Don't Believe the Narrative


BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014
PART 1: Culture & Society

Each culture in each society constructs a narrative for it's members to live by.

The purpose of this narrative is to create cohesion and reduce friction between it's members, thereby maximizing unity and minimizing internal warfare. The reason for this is that it provides the highest likelihood for the largest amount of people to survive and thrive, biologically and psychologically.

The problem is, you are not among the "largest amount of people."


Interestingly, the largest group of average people also have it in their interest to protect the "low performers" as well, because this removes a lot of negative elements from their own psychological make-up (fear, guilt, etc.) and adds positives (compassion, self-praise).

Until at least 75% of people on the planet reach a sense of global community, society and it's cultures will only care for it's own people, it's in-group. The entire point of all of this is to protect themselves physically and ideologically from outsiders.

Guess what you are? An Outsider.
Here's the problem... unlike low performers who can provide psychological value to the average bulk of people by needing them, high performers do nothing but cause fear, jealousy, envy, and guilt to flare up in their average heads. You don't need them... they need you.

You will provide the best products and services ever to them, and they will happily give you money for it, because that's all very impersonal. They don't mind allocating impersonal physical resources to a nameless you. But when it becomes personal and they learn about the CEO, it doesn't matter how much good you do. You will be hated by most because what you offer in return, psychologically, requires them not to be average. It asks them to burst through comfort, to stop reinforcing each other's averageness. But that's exactly what culture and society is for. The entire point is to maximize comfort and enjoyment while minimizing effort, and they resent the fact that high performers are the ones who have provided that through all of history.
PART 2: The Narrative

The average are willingly shoveling the blue pill down their throats, yearning for more of the Matrix. They want the normalcy of max reward and min effort. They want to pretend it's max reward, but they know you and I are out there blowing through the glass ceiling and they don't like it, because...

The real max reward requires max effort.​

The game is sophisticated, because most of the players don't even realize the paradigms they are playing within. They are trapped within the zeitgeist, the weltanschauung, the spirit of their culture. The craziest part is that they wrote the rules and enforce them and have no clue they are doing it.

They do this by constructing and enforcing a narrative. In the Western world, (in this example, the United States) there are a few "tracks" you can follow, largely based on where you are birthed into the socio-techno-economic stratus.


Let's look at some examples:

Everyone is born and through the example set by their caretakers, absence of caretakers, or surrogate caretakers, are taught to either respect the rulers of society or buck against them. The name of the game is dependency or blame, but never radical self-responsibility.

Then everyone, for the most part, goes to public school. Even with homeschool and private school, society has enforced enough similarity that you still receive the same main points, but you may suffer socialization issues or gain a sense of entitlement, both which keep you at the average or lower levels of the game. You literally attend mini-prison for 12 years or more, featuring cafeteria food with low nutritional value, structured time, cases of solitary confinement for misbehavior, corporal punishment, recess or gym moments out in the yard to keep you docile, and learn to subjugate yourself to your teachers for 8 hours a day. Everything is structured in time and you can't even perform basic biological survival mechanisms such as eating, sleeping, or excreting without permission. This is so your caretakers can attend adult labor prison without you in their way and so that you learn the structure of adult labor prison.

This is where the paths of the possible narratives split. Of course all of this is slightly shifting and doesn't represent everyone but classically it appears like this... (that's my disclaimer in case jimmies rustle)

Maybe you drop out of high school and begin performing the low-pay, low-value, high demand jobs that society requires. Or maybe you begin taking on the risk others don't want to take on and begin selling them the illicit drugs they all want. This is a perfectly condoned path, despite what the laws say and the words that people speak say. Someone's got to do it, but they want the reward without the risk, so they let you have at it. Maybe you join a sub-culture like a street gang, the Mafia, or a secret society.

The middle class male is going to be expected to attend college and enter the labor force, immediately taking on a wife and producing children. His value is in being a producer and protector. He's expected to save as much as possible while spending as much as possible. All types of mutually exclusive demands are thrusted upon him from all angles, keeping him from ascending beyond the average.

The average middle class female used to attend college solely to obtain an MRS degree. The entire point was to look high-value while attempting to snag a high-value male to be the provider as mentioned above. A newly accepted path is to disregard all of this and party as much as you want, degrade yourself as much as you want, and then around the time of graduation, you go ahead and accept the job of your actual degree and pretend none of that ever happened. Then you find some idiot sissy guy who will still be your provider.

The upper class may have attended private school, been accepted (whether through merit or a little nepotism or bribery) to an ivy-league or high-reputation university. They will then make connections with generations of people who have the upper end of the game on lock and will shuttle you into a high-earning position at a respectable institution like a bank, wall street, etc. You then live it up at the top of adult labor force.

Another path is the "forever-in-school" where you graduate and become a college professor, receive tenure, and stay in school until you die in your nice quiet corner office. You give two or three lectures a day, publish a book or two, publish a paper or two in a journal, rewrite a text book to force your students to buy to supplement your income, and ride the education wave to the grave.

And then there's the small business owners who have the dream and the idea but aren't quite entrepreneurs...
PART 3: Entrepreneur-Blocking Happy Endings

Think about shows like Shark Tank, Undercover Boss, etc. We are good for one thing psychologically: entertainment and to be made fools of. As long as we look comical and stupid, we're allowed to exist within the tv-industrial complex.

How many people actually get on Shark Tank or Dragon's Den and literally do a fucking dance and sing a jingle?


I'll never dance, but whatever, I don't condemn it, because that's how stupid the average person is and how easy it is to deflect, deflate, misdirect, and appease them. "Look how dumb these entrepreneur people are, risking it all in order to get rich or chase a dream, 40 years old and still living out of apartments, single, eating ramen noodle soup." Then at 41, boom, you went from $10 net worth to $10 million net worth.

That's when they hit you with a whole different set of storylines. These "Happy Endings" are different at each stage of your entrepreneurial journey, carefully crafted to persuade you to abandon ship at each stage, especially as you gain momentum. They lead you right back to the culture-condoned happy ending... follow the rat race, save most of your cheese till you're too old to enjoy it, then die and leave it to your kids.

You Share Your Idea with Family & Friends
  • Come'on, bro, again? You and these hair-brained ideas.
  • Well, whatever, don't forget we raid on WoW four nights a week.
  • That's nice son, you always were a creative child.
  • Pretty cool idea, but when are you going to get married?
  • You're talking about investing money... you're going to deprive your children?
On and on. Guilt trips, distractions, belittlements.

You Start Setting Up Shop
  • You sure are spending a lot of time in the garage, what does your wife think?
  • You spent your savings on a prototype? What happens if your car dies?
  • I hope you aren't ruining your future after this fails.
  • How do you have energy for this? Are you not working hard enough during the day?
Loaded statements and questions. Morality injections. False compassion.

You're Nearing Roll-Out Time
  • So I mean... how is this idea original?
  • Even if you scrounge up some demand, how could you fill it?
  • Do you even know how to set up a business legally?
  • Are you even doing this right? What happens if someone gets hurt?
You should doubt yourself and the potential success of this idea, product, or service. It offers no value and is going to ruin you.

You Start Getting Orders
  • I mean, just because one person ordered doesn't mean a ton will. You can't possibly sell a million of these.
  • What's your profit? A few bucks for working an extra 30 hours a week? Sounds stupid to me.
  • You know Billy Bob is looking to hire some folks down at the factory? $15 an hour, that was always good enough for your Pa and me. Kids these days...
  • Alright well, I'll see you in a year after you're done isolating yourself.
You start winning so they make sure you understand that you won't go any further. You hit the end of the road. Might as well stop now.

You're in Business and Quit Your Day Job
  • You gave up health insurance and a REAL career for this? Are you crazy?
  • You know this isn't going to last, right? I hope you're saving some of this money.
  • I wouldn't reinvest any of this profit, because it's going to dry up.
  • Who's going to hire you after this? You can't just walk onto another decent job.
  • Son, is this a scam? I don't understand what you're doing, but I really hope it's not illegal.
  • That's cute, son. Are you coming to Thanksgiving?
You can't possibly be making this work without cheating some how. Plus look at all the safety and security you left behind. What's wrong with you? You know this is a flop sooner or later. Get ready for it, dummy.

You Liquidate for 8 or 9 Figures
  • You know you didn't build this business alone.
  • I can't believe you only paid your workers $10 an hour and now you've got all this money and they still are working for $10 an hour. What did you do that whole time? Kick your feet up?
  • Everyone who makes this much money cheats someone, hurts people, and never gives back.
  • I doubt you even paid taxes on any of this money.
  • Hey did I mention that my truck broke down last week? Can I has some munny?
  • Fuck you, you rich fuck. The rest of us work 100x harder than you rich bastards. We need to raise taxes on the wealthy.
  • I taught you better than this, boy. You disappoint me. When are you going to do something for someone other than yourself?
You made it. Every one of these questions along the way is a sign-post that you're doing great. Each one is a back-handed compliment meant to protect the average feelings. Human nature wants to be happy for you, and it comes out, but through the filter of the cultural conditioning of trying to pull you back down. But you won't let it.
FINAL: The Hidden Truth

There are two types of people. Consumers and Producers.

Consumers owe EVERYTHING to Producers and Producers owe a lot to Consumers. Consumers don't get this. What they understand is that "someone else will do it." Self-defeat, non-starting, passing the buck... these aren't weapons against the self, they are weapons against exerting energy.

This war against exerting energy is so strong that most people have never read a book. They make fun of you for having ideas. The creative are belittled as "starving bleeding-heart artists." The intellectual are called geeks and nerds. Everyone must be pulled to the center of gravity at the middle of the bell curve.

Consumers love the products of the Producers but hate the producer. Without the products, how would they distract themselves into an Huxleyan trance?

Consumers are so afraid to lose anything they've managed to accumulate that they shun ALL risk. "What's the safest investment for retirement?" is as far as they get. A man these days won't even climb on his own roof to clean his gutters lest he takes a tumble. Consumers shift all risk to other consumers by expending money earned with the only thing that they are running out of: time. They place no value on time.

Because of this, money is flowing constantly in very large amounts.
  1. You don't need an original idea.
  2. You don't even need an idea.
  3. You only need the two things that the rest refuse to give:
    • Effort
    • Risk
  4. Plant yourself in the middle of this flow of money and collect it. Go into proven verticals.
Proven markets are a gold mine for us because we're not afraid to work. We're not afraid to plant seeds and let them sprout during the next season. We don't need the immediate gratification of a weekly Friday paycheck. Tell a consumer about Net-90 and they'll go cross eyed.

If you come up with an original idea that fulfills an unmet need, you're about to become a very wealthy person. Otherwise, you can create the "need" through marketing towards fears and desires.

All talks of you being selfish has nothing to do with your lack of offering something to others. As a producer, you are the person that offers everything to others. Almost anything that comes out of a consumers mouth when they are talking to you about your business should be reversed, and then you'll get to the true meaning. If peasants have managed to do anything, they are decent at minor psychological warfare and throwing an extra layer on top of everything they say (especially females).

Risk equals reward. Calculated risk equals near guaranteed success.

"Ruining your future or a chance at a good future." What future? Death? NOT employing risk is the riskiest thing you can do. Who wants to arrive at the grave safe and sound? That doesn't even make sense.

We don't have energy for this, despite the loaded questions. We create energy, we create motivation, we cultivate a mind state and a set of goals that don't require "feeling good" to start. We get this shit done. Don't drip feed me 2 days out of 7 of feeling good. I love pushing myself to the limit, I feel great. And I'm going to feel even better when I'm sitting on an 8-figure nest egg.

How will I fill demand? I'll figure it out when I get there... probably hire an idiot consumer for minimum wage. How will I set up a business? Learn, or pay someone who knows how. Am I doing it right? I don't know, I'll find out when someone else decides to rain on my parade, and then I"ll just open my umbrella and fix it.

Maybe a million people don't order my product. That's cool, because I have a thousand other ideas. We aren't afraid to fail. Like Edison, that's one less filament to test before we get to the functional lightbulb. Then it's game over and the entire planet changes and decides to hate on us and root for the underdog Tesla instead. Either way, we're filthy rich and never "work" again.

What's my profit? None of your business. You'd know if you had the nuts to emulate what I was doing and find out.

"You know this won't last forever." What does? Life? So what. EVERYTHING is impermanent. Money exists to be spent, earned, and lost. It's a game and it's temporary. I might reinvest it, I might blow it at Vegas, I might go on a bender and overdose. It's my money. That's what you get when you're not a lazy shit. You get choices.

I'm a billionaire and now you hate me? That's cool, I can't hear you from atop the Mt. Olympus throne. You don't want to be my friend any more? That's cool, I don't surround myself with peasants. "Aren't you afraid all of your new friends have bad intentions and just want your money?" When have I ever needed friends? I'm obviously capable of choosing and creating my reality. The rest of you idiots never brainwashed or took advantage of me. It's not going to happen now.

I was never a part of your culture.
This is a masterpiece.

I don't even know where to begin with this. All this did was get me hyped cause someone finally said what was needed to be said in a coherent manner about why people fail at life and don't understand their failures.

"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts." - James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

So many people waste time rooting for the underdog not taking a moment to realize that the Goliath they are attempting to attack was once nothing and had to be shaped into existence by someone who dreamed of making the world a bit better.

The dreamers are the saviors of the world. As the visible world is sustained by the invisible, so men, through all their trials and sins and sordid vocations, are nourished by the beautiful visions of their solitary dreamers." - James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

It's like the people that think all rich people are evil and hold this doctrine in their minds, most of the time passed down to them by their parents, and keep that thought idea in their head. How can they ever become "rich", "wealthy", or "live a better life" if they consider that elevating themselves to that level is evil?

"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand

If you view being with money, well off, or better than your current surroundings as evil any endeavor you make to change your current circumstances will be eventually be destroyed through self-sabotage. It's inevitable if you follow the course of logic.

And then there is sacrifice. The reality is you might not make it, but that seems to be sort of for the back-in-the-day mentality cause all you have to do now-a-days is put in effort and that's more than the 99% do, and somehow someway the universe will align itself so you do succeed.

Most people reading this have ALL of HUMANITY's knowledge at their fingertips. Anything you want to learn, understand, or become you have access to it through a simple Google search. There are even free courses for a ton of different opportunities - yet somehow with this overwhelming access, people have been conditioned to need the immediate gratification and forgo sacrificing tomorrow's massive successes for today's mediocre joy and pleasures.

At first it's a bit boggling, but it's not really, cause you might fail, and people aren't willing to take the risk at failure so they'll arrive safely at the grave, and that's that.

"He who would accomplish little need sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much. He who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly." - James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

And then helping others, this is where I've done a 180 degree turn after reading As A Man Thinketh. Sometimes I get these conversations with people that result in a palm to my face, and I dearly wish I could help them, but I can't cause they have to go through all the trials and tribulations themselves first and then IF they make it to the other side and they have the proper mindset they won't even need my help.

It's not that I don't care, but it's because the individual is asking the wrong questions and there really is no way for me to help them "skip steps" until they figure out how to ask the right questions, so I've decided to only concentrate on my own road and path in life and let the cards fall for everyone else whereever they fall, I have no patience anymore for anything but upwards and forward movement for myself.

Even the conversations I have are only going to be about things I prefer to talk about - hitting me up about the latest health niche or this fitness blog idea you have isn't going to get a response from me, I've had that conversation over 1,000 times and it hasn't led anywhere, I'd rather talk about in-depth marketing theories and bringing ideas and concepts to reality instead of the latest SEO metrics to monitor... a conversation that's literally over 5+ years old.

We as an online business community (SEO, affiliate, etc) have entered maturity and have seen a mass exodus in this industry of the people that were here for the quick bucks. "Survival Of The Fittest." - @Broland. The internet is entering a new era that's going to massively depend on whether you have the creative capabilities to compete against Google and Facebook (which control 52% of online advertising revenue), and place your foothold for your own empire.

"A strong man cannot help a weaker unless the weaker is willing to be helped, and even then the weak man must become strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admires in another. None but himself can alter his condition." - James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

I like you guys, but like I stated in the "Time Waits For No Man" thread that we are elevating to a another level - you gotta get on our level to comprehend our reality, this game is just getting started...
Epic @Ryuzaki.

The bit comparing schooling to prison was so strong and hit me so hard. Well done.

Catch ya on the less traveled trails to the top!
@Ryuzaki - those stages - that really hit home.

The hate whenever you actually set out and DO stuff.

Form my personal experience (not at the 8 figures yet..)

Moved to a different country
"I told you we wanted to."
"Oh, others just talk about it, but you just up and leave us" Original Quote from a freind

Got a good job in IT
"Well, that compouter stuff just comes naturally for you"
BITCH! Whatcha think I've been doing the last twenty years?

etc etc etc...
Wow, this paints a pretty dismal picture of life at the top...

I get that you're appealing to emotion and trying to get people fired up, but you seem to be painting with some pretty broad strokes. I have no doubt that many peoples' reaction to another's success is jealousy or backhanded remarks, but it's unfair to say that everyone is like that. In my personal experience, my close friends and relatives get more excited at my success than I do.

Also, I've noticed a few threads and comments lately talking about how hitting goals and milestones is becoming less rewarding / enjoyable for many users here. They talk about getting the most enjoyment from having extra time to spend with friends and family.

If I'm ever "sitting on my Olympus throne" talking about how "I clearly don't need friends," kindly shoot me in the head.

Oh, and your comments about modern college-educated women are pretty ridiculous. You talk about escaping societal norms but in this particular respect you seem to be playing right into them.

Just my 2
You are right.
Of course, not everybody is like that.
But, sadly, you will find that a lot of people you didn't think of that we turn out to be exactly like it.

I think it has to do with the fear that has been talked about. Because, after all, you are an outlier.

We have a nice saying over here that translates to:

"You get pity for free. Envy has to be earned. "

Back when I was in university I was busting my ass at an IT job (next to university) doing overtime, and my wife was pulling nightshifts next to her studies.

We were burning the candles at both ends and managed to save up some money and get some decent furniture for our little apartment. Not luxurious but nice.

When we had a party at our place, I happen to overhear one of the girls that were invited.

"They are just students, I wonder how they can afford all this. "


She was throwing money away at every opportunity, drinking and buying all the fashion accessories that she couldn't afford.

You do need friends up on Mount Olympus , but they might not be the same friends that you have now.
You do need friends up on Mount Olympus , but they might not be the same friends that you have now.

Unfortunately, this is why there are Millionaire's Clubs, Penta-Millionaire's Clubs, Deca-Millionaire's Clubs, Billionaire's Clubs. Because you can't really clique with people who aren't on that level.

It has nothing to do with the amount of money but the mind state it takes to get to that level.

Take someone who is obsessed with ideas, progress, and prosperity for all. They harness this and earn a few billion. Drop them into a social circle obsessed with people and events, gossip and back-stabbing, and taking instead of giving... Not only will this billionaire not fit in, but he or she will be rejected.

Everyone has different levels where their envy gets activated, and as you keep climbing you'll see more and more people resist your change and then slowly phase you out of their lives. Then you learn the game and you phase those people out first, not in order to be in control, but to refuse to accept poison.

it's unfair to say that everyone is like that.

Of course all of this is slightly shifting and doesn't represent everyone... (that's my disclaimer in case jimmies rustle)

le sigh. No, not everyone sucks, nor did I say it, only exactly the opposite.

I hope in your case that you really do have a phenomenally mature social and familial support group. I hope you don't discover that they have perhaps a higher envy-threshold that might one day be crossed by you.

Some people are extremely awesome. I have some friends like that who've watched me ride the roller coaster and have done nothing but support me the entire time. I don't take them for granted at all, but I don't take offense for them when someone speaks in generalities either.
OK you got me there with that caveat, but I guess my bigger grievance is that this thread seems to have an underlying message of abandoning the people close to you if they show any signs of doubt / jealousy / concern. These are all perfectly natural human feelings that, yes, are probably being amplified by the way society is currently organized and expectations of how people should live their lives, but aren't always coming from places of negativity.

If you're able to recognize the pigeonholes that we are all being pushed towards and successfully avoid them, doesn't that put you in a better position than anyone to work towards dismantling the structures and systems that encourage others to doubt or envy you? Isn't there an endgame that's more than just sitting on a pile of money saying, "fuck the haters?"

It just seems to me like you're pointing out a bunch of societal problems that push the majority of people to act this way, but are then sort of encouraging people to perpetuate those same problems once they've worked hard enough or creatively enough to escape them.

If you had all the money you ever wanted, what would you do then?

I don't mean to jump down your throat with all this, I'm just looking for some confirmation that the world does not have to be such a bleak and cutthroat place to live.
@mmm91492, You typed: "but aren't always coming from places of negativity" regarding people's problems with our progress. Check out this quote from the posts:

Human nature wants to be happy for you, and it comes out, but through the filter of the cultural conditioning of trying to pull you back down.

I've already dealt with every objection you have to this series of posts, before you mention them, in the posts themselves.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but it does seem to me you're dealing more with how this thread makes you feel instead of what it's actually saying.

Isn't there an endgame that's more than just sitting on a pile of money saying, "fuck the haters?"

This post isn't even remotely about isolating yourself or hating others. It's about not letting people stop you from achieving your big goals simply because it reminds them that they gave up their own big goals.

We just had an exchange where we both feel that there are people who don't succumb to envy and continue to see you for who you are instead of through a filter of jealousy. Those are the people you want around when you're on your pile of money. Those are the people I'll help out the most, because they helped me more than they realize just by not being another crab in the bucket.

I'm just looking for some confirmation that the world does not have to be such a bleak and cutthroat place to live.

It's not, once you understand what this thread is saying and begin to control your inputs by not surrounding yourself with people who want to poison your atmosphere and drag you down.

Being aware of the problem isn't enough. Being aware of the people, the structures, the games, the conditioning... it helps you not suffer about it. But it doesn't put an end to it. And unless you want to be on the receiving end of a barrage of negativity regarding the one thing you're pouring your soul into, then you have to do something about it.

The only sensible thing to do is transcend it. CCarter's post explains why the idea of dismantling society and retraining psychological conditioning doesn't work.

Regardless, I'm not trying to be a savior, political figure, social progressive, or charity supporter. I'm building a business, and in that way I'm doing all of those things better than I could otherwise. Producers actually change concrete reality for the better. The rest is all abstraction that means and does nothing for anyone. It creates awareness, but not immediate change.

I'm not trying to plant a seed that takes affect 3000 years from now. Maybe one of us will be the figurehead of the utopian societal structure and religion, but I'm trying to affect change for myself NOW. Then I'll have the power to create positive influence for others.

Until then, the best way to help others is to help yourself. And that usually means turning away from negativity so you can get to the destination. Then you can look back and see who even wants to be helped, as CCarter points out. What you'll find is they all hate your guts even more than they did before.

Society wants to create heroes for the sole purpose of turning on them and crucifying them. Take one look at how an actor says the right thing but in the "wrong" way... The pitchforks don't "come out." They were already out, waiting for an excuse to be used.

Culture is not your friend. It's a collective hallucination, a narrative ready to destroy outsiders. The very title of this thread is a call for people to not buy into it, which in effect is me trying to do what you suggest... help people break the conditioning.

I think we're on the same page. I'm just more cynical in my expression but the end goal is the same. We break free from the matrix ourselves, then we help others do the same, if they're ready. Otherwise if they aren't, they'll resist like trying to rip the skin off of a snake. If it's not ready to shed off on it's own, it's gonna hurt and kill it. A lot of people, even on this forum, play the cutesy game of pretending they want out of the matrix, but those people keep themselves in comfort by constantly self-sabotaging themselves.

Doing well for yourself and not tolerating negativity and artificial confinement in your life is about all you can do. That's being the best role model anyone can ask for. If that's not enough, then no amount of debate is going to change their mind.
I think this post should be added to the begging of the digital strategy crash course. If you're not able to make these connections from the start of a new venture, it's going to seriously hinder your success. I mean, if you can't separate yourself from these people, not even physically, but mentally, you will suffer. You will even start to believe that your dreams and goals are not achievable.

What these people need to realize is having feelings of jealousy, spite and hatred literally do nothing to help their own situation. If you stopped being a bitch for one second, stopped transferring negative energy to the people that are creating their own positive energy, you could actually become one of those "rich assholes". Dwell, whine, bitch, repeat until your dead. How is that helping your current situation?

An old mate of mine fit this figure exactly. Whenever I would do something productive, he'd find a way to knock me back a peg. I accepted the fact that he was okay at times, but a cunt at others. Then it clicked one day, that this sack of shit literally has nothing positive to offer me. And that was it, I just never spoke to him again. Despite him trying to ring every few months I just ignored the calls.

That's when I also started to realize I can become self sufficient and not have to settle for hanging with negative wankers.

I've another mate who I keep updated with what I am doing, and the little success bumps I have had so far. He gets excited as shit, encourages me to do better, but overall he's not afraid to encourage someone stepping upto the challenge, rather than being a sheep and hate.

These are the types of people I will be welcoming into my life until I'm dead.
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but it does seem to me you're dealing more with how this thread makes you feel instead of what it's actually saying.

No, you're absolutely correct here. But let's get real - you wrote this on a marketing forum in the motivation section; I think your intention with this post was to appeal to emotion more than reason.

While you have added a couple of disclaimers throughout the post, I feel that the main argument can be boiled down to "people will support you" vs "people won't support you". The vast majority of your post seems to support the latter, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you can't be surprised when people want to hear more from the other side of the argument.

I'm not trying to paint you as some sort of selfish, money-hungry villain; I think a lot of what you've said makes sense and your experience almost certainly gives you a better idea of the reality than I have. I guess I just wanted to hear more about the positives, and I bet I'm not the only one. I've clearly taken the unpopular opinion here, but I'm glad the result is that we get a bit more info on the flip side of this coin.
"Yeah but"...

There are probably two dozen people in my life that want to see me win. I love those people to death. I've always gravitated towards them and away from anyone that looks like they are on a downward spiral in life. My best friend knows I am proudly the "selfish money-hungry villain", I may have even voted for the Supreme Commander - she hates that. But every day we talk, argue, discus - she's starting to realize, now that she's pregnant, that she has to worry about the new child inside her.

All of a sudden all the "you have to look out for yourself" arguments I've had with her that she was attempting to dismiss with zen and "love the world" comes into stark reality that she has to now focus on making sure she wins so this child can win too. Then all of a sudden she quit her job and opened her own agency and now it's raining money, and I'm like "What happened with all that zen shit?" And she replied with a Dan Peña quote "You can't pay hospital bills with zen."

Then I've had "acquaintances" that come around and ask "Why are you working so hard?" - "Cause I want to win and not be begging in the streets when I'm 60", "Yeah but... When is it enough". I then explain the situation with social security, and the general automation and robotization of society that will lead to extermination of mass amounts of jobs - self driving cars, kiosks for your order at McDonalds are a small start. Anything technical that can be done with a "step by step" instruction manual can be automated and eventually a robot can do. So when I'm 40, 50, or 60 years old - what are the real "job prospects" of an old man when these new kids are faster, younger, and smarter than I am at the old age?

People don't want to think about this, but I am a programmer and I am telling you that "Programming will be automated" one day. Maybe programmers have 5 or 10 years left. But I cannot imagine that within 20 years there will not be artificial intelligent systems that can create programs upon command to do this or that. 20 years ago we barely had cellphones and Google didn't exist. Look how far we've gone just because we are able to Google stuff. You think in another 20 years I'll be able to have a "job" as a programmer? HOW?

So if I'm hustling now to get out and my inner circle collectively understands why I do what I do, it would poison the inner well to bring someone into the circle that can't comprehend their own reality is just cardboard cut out and all it takes is a strong wind to knock it down. Why waste the valuable time you have left with those people?

Some people "get it", but do nothing. Others don't want to get it and keep on the "Yeah but..." replies.

The reality is the 99% - maybe "lazy" is not the right word, but they are short-sighted and don't think about tomorrow. So when they see you buying new cars, moving into bigger houses, going after your dreams - they have to self-reflect in their life choices and then realize they've made BAD decisions. They focused on partying instead of grinding when they were younger. They focused on chasing girls instead of chasing opportunities to elevate (financially, spiritually, or mentally).

So all those results have them exactly where the are at in life - And then they see YOU, winning. They don't want to blame themselves cause it's easier to blame the "Illuminati" or an outside force for their problems. When the reality is they are where they are because of their own actions and the actions of their parents. It's difficult to break habits, it's more difficult to break imprinting.

You know who you don't see hating each other? like "HATE" hate - people that made it. They'd rather be surrounded by other people winning and that's why they live in closed gated communities, cause one bad drop of blood can poison the well.

Another story, when I was a young lad I lived in the North and I went to a private school - we used to have competitions on who would get the highest grade on a test or in class. "Oh I got a 97% on the test" "I got a 99%". Learning was fun and exciting. In private school I was in the 5th grade learning the quadratic equation, tan, sin, and cos on the calculator and how to calculate a rocket's projections. We learned fractions in the 2nd grade.

So then I move down south, like Cuba, Florida and transfered to a public school. Would you believe these kids didn't know how to divide by fractions in 6th grade? Guess what else? They looked down on "smart people" that got good and great grades. They literally would have competitions on who would get the lowest grade in class and still pass. That was one of my first culture shocks I remember distinctly. In their minds they couldn't understand being the "entrepreneur" or "owner" of a business. They were conditioned to be a employees. They didn't know another way of thinking. And their whole schooling supported that train of thought.

In private schools they teach creativity and being able to think for yourself and outside the box, in public schools they cut the arts and give you packets to fill out for your education. You literally are filling out forms throughout your whole schooling. They weren't meant to win - so it's no surprise they were the "Yeah but..." crowd since they weren't taught to see the curve coming up ahead.

And those "Yeah but..." people that have an excuse for not trying or not really comprehending why someone wants to elevate out of the mud are going to get clobbered in the coming era.

It's sad but very few people can rise out of their environment and change their imprinting to start winning. You have to REALLY want to change or are REALLY scared of the future to change that drastically.

"We only make changes for two reasons, desperation or inspiration" - Dan Peña​

such a bleak and cutthroat place to live.

Why is the world "bleak and cutthroat" - cause 99% of the people aren't setup to win. Throw in the survival of the fittest - the wolves will always win. But if you lie with sheep you might get slaughtered, and you can try to pray for the sheep and try to warn them about the wolves surrounding them but they cannot even see the wolves.


Some people just don't understand - and not all of us are going to make it. BUT if you WANT to make it you cannot surround yourself by people that are blind to their surrounding and don't want to see you rise out of the mud and leave them behind.

The jealousy, envy, and negative emotions all come from fear. It's why we fear "Aliens from another planet", people are conditioned to fear the unknown, the "other", they "not them". Cause they instinctively know and feel there is a noose around their necks and can't explain it. However if you try to explain to them they (and their parents) are the ones that forged the noose they can't accept that. But in order to escape your reality you have to accept it first - and the people that aren't willing to accept their reality and change are going to get clobbered. You have to accept there is a noose around your neck first in order to plan the next move to get out of the noose. But if you don't accept there is a noose, you can't plan.

FYI, last I checked Zeus didn't have a lot of friends - most gods don't.
Just deleted hundreds of words to really drive this point home. The moral of this story can be found in the multi-dimensional meanings and perception of this quip on a famous quote:

Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of enterprise

Pillage and plunder, my friends.