Goals for September 2017

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Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014
If I told you it was easy I would be lying.

Attaining your goals requires sacrifice. It requires taking risks - a lot more risks than 99% of the world is used to.

It requires depending on your own ability and standing on your own two feet and relying on your mind to overcome the next obstacle - and then the next, and then the next - all while knowing there is always another challenge that's coming your way.

It requires being steadfast and knowing that quitting would mean never knowing how far you could have gone.

You have to work through the pain. Through the torment, through social pressure to conform and "be like everyone else"; you have to work through the late nights and early mornings.

It's not easy becoming the best. It's not easy bettering yourself.

But it is worth it.


August is gone - September is here and winter is coming... Winter brings it a lot of opportunities to generate revenue and profits for you and your business - especially during the holiday season, but it will require doubling down NOW to make sure your business is in prime shape to take on the competition.

In the end it'll come down to how many check-boxes were you able to check off for your Goals for 2017.

Time to get to work.
What the fugg happened to January? April? June? Its September already?!

I am breaking down my goals by project, with one personal goal. These goals are my biggest priorities for this month only, and support my annual goals that are organized in the same way. My goals are "SMART" but its assumed the deadline is October 1.

Project 1 (Codename Booker)

Before the end of the month I will reduce site speed to ~3s and page size to a maximum size of 3mb. After conducting a full site audit I will then outsource all the issues revealed to a qualified VA. Outsourcing these tasks will set me free to maintain the site content production schedule. I am doing this for the purpose of selling the site for a 20X+ valuation on an income of $4,000 per month.

Project 2 (Codename Legacy)

Before the end of the month I will have mapped the entire system I use to take a "production" from concept to completion. I am doing this for the purpose of outsourcing or automating as much of the process as possible and hiring a General Manager to handle the rest.

Project 3 (Codename Garvey)

Before the end of the month I will create the framework and guidelines for turning this site into a multi-author platform. Im doing this to introduce new voices to my audience and keep fresh content coming while I focus on my higher priority sites.

Project 4 (Codename Grail)

Before the end of the month I will have written the 7 cornerstone articles for this sites categories, recorded the audio version of each article, and completed 4 podcasts(episode cover designed, engineered, uploaded to itunes and Play, with social media promo queued up using Massplanner).

Project 5 (Codename Tumbleweed)

Before the end of the month I will have AWS S3 configured to take uploaded videos on site, produce a thumbnail, and stream content from buckets instead of locally. Im doing this to improve UX and because Amazon is a better (read:more cost effective) delivery option than storing videos on my server.

Project 6 (Codename Tenet)

Before the end of the month I will have increased the number of completed modules for I course I made rom 30% to 60% and implement an affiliate program using a premium wordpress plugin (not that WPMUDEV crap)

Personal Goal:

Before the end of the month I will stop diucking this doctors appointment. I cant achieve my goals if Im dead.

I am breaking down my goals by project, with one personal goal. These goals are my biggest priorities for this month only, and support my annual goals that are organized in the same way. My goals are "SMART" but its assumed the deadline is October 1.

Project 1 (Codename Booker)

Before the end of the month I will reduce site speed to ~3s and page size to a maximum size of 3mb. After conducting a full site audit I will then outsource all the issues revealed to a qualified VA. Outsourcing these tasks will set me free to maintain the site content production schedule. I am doing this for the purpose of selling the site for a 20X+ valuation on an income of $4,000 per month.

Project 2 (Codename Legacy)

Before the end of the month I will have mapped the entire system I use to take a "production" from concept to completion. I am doing this for the purpose of outsourcing or automating as much of the process as possible and hiring a General Manager to handle the rest.

Project 3 (Codename Garvey)

Before the end of the month I will create the framework and guidelines for turning this site into a multi-author platform. Im doing this to introduce new voices to my audience and keep fresh content coming while I focus on my higher priority sites.

Project 4 (Codename Grail)

Before the end of the month I will have written the 7 cornerstone articles for this sites categories, recorded the audio version of each article, and completed 4 podcasts(episode cover designed, engineered, uploaded to itunes and Play, with social media promo queued up using Massplanner).

Project 5 (Codename Tumbleweed)

Before the end of the month I will have AWS S3 configured to take uploaded videos on site, produce a thumbnail, and stream content from buckets instead of locally. Im doing this to improve UX and because Amazon is a better (read:more cost effective) delivery option than storing videos on my server.

Project 6 (Codename Tenet)

Before the end of the month I will have increased the number of completed modules for I course I made rom 30% to 60% and implement an affiliate program using a premium wordpress plugin (not that WPMUDEV crap)

Personal Goal:

Before the end of the month I will stop diucking this doctors appointment. I cant achieve my goals if Im dead.

(BuSo Goal - I will maintain this case study/life study until I am dead or done.)
Affiliate Site
  • Build 10 strong contextual links
  • Upload 4 Pieces of content
  • Increase Twitter followers to 100
Link Building Service
  • Increase number of sites to 100
September is going to be the best month to date, let's get it done.


- Close 3 new software build clients
- Finish through phase 3 of my customer retention initiative across all platforms
- Finish delegating all operations tasks to the appropriate departments
- Complete the Operations Manual


- Get 20 committed volunteer hours for English skype classroom
- Have 3 training videos created for each Spanish, English and French
- Hold two webinars


- Make it to 3/4 toastmasters meetings this month again
- Go on 2 dates
Production Goals:
  • Pomodoro Method - I've used it, and it really helps with the work pacing on projects. This month, I want to utilize the method even better. https://tomato-timer.com/ - Has always been there for when my productivity needs it the most.
  • School - School is a game that can be won through proactive thinking, assignment completing, and knowing the exam. This month will be the month where I set up a great study team of skilled students to help make the classes a lot easier to handle.
  • Notebooks/Binders - School supplies will come in handy with productivity. I'm great at taking notes, but very bad at organizing them all. I want to make a place where I can my store my notes safely and privately online.

Gym Goals:
  • Gymnastics - If I can do a handstand with no problem and hold it for more than 2 seconds, I'm doing a good job this month.
  • Nutrition - I must eat more in volume and in quality. (Less Doritos and Arizona and more Strawberries and FIJI water). I plan on making a food calendar/schedule for this occasion.
  • Strength Training - I want to remain consistent and still go to the gym at least 3-5 times a week for overall strength conditioning.

Other Goals:
  • Language Learning - It's either German or Japanese. Whichever one I'll take, I'm going to get textbooks, videos, and online interactive courses and try to win it in the courses.
  • Martial Arts - I gotta get ready. Chances are I'll practice boxing.
Production Goals:
  • Pomodoro Method - I've used it, and it really helps with the work pacing on projects. This month, I want to utilize the method even better. https://tomato-timer.com/ - Has always been there for when my productivity needs it the most.
  • School - School is a game that can be won through proactive thinking, assignment completing, and knowing the exam. This month will be the month where I set up a great study team of skilled students to help make the classes a lot easier to handle.
  • Notebooks/Binders - School supplies will come in handy with productivity. I'm great at taking notes, but very bad at organizing them all. I want to make a place where I can my store my notes safely and privately online.

Gym Goals:
  • Gymnastics - If I can do a handstand with no problem and hold it for more than 2 seconds, I'm doing a good job this month.
  • Nutrition - I must eat more in volume and in quality. (Less Doritos and Arizona and more Strawberries and FIJI water). I plan on making a food calendar/schedule for this occasion.
  • Strength Training - I want to remain consistent and still go to the gym at least 3-5 times a week for overall strength conditioning.

Other Goals:
  • Language Learning - It's either German or Japanese. Whichever one I'll take, I'm going to get textbooks, videos, and online interactive courses and try to win it in the courses.
  • Martial Arts - I gotta get ready. Chances are I'll practice boxing.

Are you in high school?
School - School is a game that can be won through proactive thinking, assignment completing, and knowing the exam.

I'd be careful placing so much respect and deference in schools. A tiny fraction of what you learn in school is actually useful to you for winning in life.

My number one piece of advice for kids who want to succeed in life is: read biographies of winners. None of your teachers are winners. Nothing you are taught is directly connected to winning. The real world of business has scarce "assignments" and "exams" at least as schools interpet those words. The real world doesn't give you orders, it waits for you to take initiative based on your own desires.

Be very diligent, do not take the words of your elders at face value, do not believe that following their orders will lead you to success, and read biographies of the world's greatest men as your chief source of guidance.
This month's goal is to simply promote. I have been very lazy in promotion, and due to this my site is failing and I'm losing interest.
  • Double site traffic (currently ~50/day)
  • 3 digits earnings
Are you in high school?
I'm a college senior, and you and @Joe are 100%. I have only one class to take this semester and another one a few months later. By the end of the year, I'll have my degree and I'll never have to step in a class again.

Listening to your advice, I I'll add another goal.If possible, I'll read at least 2 books about some famous idols I look up to (Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs...etc).
  • Like
Reactions: Joe
I posted this in my Journal but I'll add it here as well.
Goals for September
  • New product and content: Create 1 new product with a video and written content following.
  • Increase direct and referral traffic: More traffic leaks. I'm aiming for at least 3 traffic leaks a day for the entire month (90 total).
  • Adwords: Getting started on this and I'm aiming for 2 profitable campaigns by the end of September.
  • FaceBook Ads: Current ad sets need new creatives. That's 4 new videos that need to be done and I want to 1 new profitable ad set with new Interest and Behaviours.
This month's goal is to simply promote. I have been very lazy in promotion, and due to this my site is failing and I'm losing interest.
  • Double site traffic (currently ~50/day)
  • 3 digits earnings

How are you planning to promote?
I just want you all to know, that sometimes you ALL are what motivates me.

I look at these Goal posts a lot and Im like, "shit, I am not doing enough.. look at what X is doing in Y timeframe!"

Sometimes I don't need my own personal goals, I just come here and see what is possible by others and I get inspired.
This month is simple for me. I'm only going to focus on my main project:

• Wrap up the first of the month activities of number crunching and all of that.
• Publish the rest of this money content I've been slogging through editing. More is coming in all of the time, so I'll have to create a cut-off point for the next goal.
• Get some links going to these pages so they get in position to kill it for the holidays and ever after.
• Take a bird's eye look at the project again, create a mind-map, and start killing off nodes on the map.

Regarding that last goal, I'm a completionist so I can drive a single goal into oblivion in terms of covering the broad aspects of the content and then getting more and more granular. Which is what I find myself doing, when what I really want to do is get the broad content done across every niche of the vertical first so it's aging and present. Then I can go granular.

I have to keep my eye on that prize. Especially because there will come a time when I'm in full content drip mode and spending 95% of my time on promotion, which is when income will explode. While I'm doing that as I go along, I can't wait to be nearly 100% on that task.
How are you planning to promote?
Mostly traffic leaks style.
I have had minor success with blog comments and forum posts, so will going full throttle on this.
My outreach for link building was a failure, but I think I gave up too early. I'll give it a try again.
Get set back when it got a bit windy with a gal named Irma...

September Goal:
- 1 blog post
- 1 new improvement
- major SAAS backend migration
Affiliate Site
  • Build 10 strong contextual links - Done
  • Upload 4 Pieces of content - Done
  • Increase Twitter followers to 100 - Not Done
Link Building Service
  • Increase number of sites to 100 - Done (technically I only have 92 sites, but I removed 20+ lower quality sites)
September Goal:
- 1 blog post - Partial - 2 blogposts outlined, doing research
- 1 new improvement - NOT Done
- major SAAS backend migration DONE

This month was a complete train-wreck dealing with hurricane and the aftermath. Things are getting back to normal though. I could've accomplished a lot more though.

- Close 3 new software build clients PARTIAL, CLOSED 2
- Finish through phase 3 of my customer retention initiative across all platforms DONE
- Finish delegating all operations tasks to the appropriate departments DONE
- Complete the Operations Manual NOT COMPLETE


- Get 20 committed volunteer hours for English skype classroom DONE
- Have 3 training videos created for each Spanish, English and French NOT COMPLETE
- Hold two webinars DONE


- Make it to 3/4 toastmasters meetings this month again DONE
- Go on 2 dates LOL, NO :D

Mixed results but overall very happy with progress made in September. Onward!
This month's goal is to simply promote. I have been very lazy in promotion, and due to this my site is failing and I'm losing interest.
  • Double site traffic (currently ~50/day) on Active promotion, otherwise ~80/day
  • 3 digits earnings - DONE (~$100 Yay!)
• Wrap up the first of the month activities of number crunching and all of that. - DONE
• Publish the rest of this money content I've been slogging through editing. More is coming in all of the time, so I'll have to create a cut-off point for the next goal. - DONE
Get some links going to these pages so they get in position to kill it for the holidays and ever after. - DONE
• Take a bird's eye look at the project again, create a mind-map, and start killing off nodes on the map. - DONE

Nailed it. On top of all of that, I managed to publish a ton of content beyond the ones sitting in drafts. I'm keeping that going, which is part of the "killing nodes on the mind map". That will be the emphasis this October month.
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