$2000 kick off + $1000 monthly budget - Best bang for buck?

Dec 21, 2016
How to spend it most efficient for building backlink profile?

Already a lot of content on site, and desired keywords are already ranking like 5-10
This is a low quality question that doesn't describe your goal. What exactly do you mean by "building backlink profile?" Do you want to increase vanity metrics? Boost rankings? Do you want to build branded links to the homepage? Do you want to get a spread of links across your inner pages?

How many desired keywords are we talking about? Two or three? 100? How competitive are they? What are their search volumes in general? How much is a conversions worth?

All of this would change my answer to your question. But as of right now three's zero specifics, so I don't know how to answer it.
Additionally to what "Future State" said, this is no more a game of only ranking a website. It's about getting the best outreach you can get. A link with an article on Wall Street Journal worth 100 times a link on Adobe's forum. This game is no more about links, is about who can get the most trust in his field instead of building links.

Example: Seth Godin, I hate that guy, because he's full of shit but he do what we all lack, marketing his self
arrogant ego. I respect him for only one thing. He really do marketing in front of your eyes, just copy his style, you will do well.

Mostly I lurk here, but sometimes those blurred questions kills the forum's elegance and intellect and for most it's quality. So I must reply on them.