Goals for June 2019


BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014
Goals for June 2019


"Don't count the days. Make the days count." ~ Muhammad Ali
I know that people don't like setting real goals. And they doubly don't like making these goals public. The reason is, month after month, almost all of us have to come back and report that we didn't achieve it all, and that feels bad.

But is it actually bad? It is if you had simple, small, achievable goals and you simply wasted a month. It's good if you're setting huge goals. People talk about aiming for the stars and landing on the moon. That's a good thing. If at the end of the month, you didn't complete your goals, but you did something productive every day, you did infinitely more than the goof's who wasted their entire month.

If that's you, feeling bad about getting tons of work done because you didn't get to tick off a checkbox, you have to re-orient yourself with your goals. They're not there to be ultimately finished. They're there to guide you and keep you on the right track. As long as you're making progress, you're making your days count.
Main Project
(starts 1 week from now, 3 weeks to finish)

Without re-explaining the why's and what's, I'll finally be back to this after 2 months of not really touching it due to taking on another big project (mentioned below). My hope of all hopes is that I can plow through a chunk of work I have laid out that puts this in a finished state. I've been doing a lot of work on a staging server that contains a lot of improvements and updates to all of my content and some technical SEO things. I can't wait to see what this does.

(in action, 1 week to finish)

I'm at the end of a big site redesign I took on. All that's left is getting it live on the server. I need to move the theme files over, configure some plugins, get it live, then tweak a few things and I'm done with it. Was a nice chunk of change but I'm glad it's almost over. I'm sure there will be a surprise or two and some interaction with the owner as they get settled, but all in all this should be out of my hair within a week.

New Project
(starts 1 week from now, 1 day to finish)

One thing I'll do before jumping back into my main project is getting this new project into an MVP state. It's an expired domain type project. I've already got some content for it. I just need to spin up a CMS install and see how Google responds. Hopefully they respect the old links and things go very well. I could use a motivator right now.


I thought I'd bring this up again just because I've mentioned it in the past and some people might be interested. On and off for 2 years I've been making a game. Over the first 2 years I got a decent little foundation done and then spent a ton of time creating graphics and animating them. This killed the progress and made it not fun at all. Last month I got excited and started working on this again as something to distract my mind in the late evenings instead of wasting time staring at a movie or reading forums. Anyways, I had chosen months ago that if I was ever to work on this again, I'd scrap all the graphics and create a game that simply doesn't have them. It's not a text-based game at all, it just doesn't have animated sprites and things like that any more. I don't want to say too much regarding all that. I said what I said only to say that getting the graphics out of the way has meant that I've been working in the code again and I managed to make some serious strides in about 5 evenings late last month. I'm excited to keep going and keep track of all the stats after I release the game. It'll be fun to make a case study thread about it (starting as a one-time info dump and turning into a rare update here and there).
After May was a fail, let's get into this


Software project - Tardis
This is in the real world traffic/delivery niche. We are talking GPS tracking, etc.
At least technologically, this is very interesting.
  • Outline and tech spec done by 15th
  • Clarify MVP with developer
  • First setup
Basdically taking this over into June, as this has not been finished.

Floating elephant

To be honest, this might land in the backlog.

  • Complete rework of texts done by end of month
  • New colors and design by end of month

Customer 1
  • Get small task done, send invoice for this and other tasks.
  • Get outsourcee on the project to take over some of the work.

New customer
  • Agree on a meetup with the client, towards the middle of the month.
Massive growth implementation this month for long term traffic.
  • AutomateWoo bought, need to start crafting and setting up emails for every situation
  • When that's set up, start the referral program to give an incentive to share
  • Hack together something where if they "like" or "follow" a social account, they'll get credit to the store
Honestly, all the products are digital, so I'm not worried about credit cutting into revenue. Trying to grow that list, baby!
End of June.. (almost, close enough to put a final report out=


Software project - Tardis
This is in the real world traffic/delivery niche. We are talking GPS tracking, etc.
At least technologically, this is very interesting.
  • Outline and tech spec done by 15th - DONE v1
  • Clarify MVP with developer - DONE
  • First setup - DONE
So far, so good,but partners are still holding out with the final go.
meeting is on 3rd of July.

Floating elephant

To be honest, this might land in the backlog.
- and it did!

Customer 1
  • Get small task done, send invoice for this and other tasks. - DONE
  • Get outsourcee on the project to take over some of the work. -nope

Actually got a bit more done on this, quite a bit of freelancing $$.

New customer
  • Agree on a meetup with the client, towards the middle of the month - DONE
And work has started.

So far, so good.
Next month will be all in on the SaaS, and hoping to find an outsorcee.