Goals For November 2015

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BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Jun 15, 2014
My November is going to be the month that changed everything:
  • Finish up my Four Site Flip
  • Finish up a couple of extraneous non-main tasks
  • Do maintenance on things that require it
  • Focus like mad on my main project, balls to the wall
The first 3 items will be completed soon and those loops will be closed forever more. I won't be opening any more demanding loops for a long time. The Four Site Flip is going to let me focus on the main project for a long period of time and I'm going to buckle down hard on it. I want it ramped up and earning big bucks ASAP.
November 2015 Focus
The big November goal is to start growing my social media following through my first proper campaign.

I will create a blog post titled "The 35 most influential x on Twitter". To promote it I will tweet/email those users that made the list to see if I can get them to share the link out in front of their audience (who will hopefully then follow my Twitter feed).

As I wrote in this thread the total follower count of the 30-35 profiles is around 600,000. If I can reach 1% of that audience, picking up 2% of everyone who sees the tweet/article then that will give me somewhere in the region of 120 potential followers.

The goal of this campaign is to add 120 new Twitter followers within 10 days of the article going live.

I know social media isn't the best way to build a business so my long term plans are to move users from social to my email list by running a monthly incentive scheme.

November 2015 Content Goals
  • Build 10 product reviews,
  • Build 10 supporting articles (blog posts, Q&A posts and news stories),
  • Build 5 big term pages
November 2015 Personal Goals
I want to start understanding the industry more so I am going to start speaking to people within the niche to see where they hang out online, what they read and to identify any problems that they might have.
My goals for November 2015:

  • Consolidate my main website.
  • Start a new project and possibly open a journal thread here in Buso.
  • Start learning a programming language. I hesitate between Ruby and Python, but probably I'll choose Ruby to also learn Ruby on Rails because I want to focus on web development.
  • Start going to the gym regularly. I play football (soccer) and I'm sure it will be beneficial for better performance.
That's all for now :D
$50 million.
100+ articles out.
Going to spend 90 days in my free time learning copy writing and sales/persuasion.

I have a few books and resources on the topics, but if you guys can throw me a bone on what you have read/watched/done that helped you in the above.. please list them in here or PM me.

Don't list Cashvertising, I already have it.

The first 30 days ( this month ), I am going to try to read/digest 4 books on the subject with real study. Study like taking notes and such, not just speed reading and forgetting.
John Carlton's Kick Ass Copywriting Secrets (I'm paraphrasing) is the only one I have read. I didn't feel a need to go out and keep studying after reading his book. That was more than enough to get me started.
Going to spend 90 days in my free time learning copy writing and sales/persuasion.

I have a few books and resources on the topics, but if you guys can throw me a bone on what you have read/watched/done that helped you in the above.. please list them in here or PM me.

Don't list Cashvertising, I already have it.

The first 30 days ( this month ), I am going to try to read/digest 4 books on the subject with real study. Study like taking notes and such, not just speed reading and forgetting.

One big piece of advice is you can study all you want but without practice you won't get anywhere. People get that with most skills but copy writing is something I see people try to study for 100+ hours before they write 1 word of copy.

I think the problem stems from with most skills you get to see how "good" you are easier. You can write code and test it easily. It's easy to see the results of your practice and gauge if you are getting better/worse. If you are new to copy writing it's difficult to get true feedback on your copy, IE does this make people buy. Because getting your copy in front of people costs money and if it's not good it costs you.

Unfortunately I don't have any great suggestions on how to go about practicing, it's different for everyone. The only thing I can say is don't be afraid to spend 30 minutes writing sales copy for a made up product even if you never plan to show that copy to anyone. It will be much for valuable to do that every so often over only reading 30 minutes per day on it - even if you don't have any good way to get outside feedback. Think of it like keeping a diary you write but never share with anyone, simply the act of writing improves your writing skill much more than just reading will.
One big piece of advice is you can study all you want but without practice you won't get anywhere. People get that with most skills but copy writing is something I see people try to study for 100+ hours before they write 1 word of copy.

I think the problem stems from with most skills you get to see how "good" you are easier. You can write code and test it easily. It's easy to see the results of your practice and gauge if you are getting better/worse. If you are new to copy writing it's difficult to get true feedback on your copy, IE does this make people buy. Because getting your copy in front of people costs money and if it's not good it costs you.

Unfortunately I don't have any great suggestions on how to go about practicing, it's different for everyone. The only thing I can say is don't be afraid to spend 30 minutes writing sales copy for a made up product even if you never plan to show that copy to anyone. It will be much for valuable to do that every so often over only reading 30 minutes per day on it - even if you don't have any good way to get outside feedback. Think of it like keeping a diary you write but never share with anyone, simply the act of writing improves your writing skill much more than just reading will.

That's what I have planned.

Since it's a 90-day goal, the first 30 are to read 4 books and take heavy notes and other things to help retain the info in my head using Evernote and mind mapping.

The next 30 days afterward ( December ) are to spend the whole month writing each day. There is a 30-day copy exercise at another forum I am a member of where the whole thread is about writing copy every day so writing and practicing will come into play for sure with their help. I am not going to do this for any of my products or other peoples, but more like you mentioned.. a personal journal or swipe file type of thing that won't see the light of day probably.

The final 30 days I am not sure what I am going to do to be honest. My thought was to teach copy because when you really try to explain or teach others in any subject, you actually learn more about it yourself ( from what I find ). I know that sounds odd to see someone teach something they just learned 30-60 days ago, but I am not doing it as an "expert guru", just as a training exercise to see how it can push my copy skills even more trying to show others. You get asked lots of questions from people you teach and start to formulate things in your head in preparation to teach which broadens the skill you learned even further.

I might replace that last 30 days with something else. Not sure, but that is the current plan. Maybe I will expand out the December practice to make January ( the last 30 days ) actual copy on actual live products. Maybe I will approach others and try to sell the copy ( for pennies ) as more as an advanced writing exercise from the 2nd 30 days. Amazon could be a good testing ground for this.

It's just all good skill building.

In the end, I hope to take the skill into SERPWoo ( funnels and such ) and into writing more in general with our Blog so I can get back into the groove of writing articles and blogs and sales copy.
October's Goals:

#1 - Finalize v3 - Nada.

#2 - 10 expert authors - Nada.

#3 - 2 new report types - Nada.

#4 - Bootcamp content - Nada.


October was a bit disappointing in terms of productivity towards my goals. November will hopefully fair out better. Most of the time was put toward maintenance and upgrades to SERPWoo and other projects and dealing with small but necessary personal obstacles.

November Goals:

1. Finalize v3 - including 2 new report types.

2. Get all expert author posts live.

3. Finish up bootcamp - I'm 13/14 done, got one more big one, then some polishing up. I can safely say this might be my last flame, so we'll see.

4. Special Thanksgiving project - complete marketing campaign.

5. Holiday Marketing project - that's an ongoing thing for Buso, but it's coming along right now.


Sometimes I really hate the holidays and this time of year. A lot of people want to start talking to me about shit I don't give rats ass about. I need to figure out how to insulate myself even more.

When the hottest thread series in the world drops and we have to negotiate on whether to delete it cause it reveals too much:

November Goals:

1. Finalize v3 - including 2 new report types.

2. Get all expert author posts live.

3. Finish up bootcamp - I'm 13/14 done, got one more big one, then some polishing up. I can safely say this might be my last flame, so we'll see. Done

4. Special Thanksgiving project - complete marketing campaign.

5. Holiday Marketing project - that's an ongoing thing for Buso, but it's coming along right now.​
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Today was crazy with back to back knowledge drops. I'm glad everyone's enjoying and having fun with it:


@CCarter giving me major fomo right now

Oh Lord... I can't believe some of you haven't figured out the secret entrance yet. There have been trolls all over this place for weeks revealing it...

The second you realize how easy it should have been for you to see the entrance...

My List From Above:
  • Finish up my Four Site Flip
  • Finish up a couple of extraneous non-main tasks
  • Do maintenance on things that require it
  • Focus like mad on my main project, balls to the wall
Bullet #1 is dunzo! I've finished my "extraneous" tasks as well. My only involvement at this point is chasing down other people. I don't even remember what the 3rd Bullet meant, so I marked it off.

Now, I'm 100% ready to do nothing but absolutely crush the vertical for my main project. I DID start a JV on an MFA site with my brother which shouldn't be demanding, especially with the nonchalant approach and the 50/50 workload.

It's all about my main case study now! I'm excited.
^^ I set this up to give away the entrance.

Take the letters and words I left un-masked and rearrange them to find the portal.
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