Press Releases: Best Practices?

Nov 18, 2014
I'm curious to know how some of you guys use PR's to effectively market.

I'm not talking about just getting a PR on this site or that one, getting "X" amount of [bounce] traffic, or getting my brand name in front of people. While I see the importance, this can more or less be bought from distributors.

What I'm talking about is what you do after a PR goes live. Things like:
  • Social sharing
  • Pushing syndication
  • Getting follow-up interviews
  • Making new contacts/Building new relationships
Let's just assume for a second I don't want a bunch of bogus traffic, but I actually have newsworthy information for which I want real interaction (crazy, I know!). No SEO value considerations, not trying to rank the PR for a KW, etc.

What are some of your best practices for follow-up, getting in touch with real, interested parties who will further share your content, and getting more than one or two days worth of people standing at your door step?
Honestly, at this point, the online press release world is such a shit-show, even the "best of the best" agency's versions, that I wouldn't even do it. I'd attempt to go straight to a reputable news network or magazine and try to ensnare them with the opportunity to break some news. And then I'd promote THAT article versus my own stuff.

If I did do a Press Release, I'd use brand and URL anchors only, all no-follow. Because not only are the millions of crappy sites that the release is sent to going to publish, but thousands of others are going to scrape it for their RSS-fed PBN's and crap. I just wouldn't even do it at this point.
@Ryuzaki is right on here.
Always go for attention and then promote it.
Catching the news cycle, trends, popular threads all get better attention (links and traffic too) than Press Releases...
I've just pushed out our latest round of PR for my 9-5 and based on the results the best way to go is to target industry publications rather than the broader wires.

My results so far

Industry online press releases published: 8
General online press releases published: 6

Requests for interview:
Industry: 3
General: 0