, but they were done for my new site so I'm marking these as done. All in all it was a good month, bring on the summer!
Flooded by work...downgrading this to 3 articles for the month and responding to emails.
Did not write a single article; just answered emails. Still pulled in 5k, but this was a survival month.
Main Project
- Finish the 25 money posts I'm trying to slam out all together
- Finish extending the short posts from the past, I'm so close to done
- Drip some content in the meantime

- I'm very close to finishing the 25 money posts. I stopped for a good while to help out with the BuSo 2.0 rollout, otherwise I think they'd be done. By the end of the weekend I'll have them ready for products and dripping out. I'd like to drop 2 a day at least until they're out.​
- I didn't even touch these short posts. I'll circle back to my list of "clean up" items when I finish the 25 posts.​
- I did this, enough to keep things alive but not a ton. But each was a solid post that got good reactions on my social media profiles.​

JV w/ Stackcash
- Get the main money making posts published
- That will allow me to finish off the design
- Maybe start building some links if time allows

- We didn't touch this again. Stackcash is super busy stacking mad cash and dealing with a bigger project he already had on deck. It's almost done so we'll see about turning attention back to this ASAP.​

Incoming Service
- Realistically, I'll only get to this if all other tasks are completed.
- It needs a big chunk of full focus to get it to where I'm ready to offer.
- I need at least a full week or two where I can devote to it undistracted.

- I entertained 4 potential projects this month that are all related to this service. The service is just me streamlining it and getting it ready for promotion. But in the process, I started making operating procedures for the work I'll be doing. All I need now is to complete a questionnaire for the clients to fill out and then create the foundation for every sale. That's vague but it makes sense to me. The creatives for marketing are already done too. If any of these 4 potential projects follows through, that'll help me move forward on this as well, because I can pull double duty.​
  • Keep cranking out content - Done
  • Outreach and build backlinks - Failed
  • Start making linkbaits based on Data Visualizations/Infographics - Failed
  • Code Social Media Follower scripts - Done
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