Looking for links on high quality domains like these

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Jun 24, 2015
One of my competitors bought links on zdnet.com, venturebeat.com, mymove.com, homeguide.com, fixr.com

Anyone know a service that can get me links on all of those? Or is it just a matter of reaching out to each site individually.
It's been a long time but with a few DMs I got some lists with big publishers from some folk on BHW. Maybe they're here too?
Be careful. People looking for this are the most successful demographic to scam in SEO, in terms of eagerness and volume of money.

Of all the people offering such a thing publicly, I've seen maybe 1 or 2 deliver in over 10 years, meanwhile I've seen dozens of scammers run off with 100's of buyer's money. It's the fastest and most sure fire route to getting scammed, without a doubt.

Just do a ton of due diligence. Almost every scam starts out with a few actual deliverables to lower everyone's guard and then they disappear into the wind. So even a test order isn't necessarily going to keep you safe.

If you pay, I'd do it with a credit card or something where you have the absolute most protection possible. Paypal will fight for you but if they can't access the money then it's gone.
I just typed "Forbes", "Techcrunch" etc into the search and run through the most recent threads. If there is a bunch of positive feedback request a list. The cost was far too rich for my blood so never transacted. @Ryuzaki makes a good point about fraud given the dollar amount these type of links go for..
Be careful. People looking for this are the most successful demographic to scam in SEO, in terms of eagerness and volume of money.

That and even if they publish your link - sometimes it gets removed later because they find out the person was getting paid, or they slack off and start submitting trash, etc..
You're doing it wrong. You hire a PR agency to make PR content for you and promote it to journalists. Costs about $8,000 for one PR campaign. You can get anywhere from 0 to 100 or more backlinks from newspapers this way. I think the BHW guys charge like $1,000 for one newspaper link. Here, you gotta pay more but the results can be more links too. You also need a good idea that fits with the news cycle and trend.
Great advice. Any good PR agency you can recommend?
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