Which internet marketers INFLUENCED you the most?

Feb 21, 2015
Hello guys,

glad to be here. I am now for 1 year in the page creation business and one of my biggest influencers is definitely CCarter! He really pushed me with his traffic leaking posts into the right direction! (Thx for your posts man!)

Who are your biggest IM influencers and why?

I'm going to pay well-deserved homage to someone you might have never heard of. This is the one person I feel has both influenced and challenged my way of thinking, both online and offline. +Fravia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fravia)

I was about 10-11 years into programming, with my focus mostly on reverse engineering software copy protections. This was back in '95 and there was a group called HCU (High Cracking University). Within that group, people exchanged knowledge and for the most part, made a lot (but definitely not all) of what was known public in the form of essays. +Fravia was a professor there and a person by the name of +ORC (Old Red Cracker) headed up the whole thing. There is conjecture of whether +Fravia and +ORC were the same, but I'll leave it up to the rest of the world to figure out.

Aside from the "how to crack Pole Position V99.5" things, we also studied a concept coined "reality cracking", which is, simply to raise our levels of awareness of the world around us and to reverse engineer a lot of what goes on right in front of our eyes. One particular essay I enjoyed was entitled "Supermarket enslaving secrets". A mirror of this exists here http://www.woodmann.com/fravia/slaves.htm I worked at a grocery store when I was young and I found a lot of what was said in that essay to be true.

The next and final place in our journey was how to reverse engineer search engines. How did we learn how Hotbot, excite and later on, Google "do their thing"? We built crawlers of our own, learned how to do what is called "spamming" these days, to make what we want rise to the top, and many other tricks I still see employed today. It wasn't really a question of money at that time (at least for me), it was more of a matter of "can I do this?" and "what else can I learn?". It still is, only now I make money with it.

I mentioned that reversing search engines was the "next and final place of our journey" for a good reason. We lost +Fravia in May of 2009. I remember the feeling of emptiness when I heard. The tears just came, didn't stop for a long time, and I'm in no way afraid to admit it... In an instant, I realized how much impact one person had on my life.

With that being said, I don't see myself as a marketer. I see myself as a reverser that just happens to be concentrating on marketing. To use an old quote, "There's a crack in everything. It's how the light gets in..."
Thank you @razorBlade for the kind words.

I will say this people are characterized as being "one" thing - that's how society characterizes individuals, by job titles - he is a banker, she is a mom, she is a artist, or what they mostly concentrate on. I think this is wrong, since most people can do multiple things extremely well IF they realized how powerful they really are. When I see these types of conversations I try to define myself in the same characteristics, but it doesn't resonate with what I am.

I consider myself a coder and a marketer. Normally you'd think that one side would out weigh another, but it doesn't. But if I really dig deeper into my understanding of myself, I consider myself a hacker. Everything I put together is a hack at some level, whether it's a service, product, marketing campaign, or code, it is me bringing something into reality to produce an end goal, I've gotten better and better at it, whether it's my coding skills or my marketing capabilities, but at the end I guess it's all the hacker mentality I grew up with. Not to get off topic, but when people define themselves, I don't think they should limit themselves to a single two dimensional label.

"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard

I still have a ton of goals in life that have nothing to do with computers or internet marketing. I've been slowly developing additional skills which I plan on utilizing once I exit this sphere of reality, cause there are still whole other worlds I haven't even traversed through.

Eli From BlueHatSEO.com influenced me the most - when it comes to the SEO portion. Shoutout to skohh for taking over BHS, I still find myself going back to BHS to "re-energize myself".

@SmokeTree introduced me to Fravia's works when we first met - all I can say is wow. My journey on the internet has paralleled a ton of people who I wish I knew existed at the time. but now have started slowly going through all the works of Fravia bit by bit in my quest. In all of my SERPWoo videos - almost no one notices it, but I always login as Fravia as a small homage to someone I wish I knew and wish I had the chance to interact with. The level I would be at now would be astounding, but I'll get there.

Some of my favor people that have influenced me over the years are @Grind, Bofu2u, @eliquid, @Tavin, and droplister - @thehobbster is alright... (There are a dozen others I'm missing, and I apologize for that)

RIP Serpian Derpo... Never forget.
Here I am about to go to bed and SmokeTree drops this Fravia bomb... I'll try to save it for tomorrow.

For me, its very much like SmokeTree said. It's not so much marketers that influenced me as the guys who could see behind the veil. Guys like Sigmund Freud (possibly the godfather of marketing as it is today and most important man of the 20th century), Joseph Campbell (who saw the unifying mythological and spiritual story behind all of our transcendent impulses), and others that my tired brain isn't conjuring forth.
For me that's CCarter

Why So?

I found out that I had read previously mainly blogs from SEO parrots. A forum post from 2012 (big brand checklist) gave me better information than anything I had read in a year. Ok there were also other tactics that have helped me but that post is still guiding me.

Why at the moment no other people? There was little time for me to read on posts from other people besides reading the ?k post from CCarter
I'm going to pay well-deserved homage to someone you might have never heard of. This is the one person I feel has both influenced and challenged my way of thinking, both online and offline. +Fravia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fravia)

I was about 10-11 years into programming, with my focus mostly on reverse engineering software copy protections. This was back in '95 and there was a group called HCU (High Cracking University). Within that group, people exchanged knowledge and for the most part, made a lot (but definitely not all) of what was known public in the form of essays. +Fravia was a professor there and a person by the name of +ORC (Old Red Cracker) headed up the whole thing. There is conjecture of whether +Fravia and +ORC were the same, but I'll leave it up to the rest of the world to figure out.

Aside from the "how to crack Pole Position V99.5" things, we also studied a concept coined "reality cracking", which is, simply to raise our levels of awareness of the world around us and to reverse engineer a lot of what goes on right in front of our eyes. One particular essay I enjoyed was entitled "Supermarket enslaving secrets". A mirror of this exists here http://www.woodmann.com/fravia/slaves.htm I worked at a grocery store when I was young and I found a lot of what was said in that essay to be true.

The next and final place in our journey was how to reverse engineer search engines. How did we learn how Hotbot, excite and later on, Google "do their thing"? We built crawlers of our own, learned how to do what is called "spamming" these days, to make what we want rise to the top, and many other tricks I still see employed today. It wasn't really a question of money at that time (at least for me), it was more of a matter of "can I do this?" and "what else can I learn?". It still is, only now I make money with it.

I mentioned that reversing search engines was the "next and final place of our journey" for a good reason. We lost +Fravia in May of 2009. I remember the feeling of emptiness when I heard. The tears just came, didn't stop for a long time, and I'm in no way afraid to admit it... In an instant, I realized how much impact one person had on my life.

With that being said, I don't see myself as a marketer. I see myself as a reverser that just happens to be concentrating on marketing. To use an old quote, "There's a crack in everything. It's how the light gets in..."
Amazing!!, thanks
I thought i was the only one that had ever heard of those dudes.
That really took me back, I used to read his stuff religiously. I remember cracking my first program, WinZip, lol.

"Reality cracking" , these guys where way ahead of there time. The internet was so amazing back then. Remember TOTSE

This is a real example of like minds coming together.

I wish I had reached out to +Fravia +ORC and thank them.

and CCARTER, has really been an influence lately....except for that one time he smacked me down on Skype!
"Reality cracking" , these guys where way ahead of there time. The internet was so amazing back then. Remember TOTSE
One of the last remaining BBS systems. BBSes and modem-to-modem was our "Internet" for a long time.

I wish I had reached out to +Fravia +ORC and thank them.
I've lost enough people in my life to know no one has a set expiration date. Fun fact: I first met @CCarter when I sent him a message on another forum to say thanks for his contributions and keeping the spirit of +Fravia and all new reversers to come, alive. Us ancients have to kinda stick together :smile: But seriously, if you can think of someone right now that you haven't said "thanks" to, take care of that because you never know when you'll no longer get the chance.

and CCARTER, has really been an influence lately....except for that one time he smacked me down on Skype!
Word on the street is, that's not even his final form...
For sure Ccarter! Focusing on reading other SEO forums and just strictly sticking on SEO for the main source of driving traffic, I got bored. That is when I came across Carter's threads on Wickedfire and I was like:

Seriously, changed the way I approach online marketing in general now.
Also big thumbs up to Eli's bluehatseo. That knowledge is just genuis!
I'd like to thank a shitty childhood, a bunch of failures, face planting on concrete several times, ugly girls, not being able to pay rent or feed myself, sleeping on ratty couches in music studios, and drowning reality in booze for giving the motivation to be able to support myself via the internet.
I'd like to thank a shitty childhood, a bunch of failures, face planting on concrete several times, ugly girls, not being able to pay rent or feed myself, sleeping on ratty couches in music studios, and drowning reality in booze for giving the motivation to be able to support myself via the internet.

The Rock - the best motivation in life. Rock bottom that is - I've been there...
Pretty much everyone here, this is the first non fitness forum I've actually been a part of. Thanks guys!
You know what, I got to mention one more fella!. The
Why, should I mention that lug? Because , I remember reading through those WF threads, following him as well as a few others along thier journeys.
Then I came a cross a post, in which hobby decided to got full time with his online business. .. I can remember thinking...wow, he actually made it, not last month or last year, but he just did.

So, that post kind of opened up my realm of reality.
Here's to you chum!
"Murk <3 theHobbster
4 eva"
Hobbsy is a champ.

You know what, I got to mention one more fella!. The
Why, should I mention that lug? Because , I remember reading through those WF threads, following him as well as a few others along thier journeys.
Then I came a cross a post, in which hobby decided to got full time with his online business. .. I can remember thinking...wow, he actually made it, not last month or last year, but he just did.

So, that post kind of opened up my realm of reality.
Here's to you chum!
"Murk <3 theHobbster
4 eva"
I don't know if he's considered one, but Tim Ferriss has been a huge inspiration to me. He also started a podcast recently that I listen to on a regular basis. You can check it out on the Apple store, or listen to it on the "TuneIn" app on iPhone.
I'm not by any means someone that jumps on bandwagons. That being said, someone I am learning from the most and gaining inspiration from the most over the past few years is CCarter.

I don't know quite how to describe what I'm feeling, experiencing, and absorbing from CCarter's posts. A lot of other people on a lot of other sites have read through his huge lists of recommendations, appeared to have seen and learn from those things at a surface level, and have uttered their praise based on that surface level understanding. I have read enough things recently to have come to a realization that CCarter may not even be a person, but simply one of many facets of some complex person's mind. Suddenly I've come to wonder, who of some of these other random forum personas might actually be alternate manifestations of this same individual (Is it even an individual?! Maybe it is a movement of many, manifesting as one?! WTF!). I have read other things, that gave me the impression that certain things posted on certain sites might not have necessarily been directed at other people, but more of an external manifestation of internal dialogue, designed to maintain a struggle, to serve as a reminder, and possibly to serve as a glimpse into the mental process of this elusive individual or group, as well as a thread for this individual or group to pull on when they need to keep that struggle alive in their own mind(s).

The only way I can think to describe it is, some of the things I've read from CCarter, and possibly a few other potential personas on various other sites, feels more and more to me like a subtle stream of consciousness that, if perceived and approached in the right manner, can allow and assist a person to begin altering their own mindset, altering their perception, altering their actions, and allowing them to undertake their own struggle in a manner that might better benefit them. Some days I approach certain posts on certain sites, and that stream of consciousness hits me, and I feel that something is changing in me at a subconscious level, and I'm PRECISELY in the exact place both mentally and physically, that I need to be to continue building, and building more successfully. On those days, mind, body, and soul all appear to have been aligned to absorb knowledge and begin building. Other days, that stream of consciousness seems elusive, like I can read the words, but some synaptic process has not quite aligned in just the right hidden manner so as to unlock the stream. I don't quite know what it is that I'm chasing. Maybe it's a ghost. Maybe it's a demon. I just know that I must chase it.

Don't just read words, perceive them, and in different ways. Perception seems to be something that is lost upon a LOT of people. They read these big lists of great recommendations, but do they simply take it at face value (the whole "great post brah!" thing), or do they perceive any hidden truths about that knowledge? Do they perceive a mindset and the mental processes it might have taken to come up with that list, in that exact manner? This is one of the many things I'm picking up from what I think is being thrown down. ;-)

I think I probably just mindfucked all of you. ;-)
I've been doing this quite a long time so now that I think about it, there wasn't a lot of people around when I started as a young, green impressionable noob running my first webstore. I hated the whole internet marketing guru scene right from the beginning but from those guys Jeff Walker has been somebody who changed a lot for me when it comes to launching any new product. Even Frank Kern is quite an "interesting character", you can learn a lot from him how to apply the works of Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham and Cialdini into internet marketing. From SEO guys I also have to mention Eli whom I first bump into in Wickedfire many many years ago.
Do they perceive a mindset and the mental processes it might have taken to come up with that list, in that exact manner?

I'm late to the party bt still never late,any as I posted on my orientation thread I do admire a lot of guys from here to wf.But the most fascinating is ccarter,I used to and still think its not one person.I used to think its a group of top notch markerters,with the likes of grindstone,skohh,eliquid,bofu2u,making up ccarter the final boss,may be im wrong may be not.Someday I hope to be as good as he is,anyway I do follow most of you guys on Twitter @irenekwamboka is my twitter handle,cheers.
Someone else posted it, but bluehatseo..

I don't know Eli, but his blog was an inspiration back when I was semi new to IM.
Who are your biggest IM influencers and why?

I'm not one who prescribes to this "IM Influencer" philosophy... i've been around long enough to know that most, if not all, are full of crap! I read everything/everyone and know a handful of these "Influencers" personally (before they became "influencers") and knowing how they work and their actual back stories, then the lengths they go to in order to create their persona's and how they work collectively in order to fleece noobs... just makes my blood boil!

That said, I do follow a handful of people... but it's mainly to keep up with current news, techniques, tools etc. I understand what others are saying about the likes of CCarter - the guy's a wordsmith and an excellent marketer. There have been many occasions where i've read something he's written and thought "shit... why didn't i think of that!" or felt a jolt of motivation after reading one of his posts. I respect him/her/it/them (depending on which conspiracy you believe), and the others that i follow, and try to learn from them all... just without becoming a fanboy!
Charles Ngo & CCarter. Both seem very driven to help people get themselves out of their shitty 9-5s and level up in the world.
I'm not by any means someone that jumps on bandwagons. That being said, someone I am learning from the most and gaining inspiration from the most over the past few years is CCarter.

I don't know quite how to describe what I'm feeling, experiencing, and absorbing from CCarter's posts. A lot of other people on a lot of other sites have read through his huge lists of recommendations, appeared to have seen and learn from those things at a surface level, and have uttered their praise based on that surface level understanding. I have read enough things recently to have come to a realization that CCarter may not even be a person, but simply one of many facets of some complex person's mind. Suddenly I've come to wonder, who of some of these other random forum personas might actually be alternate manifestations of this same individual (Is it even an individual?! Maybe it is a movement of many, manifesting as one?! WTF!). I have read other things, that gave me the impression that certain things posted on certain sites might not have necessarily been directed at other people, but more of an external manifestation of internal dialogue, designed to maintain a struggle, to serve as a reminder, and possibly to serve as a glimpse into the mental process of this elusive individual or group, as well as a thread for this individual or group to pull on when they need to keep that struggle alive in their own mind(s).

The only way I can think to describe it is, some of the things I've read from CCarter, and possibly a few other potential personas on various other sites, feels more and more to me like a subtle stream of consciousness that, if perceived and approached in the right manner, can allow and assist a person to begin altering their own mindset, altering their perception, altering their actions, and allowing them to undertake their own struggle in a manner that might better benefit them. Some days I approach certain posts on certain sites, and that stream of consciousness hits me, and I feel that something is changing in me at a subconscious level, and I'm PRECISELY in the exact place both mentally and physically, that I need to be to continue building, and building more successfully. On those days, mind, body, and soul all appear to have been aligned to absorb knowledge and begin building. Other days, that stream of consciousness seems elusive, like I can read the words, but some synaptic process has not quite aligned in just the right hidden manner so as to unlock the stream. I don't quite know what it is that I'm chasing. Maybe it's a ghost. Maybe it's a demon. I just know that I must chase it.

Don't just read words, perceive them, and in different ways. Perception seems to be something that is lost upon a LOT of people. They read these big lists of great recommendations, but do they simply take it at face value (the whole "great post brah!" thing), or do they perceive any hidden truths about that knowledge? Do they perceive a mindset and the mental processes it might have taken to come up with that list, in that exact manner? This is one of the many things I'm picking up from what I think is being thrown down. ;-)

I think I probably just mindfucked all of you. ;-)
I even doubt it myself if ccarter is a single person.
Some of the people on this forum and WickedFire.

I'm influenced by other people outside of IM though.