Best LMS/Membership Site Software?

Oct 13, 2016
I've used DAP (way back in the day) and Wishlist Member (a few years ago) on production sites, and I've also dicked around with various LMS's like Moodle although not on production sites. But I'd like some input on what the current landscape looks like.

In essence, the goal of both is to protect paid content and to offer various levels of access to material depending on the user. An LMS lends itself to more of a classroom environment with the ability to offer tests, grades, certs etc but beyond that they seem very similar with a lot of overlap. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but that being the case it probably doesn't matter if it's anything from a membership plugin for WP up to a standalone LMS.

This is for a spanking new project that I haven't even fully fleshed out yet, so I don't really have a set in stone list of requirements, although I wouldn't expect to need anything too crazy. I liked Wishlist Member and from what I recall it would probably work for what I need, but I don't know if they're still at the top of their game. Moodle was cool, but felt like overkill which is why I never rolled it out for anything.

Anyway, since it's been awhile since I researched the options I'm curious to hear input from the members here.
Oh man, this is right up my alley since I developed a LMS and also used/played with Moodle and Blackboard a lot in the higher ed stuff I did.

I've also tested about every "membership" software you can think of.

Tops of my list for membership sites though is still Wishlist and DAP ( its came a long way ).

You also have amember, optimizepress ( it has a members plugin ), membermouse, forums ( they can be set up to "open" sections on X days after membership ), ez member, and hosted platforms like Kajibi.

If you're looking LMS though, I'd stick with Moodle honestly.
Great topic! I've seen a lot money being made with other in digital courses where they have some expertise to offer, and sometimes it seems like a better path than just another affiliate blog.

@eliquid Have you used WP Courseware?

I'm developing a course right now and was looking at how to best do this, here is what I was thinking.

1. WP Courseware for the LMS
2. Either PaidMemberPro or EasyDigitalDownload for collecting revenue.

I'm pretty sure offering the upfront cost is producing more revenue now that the subscription models for the majority of courses. I'm looking charging an fee up front and that buys you 3-4 months access, I would not expect a user to re-buy. The course would be videos (keynotes with voice over), notes, quizzes, and exam preparation material. Dripping based on module completion and date. Doing everything self hosted just seems better than using one of the hosted solutions.
Havent used that plugin.. will have to look into it