Do you really need related posts under the article?


BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Jan 23, 2015
The reason I'm asking is because, I have a widget in the sidebar with the related posts, so whats the point of having both?

Especially on mobile, since the sidebar will be under the article anyway.
Doesn't make a difference whether you have related posts on the side or bottom. That's preference. Showing related posts keeps readers on your site. It also helps Google understand the context of your articles. Search engines likely understand the difference between body content and template content (header, footer, side navigation, etc). If having related posts to the side and below the content looks ugly, just show it on the side. Either way it's boilerplate that would be treated with less value than your body content anyway.
Setting up "related posts" is a powerful SEO tool for a number of reasons:
1) LSI (latent semantic indexing) strategy;
2) Internal links structure

In my experience the place doesn't matter, but in the source code it's better to keep after the main content and keywords.
The way I look at it, do whatever makes your page stickier, i.e. whatever makes the user stay on your website longer. This reduces the chance of pogo-sticking back to the search results and increases the time they spend on your website. Both are good for user experience which in turn is good for SEO.