Search results

  1. thehobbster

    How to Transfer a Wordpress Site to a New Server and Domain

    How to Transfer a Wordpress Site to a New Server and Domain There are many occasions where you may need to transfer your Wordpress site to a new server and change it's domain name. Maybe you purchased a new host or you are just consolidating servers to save some cheddar. Perhaps you royaly...
  2. thehobbster

    How to Make a Wooden Dry Erase White Board

    Let's not front. Those big white dry erase boards are fugly. But unfortunately, there's not much other choice for those of us in the market. I even considered getting a chalk board just because I detest a whiteboard that much. It comes with a dog turd drawn on for that added touch. But I...
  3. thehobbster

    50 Tidbits of Advice

    50 Tidbits of Advice The following was a wad of small business counsel I offered to a group of fine gentleman elsewhere on the internets who specialize in internet marketing in general. Twas divinely orated and translated to human tongue on 11/29/2012. It concerns itself with not only...
  4. thehobbster

    The Danger of Data-Driven Decision-Making

    The Danger of Data-Driven Decision-Making With the advance of computing power, there is a new game in town: Crowd-Sourcing. Why spend time, man-hours, paid labor, and server time beta testing your software when there are millions of people on the internet whose behaviors you can measure and...
  5. thehobbster

    The Great "Above the Fold" Algorithm Misunderstanding

    The Great "Above the Fold" Algorithm Misunderstanding Many, many moons ago, in an age long-forgotten, there was this thing called "The Newspaper," which reported the current on-goings to the masses. This was particularly valuable to advertisers, who wanted their ad to display in the prime...
  6. thehobbster

    Search the Web!

    I was rummaging around the office and found a list someone had put together long ago. I got a huge chuckle out of this. Notice the jotted down notes on the side, telling which search engines are good for graphics or research. Notice who is NOT on there as well. Pretty fun stuff. I used...
  7. thehobbster

    Watch for these Article Writing Scams...

    Watch for these Article Writing Scams... Ye Ole Copy-Pasta So I've gone through a roller-coaster ride trying to find a decent article writer. I tried one who did well for a few orders, and then the quality hit the floor. Then I started writing all of my own articles, but this takes way too...
  8. thehobbster

    Information Addiction and the Parable of the Arrow

    Information Addiction and the Parable of the Arrow I'm pretty well connected to the internet marketing world nowadays. I wake up and check the forums. At lunch, I take a break and check my RSS feed reader. And then I check the forums again. And throughout the entire workday I'm on Skype...
  9. thehobbster

    Adsense Stop Words Fiasco

    Adsense Stop Words Fiasco I noticed quite a while back that my best earning Adsense site had three pages on it that were no longer showing ads. I gave it no mind and thought that perhaps there just weren't any relevant ads at the time. It didn't occur to me at the moment that all the other...
  10. thehobbster

    Post Your Battlestation - 2015

    Getting started a lil early, but these type of threads are always fun. Post your Battlestation for 2015 and show off your office set up or whatever it is. A laptop in the bed, doesn't matter. I'll go first. X Interested in seeing everyone else's set ups :cool: Oh, and that's BuilderSociety...