What resources are out there that make you want to kill the competition?

Feb 23, 2016
Without getting in too much detail I will say this: I've started making money after I've understood and attacked my competition hard. Before that no matter what I did I had no success.

In order to make money you only have to know more SEO than your competitor. You aren't fucking the hot bitch because someone (bigger, better, faster, stronger) was there faster than you. You aren't getting that dollar because someone else gets it first. "You don’t have to run faster than the bear to get away. You just have to run faster than the guy next to you"

With all that being said, I'm looking for sources that teach you to be aggresive, ruthless. To be a man, not be afraid of anything and go for it. And last but not least, to attack and destroy your competition. These are places that have no filter, non pc, usually advice against the tide. Some of these sources also help people get out of the big society scam that the 99.99% is found in. I consider myself a natural but I still use some of these as a reminder or something like that.

Anything goes, blogs, books, videos, comments, quotes, forums, everything.

Here's some of mine:

Grant Cardone (first heard about him here)
Dan Pena (first heard about him here, CCarter)
Jocko Willink
The Prince
50th Law (and other of the same author)

CCarter has to be the best to drop pointers on this topic so I will wait patiently for his post!
For some strange reason most people don't want to kill the competition. They want to sit down with them at brunch and form associations to get along... I have no idea what's wrong with this next generation, but they aren't as ruthless as reality is and for most of them they will get hit in the face hard like Talia Jane.

Anyone that wants to succeed at a high performance rate needs to understand Thick Black Theory. If you don't understand it you will find yourself wasting your time and energy on things you'd rather not do or makes you miserable. The reality is this world is harsh and it doesn't reward the good guys for having a "great idea". It rewards the people willing to go all in and willing to do what the competition is unwilling to do.

Now a days people want to believe being a pussified individual will get them to their goals. "Slow and kind" will "somehow" get them to their goals. But if these same people took a realism look at their reality instead of the fantasy they dream, they'll realize they are either working a 9 to 5 they hate or are too timid to take the next step in life cause of risk, so they lull themselves to sleep with ideas of "tomorrow" and "maybe" down the road, meanwhile calling other people's movements a shit show as they sit in their cubicles day after day doing nothing with their lives, and think anyone will care to expend energy towards them in a negative or positive manner. A realism look at their lives from an outsider's perspective would show them they aren't even half of what they are capable of becoming because they lack will to get out of their comfort zone.

I'm afraid those people are just done, they might as well checkout early one less person taking up precious oxygen. Yeah I said it. If you aren't doing anything you consider worthwhile with your life, why even get out of bed? If what you do doesn't excite you everyday, what's the point?

You people aren't ruthless enough in your lives, that's why most of you will not win. You need to be more selfish with yourself, your time, and your energy. A prime example is the amount of time you spend reading, watching, and gossiping about random celebrities, blogposts, and shit going on in the world. You need to be more ruthless with your time, since it is your only time, and getting mad or angry about people like Madoff or Martin Shkreli or the Panama Papers is complete nonsense. Example:


^^ If this person pisses you off, you've already lost. You see for 99.9999% of you out there, this person will not affect anything in your physical world. Nothing Martin Shkreli does will put positive or negative value into your life, yet for some reason you, the masses, have a negative opinion of him as IF he matters in your reality. You need to understand you are being lullied to sleep. It's a game of smoke and mirrors, where the media throws whatever they want at you in order for them to make a dollar. You think CNN or Fox News gives a shit about you? They only want your eyeballs.

Corporations, they've got Thick Black Theory down. They'll scare the shit out of you for 3 months talking about the Ebola virus, and guess what? Not a single person in the United States has BOTH contracted AND died of the Ebola virus. Literally 2 people have died in the last fucking how many years, and yet most of you are now experts on Ebola and what to do afterwards thanks to the ruthless media scarying you to death. More people die from cow attacks per year (22) than Ebola has killed in the last 5 years in the USA (2). You aren't ruthless with your time and are being lulled to sleep with nonsense.

Everywhere you turn a smarter marketer is grabbing at your attention. Don't believe me?

Try sitting down for 20 mins and do absolutely nothing. You can't. You've been rewired to need a fix on attention and what's going on in the world. You can't sit down for 20 mins without clicking over to Facebook (ruthless), or Twitter (ruthless) to see what everyone else is up to or their latest thoughts. Do these idiots really need to broadcast their breakfasts? Is what your neighbor having for breakfast really that important you can't live without knowing? Of course not, but the marketers got you cause you weren't ruthless and aren't selfish with your time. If you were selfish with your time, you'd have told everyone pushing that shit down your throat to fuck off a long time ago.

If you were ruthless with your time you'd be creating a better future for your kids by working an extra 5 or 10 hours a week instead of fucking around watching athletes making money while you watch another smarter marketer making money off your eyeballs.

People will waste your time if you let them. I recall one guy asking me to do all this help for him on skype recently, I read half that shit and delete the conversation cause fuck all that noise. The reality is helping XYZ person will not get me any closer to my personal goals in life within my timeframe. But on your side when people come asking you for favors you say "yes" in order to "be liked" and to "please them".

Motherfuckers don't come asking me for favors in real life. The reality is less than 10 people in the world have my phone number and it's either because they are my business partners or immediate family. Why? Cause everything else is a waste of time. People will drag you into drama just cause that's the shit that gets them through life. You need to be ruthless with your time and who you hang around and associate with.

You can sit around commentating from the sidelines of life about how XYZ is turning into a shit show or you can't believe CCarter did this or that, but reality is you'll 100% be still in that cubicle life 5 years from now, 10 years from now, and in the foreseeable future cause you've been lulled to sleep and have accepted mediocrity. So when you see a Madoff stealing money from ONLY Rich people, you are offended and angry? Why? Not because he stole money, he only stole money from rich people which by definition your society has wired your brain to hate. Your really offended cause he got away with it for so long and he was willing to take the risk.

Same with Martin Shkreli, unless you are an Aids patient taking his drugs, you literally have no reason to hate or care about anything that dude does. He doesn't affect your physical world in the slightest, but since you've been lulled to sleep and need a fix to be offended to get your adrenaline pumped you like to hate him. Imagine hating a random person you've never met or talked to. The only opinions you could have gained are WRITTEN by a smarter marketer than you. They aren't written by journalist, you read "Trust me, I'm Lying", you know the game, yet you think what you read is real? Your in a petri dish of a smarter marketer.

I personally don't give a shit about Martin, Madoff, or that Panama learned how to print on paper - NONE of that affects my physical world in the immediate future or the foreseeable. My energy will also not get extended towards sideline commentators in cubicles all day, they live in a matrix level death-bound petri dish of life. They are like refuse coming down a mountain during a mud slide, you can't get angry at inanimate objects all you can do is move to the side and let them continue down their hellbound path.

And now here you are, in your petri dish, but now fully aware of how hard "society" has made it for you to try to get "work" done on your weak wordpress twentytwelve themed website about dinosaur toy reviews. Your brain keeps trying to switch to "Facebook" or "Twitter" mode cause it needs it's fix, you somehow end up on Buzzfeed reading article from Cat Ferguson, and 10 clickbait articles later you can't figure out where your life went wrong - just remember mate, you could've been a lot more ruthless than that smarter marketer that's holding the puppet strings.

And that was just the Black Heart part of "Thick Face, Black Heart".

So if you want something that will truly change your understanding of the world read Thick Black Theory and absorb "Thick Face, Black Heart". After you've absorb those lessons you'll finally be free of the chains society, your parents, your friends and your brain has placed on your ankles to keep you in your mediocre timid mental state - lulled to sleep.

Thick Black Theory

Thick Black Theory is a philosophical treaties written by Li Zhong Wu in 1911 that describes an approach to the wielding of political power that is based in ruthlessness and hypocrisy. In Thick Face, Black Heart, Chin-Ning Chu (1995) developed these principles for the modern world.

Thick Face

Having a thick face means concealment, hiding your thoughts and your intent from the other person.

Manage your information, hoarding what may be useful and only revealing that which is necessary. Use principles such as distraction and deception to prevent other people from guessing what knowledge you hold and what your intent may be.

When we are with others, we betray much of what we are feeling and thinking through our body language. If you can be still, you will suppress much of this. There are around 50 muscles in the face, which is used a great deal in communication, so keeping this unmoving and inscrutable is important for creating a 'thick face'.

Chin-Ning Chu (1995) calls the thick face the 'shield', describing it more as being a defense against attacks. When you can calmly ignore criticism and harsh words without getting emotional, then you will be able to achieve much more.

Black Heart

Having a black heart means having the determination and ruthlessness needed to make decisions to get the job done, even if others suffer as a result.

The extent to which business should be compassionate is a difficult subject. In many ways, a business built on integrity and trust may succeed, yet in tough times this may well be challenged. Even the nicest of companies have to negotiate for good deals from their suppliers and must sack employees if they do not have the revenue to pay them.

For individuals, values are even more important as social rules are stronger in general society than profit-oriented companies. The question of the extent to which you would ignore or harm others to achieve your goals is a very difficult one.

A black heart may be necessary when taking a longer-term perspective. In the short term, being kind can seem like the right thing to do, but if this results in longer term harm to more people then perhaps the shorter term needs sacrifices.

Chin-Ning Chu (1995) eases back from the more ruthless approach, framing the black heart as being more about adaptive determination and relentless persistence.

So what?

Decide who you are and what level of consideration or ruthlessness at which are ready to work.

If you want to use the ruthless thick, black approach, then practice can be very helpful. Watch yourself in the mirror to develop the blank face and still body. Harden your heart to make those tough decisions. If you take such an approach, also be ready for the reaction of others, which may include anger and revilement. The price of ruthlessness can easily be friends.

Chin-Ning Chu (1995) proposes a less harsh approach to Li Zhong Wu (1911) but this still can be tough. This method requires good self-knowledge and requires being tough with oneself, including overcoming fear.

Sauce: http://changingminds.org/explanations/power/thick_black.htm


'And Every Time When I Hear Somebody Criticizing Me,
I Will Be Glad And Say, "My Idea Is On The Road"' - Li Zongwu
I honestly hate how we are taught to play by the rules, because what I'm noticing lately is people don't give a fuck and will fuck you over any chance they get

So I like this thread
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I honestly hate how we are taught to play by the rules, because what I'm noticing lately is people don't give a fuck and will fuck you over any chance they get

the reason this is happening is becourse the opportunity to screw people over, is getting bigger by the minute and if you do it right the people you screw will thank you for it and even recomend you to their friends.

the world we live in today is a funny one, it is extremeley egocentric while people are becomming dumber and dumber and most people has actually forgotten how to think for them selfs, they blindly trust what they think is an authority, and all you have to do to become one in their mind, is to tell them that you are.
stroke their ego a little give them some emotional porn making them feel good while they are out in their mindless chase for the next facebook like, and you can sell them ANYTHING and they will love you for it.
There's certain movies that do it for me. I'm trying to collect them and will rattle them off the top of my head but I'm sure I'll miss some:
  • Wolf of Wallstreet
  • Boiler Room
  • Limitless
  • Barbarians at the Gate
  • American Psycho
  • Glengarry Glen Ross
  • Blow
Hagakure (葉隠聞書) by Yamamoto Tsunetomo
The Book of Five Rings (五輪書) by Miyamoto Musashi
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Does anyone have a pdf or mp3 of Thick Black Theory in English? I'd like to actually read it instead of reading a summary.

Dominic the Dominator, a software engineer, reads up on dice manipulation and practices it for 8 months. After years of practice at home and in casinos, he then becomes the world's best crabs player with 50+ minute long runs.
A few thoughts on the subject:

  • Much of this issue has to do with the increasing emasculation of males in most modern societies, as well as the ever-increasing promotion of victimhood to every socioeconomic group of people possible. The solution is to seek out that which is decidedly masculine and aggressive, wherever you may find it, in whatever medium helps you best.
  • One should always be wary of spending too much time researching, and not enough time doing. Again, find that medium that works best for you, find a few examples for inspiration. Now take those lessons and go DO something with them. The alternative is perpetually reading and learning about self-help, without ever actually doing anything about it.
  • Play a sport. Start a business and fail, then fail again. Do the things which others deem unreasonable. Learn to say NO. Learn to enjoy that which is uncomfortable. Love self-restriction and sacrifice. Become comfortable with a life of solitude, for even if you are surrounded by people, you will truly be alone at the top.
I can't say enough about societal emasculation and it's severe impact on EVERYTHING in society. Here's to hoping more people learn to again love plunging that figurative or literal battle axe into their enemies' faces.
Trump is ruthless on banking on people's fears.

All the media has done the last decades is play up those fears - boogeymen everywhere.


Picking one example quickly from that article:
  • Among crime stories in Chicago’s The Tribune in the early 1980’s, 26% were about murder, while only 0.2% of crimes known to police were murder. Conversely, theft news made up only 3% of crime stories, but accounted for a dramatically larger percentage of reported crimes (36%) compared to homicide (Howitt, 1998).
So we have this picture:


Leaving you thinking the world is a much worse place than it is.

And we have politicians just insanely using this perception.
Robert Greene is the man. I was pleasantly surprised by the 50th power.
I can't say enough about societal emasculation and it's severe impact on EVERYTHING in society. Here's to hoping more people learn to again love plunging that figurative or literal battle axe into their enemies' faces.

The pussification of the American male is a real thing, and probably not an accident.

Hi CCarter,

Can you post here what's your best video on youtube of Dan Pena? I saw the "Why you're poor" and only a few short ones, the man is high energy and I like that. What do you think it's the best resource of him available out there?

Thank you
What do you think it's the best resource of him available out there?

Are you serious with this question? There is a website called Google that you can use. It literally allows you to "search" for things. If you really need spoonfeeding at this level you are in trouble.

There is a certain level of laziness that is unacceptable to display.
Are you serious with this question? There is a website called Google that you can use. It literally allows you to "search" for things. If you really need spoonfeeding at this level you are in trouble.

There is a certain level of laziness that is unacceptable to display.

No, just asking your opinion, curious what you like most of him.

... and Carter had to bring it!

Bookmarking this sh!t right away! I've been a chicken for far too long.