

A "Spinning Round Planet" With "Gravity"
BuSo Pro
Jan 29, 2015
Runs one game per night at 8 pm central time. Kinda an interesting scarcity tactic.
I'm kinda inspired and wanna make a similar game with a better ui and some actual marketing to get a player base.

Anyway, if you're a econ super nerd or just really into responsive systems optimization might wanna check it out.
Haven't found something that felt so rewarding in a long time.
Really kinda curious if it correlates with being good at seo or other forms of optimization lol.

That's pretty cool. I like games like these. I hate that there's usually a sizable learning curve and the games tend to take far longer than even makes sense. I see this one said the games are about an hour long, which is nice versus something like Civilization V where the games can go on for months.
We lan party the civ games at the office a lot. I think civ 4 is still the fav, but I personally like this one better.

Games are between 1 and 2 hours. - Not actually totally sure the exact amount of time.
Its designed to be more casual then civ.
You can bank turns and watch netflix while playing. (at least that's what I do)

There are dynamic barbarians that attack you and raze your cities and shit. I think you're supposed to team up and trade to beat them or something, cuz they're really hard when you get close to the end of the game. (that or we just really suck)
Gotten even more into this lately.
The trading simulation mechanics are best I've ever seen and I feel like I might actually be learning things.

Managed to start scoring over 50k points most of the time.
I think its possible for a good systems optimization nerd to get way into the 100s of thousands.

Here's an even better game thats sorta similar but on a far grander time scale, also appears to be lacking in direct objectives.
Its more of an explorer game where you explore the creations of past players.
Seems like a few of the folks around here would fit in pretty well. This is a fan game of a previous game where the creators basically took a forum added a map and let it evolve into a really beautiful player driven universe.
If you're interested in trying, I should warn you its not a game in the normal sense and you should not presume things are fair or will always continue to work the way they do when you first encounter them.

I'd really like to find some similar games if anyone's got suggestions.