#BrightonSEO Conference - Slide Deck Collections


BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014

The big UK SEO conference went down again, and for those of us who couldn't attend, a lot of the speakers were cool enough to release their slide decks online.

We don't get to hear what they had to say, but there's a boatload of good information in these. Four or five of them are *extremely* important in my mind.

I'm going to finish reviewing them all and come back and comment. I had to share it now though in case there were some of you having a low key Sunday as well. No better time than to study up.
One of them talked about "owning" the media. He who controls the media controls the culture of the niche, and then you make it do what you want, such as share and link (to you). That's powerful stuff.

The one about the 25 day content and promotion spree put so many ideas in my head...
I attended the conference. It was pretty good, but they have changed the way it works and we really struggled to get into of the talks we wanted to. In the afternoon we left early as we could not actually see any talk that was of interest. Thanks for sharing these slide decks as at least I can get some of the info I missed from not being able to actually see the talks.

Mathew Barby gave the best talk I saw.