kava kava?


War Mongering.
BuSo Pro
Jun 20, 2018
Has anyone tried the kava kava drink here? i was doing some research on it and was wondering if anyone on here has tried it before. If you have what is the best brand to drink? Im trying the buddah teas brand, kinda tastes like shit lol.
I took one today. I take a 250mg Kava Kava pill every other day, but as a mental health supplement. It "promotes relaxation" and I know cultures around the world drink it like alcohol to get drunk and euphoric. For me, one of these pills completely eradicates social anxiety. I'd take it daily but they don't recommend that. But on days I'm going out and seeing people I'll make sure to take one that morning.
what brand do you use? I am a combat veteran, OIF 03-04, and i have ptsd from being over there. I used to drink like a banshee just to fall asleep, i figured id give this shit a try vs drinking. I guess this stuff is supposed to help with that sort of stuff.
well i had 3 cups so far and got giggly off it lol. not sure i should drink anymore till before bed.
I drink kava most evenings. It's a great way to switch the mind off after a long day. Know several folks who switched from a reasonably heavy alcohol habit to kava.

It's illegal for human consumption in most EU countries, you can order it for your dog though...

As far as brand, I've a batch of Vanuatu Green at the moment. I only drink the heavier stuff to switch off and maybe enjoy normie TV.

I think it's great stuff.

Watch out for the hangover, it's a diaretic and if you drink too much with out replacing the water you loose, the next day you'll have brain fog.
Kava is awesome, but much of what people have mentioned here is garbage and you shouldn’t take it.

Try a real kava, not one of those boxed teas or supplements. The boxed teas don’t contain much kava, and the supplements are junk.

You should purchase from a reputable brand, there’s a lot of untested crap on the market. The FDA doesn’t do any testing, so you really want to stick to a decent vendor. The kava subreddit has a great list of vendors and is a good resource.

If you don’t want to do any preparation, pick up a Micronized kava. Try any from Kalm with Kava, Bula Kava House, or Gourmet Hawaiian Kava. You just stir these into hot water and they dissolve.

If you don’t mind the equivalent work of making a protein shake, pick up an Aluball and then you can get any medium grind kava you want. Any of those brands mentioned above are good. Dua Na Bilo is good, inexpensive, and available on Amazon. Kava Supreme is also good and available on Amazon.

The quality of the experience is much better, and you get kava that was tested and supplied by a reputable brand, as opposed to untested stuff sold by a supplement dealer, purchased from the secondary market, and who knows what’s in it.

Oh, and if you really want a Kava anxiety pill, the only decent kava like that is Ozia Kava Candy. The sourcing is ok, and it works. They taste good too.
I buy instant ceremonial, it's difficult to get it imported to many countries in the EU. That brand has a good rep on the kavakava forums. Never tried it though.
I buy instant ceremonial, it's difficult to get it imported to many countries in the EU. That brand has a good rep on the kavakava forums. Never tried it though.

Any tips for a first time user?

What's the current status on the liver toxicity thing?
My understanding is that the liver thing is only for the tuiday/two day kava which is the stuff harvested from the stalks and not the root. So don't worry about it. It was only a thing 10/8 years ago when some opportunists were in the market and is not a worry from any of the more reputable established companies.