Goals for January 2017

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Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014
Focus, Determination, Perseverance - they're the ingredients to winning. It's a new year, a new month, and it's time to reflect on what you want to achieve this month, and start setting the course for the whole year.

"You have little time left, and none of it for crap. A fine state. I would say that the best of us always comes out when we are against the wall, when we feel the sword dangling overhead. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way." - Carlos Castaneda​

The ability to Focus, completely focus on the task at hand, on your goals, short-term and long-term sets winners apart from those that get distracted and their journey mimics a leaf blowing in the wind, determined by other forces but themselves. Focus allows you to harness the true power of your belief that what you are working towards is worth your attention and all distractions need to be violently subdued. Focus shows those around you that you are serious about the task at hand and they slowly realize to leave you alone - and if they don't remove them from your life - since they are purposely or subconsciously making themselves an obstacle in your path to your goals.

Focus above all else is what keeps you up at night adding that extra brick to your empire while your enemies are fast asleep. Focus keeps you toiling during the long nights so one day you'll see your dreams and goals come into fruition. Complete focus is the power of the gods.


Determination - it's understanding you that you will not be dissuaded to your destiny. Determination with the Perseverance of your will is what springs from your body when you are in a battle that you should have lost but suddenly get the upperhand and defeat your enemy. They aren't opponents, the are enemies, if they win, you lose. Determination should coarse through your body, throughout every cell and make them aware that no matter what, your goals will be achieved and nothing is going to stop you.

And only when every cell in your body and your mind understands this will the universe start bending to your will. Doors start opening by themselves that were otherwise locked when you had little to no determination. Obstacles that were in front of you suddenly turn to dust at your mere glance. Determination brings forth Will - and Will bends the universe to you desire. Will is a hidden power of the universe that very few sense, and only the top of the top command.


Perseverance - Staying power and perseverance turns ordinary men into extraordinary beings. Staying on course even when facing insurmountable odds and certain death is how you become a winner. With perseverance you can move the immovable object while becoming an unstoppable force. The key with perseverance is to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up!

With focus, determination, and perseverance - the best of us comes out. I love the challenges when the sword is dangling over ones head - that's when true greatness arises.


Now it's time for you to set new goals and accomplish masterfully your desires. January starts a new journey and a new hope to achieve your dreams. Go at it with everything you've got, with focus, determination, and perseverance - nothing can stop you.


(Don't forget to update your December 2016 goals - whether in victory or failure - there is a lesson in all of it.)
  • 2 pillar posts created
  • Promoted content to over 300 sources.
  • Have called up 80 locksmiths to sign onto my site.
  • Have locked in $4000 of revenue for February.
  • Have invoiced 1st locksmith and have made my first $1.2K :smile:
  • Have 400 unique leads come through. (Last week have at least 105 unique leads)
Service Site:
  • 2 pillar posts created.
  • Promoted content to over 300 sources.
The main focus is getting the locksmiths site earning considerable income. All profit after expenses, including my basic living expenses will be reinvested back into the websites. To be clear, anything over $2000 (all monthly expenses including my living expenses) will be put back into the business. This will likely take the form of writers and outreach/promoters. However, that is February's concerns. Right now, my focus is on making the money to pay for this.
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As I've reviewed my past monthly posts I've come to realize that I always over-plan. I think that's good. I have high expectations of myself. But I never leave room for the unexpected. So this month I want to keep it very simple with two over-arching goals. Of course, personally, those have sub-goals and plans-of-attack, that aren't listed here.

Main Goals
  • Finish entirely a new web design project and get paid out for it.
  • Spend at least $1,000 of that cash on content for my main project.
  • Research and prep outlines for writers for that content.
  • Write and schedule a handful of posts to drip in the meantime.
If Time Allows
  • Write a monster post for that same site.
  • Suck it up and finish optimizing all of the content on the JV site I took over.
  • Finish the content outline for the two big money posts for the JV site and get those written.
  • Format and post those two pieces of content.
Easy does it. Most of this hinges on the web design project that I'll be going full-force at starting today.
January Goals:


- Project Reporting
- Sub Accounts
- Home Dashboard
- Custom Tags
- SERP Sightings
- 2 Blogposts

- Account Setup Flow
- Schedule Launch Date
- Establish Social Presence

- Work standing for on average 4 hours a day
Main project
  • Wrap up earlier outreach
  • Work on 2 new outreach articles
  • Re-organize part of site
  • Publish 10 money articles
  • Publish 10 'first hand account' stories - Carry over from last month
    • outreach to places with this content
  • Score 5 links with HARO
  • Find 3 targeted videos to upload for Facebook page
  • Work on other fan pages with different angles
New project
  • Pick between 3 ideas
  • Get theme designed
  • Get barebones site up
Social automation
  • Learn MassPlanner
  • Grow several accounts & learn the terrain
- $100M in my bank account.
- 1000x brand profit 2016 vs 2017.
- Move to a new city. (30 days of travel to pick out a new place while working. Not a vacation.)
- Build something that takes most people 30 years to pay off, by the end of 2017. Early, far ahead of goal schedule. PAID in full when ground breaks.
- Move from the serp shadows to the speaker spotlight to command the world's attention.

Jan is always a rather "gloom" month for most. Sales slump off from the Nov/Dec holiday season. Consumers are spending less, advertisers are spending less, etc. The battle starts off with a lot of bloodshed before you can move the line forward again. However, you can gut most of the gloom out if you hit/surpass goals beyond the things you can't control. In other words, don't let instant gratification affect your work or focus this month.

The delight you feel from a victory at the end of the year is always glorious... Though, it doesn't last forever beacuse you've got the next 10 months to prepare for it all over again. It reminds me of September, which is a great month to hustle, but most end up slowing their roll down and get lazy as fuck as the holidays start slowly approaching. I'm sure many people rest on their holiday earnings and become fat cats too.

CC nailed it... It's really that one month that shows just how focused, determined and willing you are for the rest of the year... Don't be a lazy cunt!

"When I eat or drink, I feel horrible for like an hour afterward. Imagine eating with family for 30 minutes and then feeling like shit for the next hour. The feeling is pretty much immediate as soon as the second bite is down. A 15 or 30 minute meal turns into an 1.5 hour session in the bed bc you feel like crap. I've had this for while and I just use to power through it.. now I can't seem to push by it. I've self narrowed it down just recently to carbonated drinks, but even water does this to me sometimes with my meal. I might have to break down and go through the exhausting process of visiting 20 specialists to find out whats wrong."
I posted the above in Decembers goals as a reply to another question.

While I haven't cleaned up all my food intake options, I did start drinking kiefer and eating Activa 2 to 3x a day. This was actually not for my stomach, but to add into smoothies. I didn't really keep the smoothies up daily ( i'm realizing it takes way more fruits and veggies than I planned for ), but I did keep up the kiefer and Activa.

As a side effect ( and pretty much instantly ) my gut pains ( which I did not talk about or go into last post ) went away overnight because of this.

I had very intense gut pains ( acute stabbing pains ) that many times came along with this feeling of shit after I ate. It was something that I've had for a long time actually.

The pains are now gone, the feeling of general shit is almost gone too.

Any filling of "horrible" and shit, I have pretty much wrote off to not having the proper bacteria and enzymes in my gut. In short, not having good digestive health.

I sometimes still feel very very full, but I am learning this seems to come with me drinking a lot of liquids no matter if it is fruit juice, water, soda, etc. I think I have it narrowed down to either too much liquid or too much soda.

It's all gut related it seems.

I can tell you, it feels so much better not to be in pain or having to lay down for 30/90 min just to feel better because of something so simple.
It's all gut related it seems.

Digestive health is severely underrated. While not as severe are your situation, I've had a similar experience and now can't say enough about how much better I feel and function when I don't eat foods that inflame my digestive tract.
@eliquid I swear by GT's Synergy Kombucha - its basically a fermented tea packed with probiotics. It makes me feel like a freaking champ, its carbonated and they have all kinds of flavors. Kombucha is brewed and then they add fruit juice for flavor (or original, my favorite, with no added juice).

I generally just feel GOOD after drinking them. I think it's similar to Kefir that you mentioned. I'd highly suggest trying it out.
While I haven't cleaned up all my food intake options, I did start drinking kiefer and eating Activa 2 to 3x a day. This was actually not for my stomach, but to add into smoothies. I didn't really keep the smoothies up daily ( i'm realizing it takes way more fruits and veggies than I planned for ), but I did keep up the kiefer and Activa.

More and more links between health problems and gut bacteria composition is emerging each year.
I believe synbiotics (or both taken separately) are vital to maintaining a healthy body and mind.
Started taking D3 10,000 IU every 12-20 hours.

Also started taking B12 3,000 IU every day. Will prob up this amount soon.

My overall feeling during the day is that I am not tired/sleepy/hazy now. I can't say I feel like Superman, but I feel like I did when I was 18-19 or so, which is a huge improvement over the last decade.

Also, I can tell when I eat "normal" food, my gut doesn't wrench into cramping knots anymore as I kept up the drinking of Kiefer daily ( a couple big gulps, no glasses yet ). Got off the Activa only because I started shopping somewhere that doesn't have it, but have been eating Yogurt and tried some fermented tea ( Kombucha ) because @animalstyle mentioned it. Man, it was nasty at first drink but I think I could get use to it. It was like an odd vinegar tea, but it's something you can get use to.

Overall, I am starting to really feel normal again and I like it.

Going to add in some Vitamin A and K2.

Also going to get a blood sample worked up to find out if I am low/missing in anything and any issues I've never known about.
Glad to hear you're feeling better @eliquid. You're right that the Kombucha can be an acquired taste, or even repulsive for some.

Fell off the health plan this last week and Im feeling it today finally.

Ran out of Keifer and Activa, forgot to resupply and life got really busy last 7-9 days and now when I eat the cramps and pain are back in my gut almost immediately after I eat.

Got back on kombucha today. It's hard to drink but Instead of drinking original ( like I did before ), I got some flavored ones and easing back into it. These flavored ones like Cherry Chia are a lot easier to take and swallow down.

Restocked on Kiefer and Activa today. Going to have to make this a weekly thing and part of my life pretty much. Maybe I can find some pills that can replace having to go to the store and buy these items so when Im out, at least I have the pills as a backup.

Still taking D3 @ 10k IU daily and B12 @ 3-4k every couple days. I've been able to stay up late and get just 4 hours of sleep daily. Before, I needed like 8-10. Not saying 4 hours is good or that I will keep it up, but it's massive the change has been this month in how I feel and what I can do. Getting 4 hours of sleep and functioning the next day was IMPOSSIBLE before ( trust me I tried several times ) and now it is like I could go 72 hours without sleep and be fine. I think the mix of gut bacteria + the d3/b12 is helping in this regard.

My plan for Feb is to starting fasting again. I was doing daily intermediate fasting before and I am going to go back to that while cutting out as much sugar and sugar like substances as I can. I was doing less than 10g a day before, and Im going to ease back into that. I am also going to cut out caffeine or "awake" type substances after 1pm. Because I'd like to get into bed by 10pm and wake up at 4 or 5am as a habit.

Long term, I want to change my diet and health around and form a habit of waking up at 4 or 5am by getting in bed by 10pm and actually going to bed rather than lay there for 2 hours before falling asleep. If I can do this for 3 months, I can start staying up until 11pm or 12 midnight and still get up at 4 or 5am while getting my extra rest I cut out with a daily power nap or 2 ( for what would have been my lunch ).

The above goal seemed impossible before though. When you are in bad health ( even slightly, Im not talking about cancer here ), it seems to wreck everything else in your life/health.

I might make a goal to go raw whole foods + fish only after June this year.​

Even when you are experienced and have "made it", you fail and struggle at times.

I'm getting older. Things are getting more busy. I'm falling behind in some areas. I have to make a change as I have too many people counting on me ( not just family ) to do the things I need to be doing and keeping up on. I feel like a douche when I can't and it's a horrible feeling for me daily when I fail. And trust me, when it rains.. it pours like nothing else sometimes.

I'm not in my 20's anymore when it was easy to simply grind away at things and break through them with sheer will power and determination like a brute force attack. I still have tasks that need this type of effort and I am trying to do it heading into my 40's and it's a major challenge. Some of these tasks you simply can not handle off to a junior level assistant or outsource partner.

Sometimes what got you here, is not what's going to get you "there" ( your next goal ).

So you have to change things up, set up a new basecamp ( mountain climbing reference ) and inch your way up the mountain for a few hours and then back down to basecamp for the night. Sometimes you have to do this event for days or weeks repeatedly. It seems like wasted time and effort to most when they see it in action. For those of you that don't know, the basecamp never moves up in this process. It's fixed. Literally people climb up the mountain some, and go all the way back down not gaining "ground" and this happens over and over again.

However, you do this event over and over until you find the right combination of weather, climbing strategy, and data that allows you to finally set out one morning to tackle the climb in one huge solid push for the summit ( your end goal ), no turning back unless you want defeat and to call off the climb entirely until next year.

This is what I need to be doing ( above ). Going for the summit on the first day every single time I put my foot on the base of the mountain no longer works. That works for those who have nothing to lose, or those climbing small summits. It works for those with the energy of a 21 year old who are in really damn good health and lots of energy and nothing else in their life.

When you tackle larger than life summits and have something to lose, when you're older and not in great health, when you have other things in your life to deal with, when your climb presents new obstacles that require a different skill set ( climbing ice vs sheer vertical flat walls ), you need a new plan to obtain your goal. You have to do things differently. It just takes longer to be done "right".

But the summit is just part of the actual goal. Coming down from the summit is sometimes the most deadly part of the journey for many many reasons. I've heard the % of death is higher coming down from the summit than going up even for the most experienced climbers.

This isn't a story about mountain climbing or my dream to scale K2 and Everest.

This is a story of having to swallow pride and realize things have to be different. I have to be different. I have to accept I need a new plan and it might take longer than I want and that I have to shed off old skin and moult a new one like a snake.

No matter what, change has to happen.

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January in review
  • 2 pillar posts created - DONE
  • Promoted content to over 300 sources. - DONE
  • Have called up 80 locksmiths to sign onto my site. - MORE THAN DONE. I definitely made well over 100+ calls.
  • Have locked in $4000 of revenue for February. - NOPE. Only $800
  • Have invoiced 1st locksmith and have made my first $1.2K :smile: - YEP
  • Have 400 unique leads come through. (Last week have at least 105 unique leads) - NOPE
Service Site:
  • 2 pillar posts created. - 1 only
  • Promoted content to over 300 sources. - YEP
I played flat out this month, however still didn't even get close to my number one goal - lock in locksmiths for Feb. There is a number of reasons for this, most are outside of my control.

I've been talking to my business partner. It think it's time we seriously reconsider whether we continue with these two websites. Other opportunities have become available which will reap rewards straight away rather than hoping in a couple of months that things change. This is something I will decide February

Main Goals
  • Finish entirely a new web design project and get paid out for it. - Done
  • Spend at least $1,000 of that cash on content for my main project. - Trying to spend this money. Some of it's spent. It's harder than it seems when it comes to specialized knowledge.
  • Research and prep outlines for writers for that content. - Done
  • Write and schedule a handful of posts to drip in the meantime. - Kind of Done, Happening Still
If Time Allows
  • Write a monster post for that same site. - Done several times over.
  • Suck it up and finish optimizing all of the content on the JV site I took over. - FAIL
  • Finish the content outline for the two big money posts for the JV site and get those written. - DONE but turns out there's another task to do. Semi-Fail.
  • Format and post those two pieces of content. - Fail

Time was tighter than I thought it would be due to the web design project but now I'm free and not taking anymore unless it's for a specific friend who I work well with. We understand each other's styles and things happen fast because we're both relaxed. Otherwise all I'm doing is plowing on my own projects forever more.
Pardon me, I'm still working off January...

January Goals:


- Project Reporting - Done
- Sub Accounts
- Home Dashboard
- Custom Tags
- SERP Sightings
- 2 Blogposts

- Account Setup Flow
- Schedule Launch Date - Done
- Establish Social Presence - Done

- Work standing for on average 4 hours a day - Semi
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