

BuSo Pro
Nov 6, 2014
So, I'm on my foot 36h already, without any sleep. I've had busy night because I've had to get one site done for sale for today morning. Funny thing, I was still fighting time around 7 AM but I did manage to get it ready.

So, I'm thinking maybe it's cool to start a thread for "zombies"? lol


Everytime someone is going hard with the job, he/she could post here :wink: (post t motivate us all :wink: )
Clearly, your grammar is all over the place today :D
Oh shit, sorry for this. I'm getting a bit weary now, but it's not that bad. However, productivity is down right now.
Early in 2015 I was taking a ton of Adderall (I have prescription) and coffee and felt amazing on barely any sleep. It's freakish but the less sleep I get the more euphoric I feel. I was nailing 90 to ~100 hours recorded in TeamworkPM or Toggl each week... After becoming totally burnt out I'm seeing how much that messed me up health wise. I still feel sluggish to this day, I got bronchitis 2x and then pneumonia when I used to never get sick, plus way more.

It's not cool to miss sleep and if you have to it means you're doing something wrong management/scheduling wise. I've been keeping a consistent routine for about 6 months and there's no need to ever get less than 7 hours. I'm a big advocate in 'missing sleep is stupid' now.
I'm 100% with you on this, but sometimes shit happens and there is no other way. To me, it happens once in a while, plus I don't do any amphetamines (some time ago I was able to do this on Ephedrine, very sporadically).

I'm quite health conscious and would never do what you did, too hardcore for me :wink:
But once in a while is not that bad, especially if only with coffee and water lol. Anyway, it was a very productive 36 houres.

And you are right about time management as well. I still have some problem with that, but it's getting better.