Good Value Champions. What else is as good as cloud flares 20$ plan?


A "Spinning Round Planet" With "Gravity"
BuSo Pro
Jan 29, 2015
What was your best good value business subscription that wasn’t hosting the last year and why?

For me it’s the cloud flare 20$ per month plan. I dunno how but they keep keyword sheeter faster and more online than anyone in our niche.
Lately I’ve found myself looking at their bundled analytics panels. It’s been giving me a story that’s a bit contradictory to my other reporting. Making some moves to see if the insights are valid.
Are they going to evolve into a google analytics competitor of sorts? They’re already the traffic routing juggernaut.
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Definitely some keyword tools. Keywordchef is up there, although I haven't used it that much.
If I had to choose one it would be group-buying Ahrefs, it's like 10$/month instead of the whopping 100$ and you get access to all features. VERY good investment.
Ubersuggest. €290 for a lifetime membership. Used to be $99. I think Neil just uses it as lead gen for his agency.
Ubersuggest. €290 for a lifetime membership. Used to be $99. I think Neil just uses it as lead gen for his agency.
I hate this guy for some reason. He's just a brand face over there. I bet most of articles that are under his name aren't written by him. But he's a marketing genious for sure!

In interviews comes off as really shady guy.
I hate this guy for some reason. He's just a brand face over there. I bet most of articles that are under his name aren't written by him. But he's a marketing genious for sure!
This seems to be a common critique of his, and hearing from someone working there, does seem to be the case. That said, is it much different from any other large company? Does the colonel fry the chicken or Musk code the Twitter? Not trying to beef here as I've held similar opinions, I think because he seems to parrot SEO trends, but then again, what "influencer" doesn't? Maybe this is the sign of true marketing genius; inability to put in a box + wildly successful financially (presumedly)?

Does Spotify count as a business subscription? I'd be dead without it, more productivity-inducing than endless cups black coffee!

I've also got to say these forum link building subscriptions have been a bit of a surprise. Last time I bought forum links was near a decade ago and they were bad enough to keep me away for that length of time.

However running into some over-optimization pickles I've used them with what appears to be (could be coincidence in timing) success in rebalancing anchors and keeping brand/URL links on drip. I haven't run them the entire year non-stop as I don't want a forum-dominated backlink profile either, but I'll use them for 2-3 month spurts and each time there are a few domains in the report that make me go "nice"...
I hate this guy for some reason. He's just a brand face over there. I bet most of articles that are under his name aren't written by him. But he's a marketinf genious for sure!

In interviews comes off as really shady guy.
Oh no! He's not actually doing marketing and is profiting from the marketer's that he hired!

Dude, this is an IM forum. Give me a break. Cut the envy and jealousy shit out. Take it as inspiration and a learning experience. Neil's offering a $299 lifetime keyword tool whereas that's only 3 months with the lower plan for SEMRUsh, A Href, etc. I'm sure he's getting the best marketers to work for him too and ghost write good content for him as well.

Envy will keep you behind. Awe and esteem will motivate you. Suck it up and ruck on.
Oh no! He's not actually doing marketing and is profiting from the marketer's that he hired!

Dude, this is an IM forum. Give me a break. Cut the envy and jealousy shit out. Take it as inspiration and a learning experience. Neil's offering a $299 lifetime keyword tool whereas that's only 3 months with the lower plan for SEMRUsh, A Href, etc. I'm sure he's getting the best marketers to work for him too and ghost write good content for him as well.

Envy will keep you behind. Awe and esteem will motivate you. Suck it up and ruck on.
Again I didn't want to say anything i just dont follow influencers. Simple as that. I would recommend kwfinder tool. Much better to support Mangools.

Tools i recommend:
- kwfinder
- trello there's usually a discount coupon available and it really helps with long stints of focus (use it all morning/early afternoon after a cup of coffee on a fasted stomach).