Did anyone pay attention to Mark Zuckerberg getting interviewed by the Senate?


BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014
I watched the entire first day. There wasn't anything interesting at all. It was Zuckerberg being tossed a bunch of softballs, basically having to explain to old people how Facebook actually works.

There were a couple more tech savvy senators like Ted Cruz, who absolutely grilled the Zucc, and Steve Scalise did a pretty informed job too.

Others wasted their time trying to create sound bytes for their next election, which was pretty pathetic. They ought to be disqualified outright for not doing their jobs appropriately.

Anyways, the highlight of the whole thing is the fact that Zuckerberg was literally sitting on a booster seat. If you're aware, he's been trying to change his image in the public eye the past year or so. It actually looked like he was gearing up for some political run for a while, going to church, going to farms, etc.


But he's always careful about how he's portrayed in pictures, trying to appear taller since he's fairly short, 5'6" I think, by standing closer to the camera and tricks like that. He wanted to look tall in all of the pictures, I suppose, but he should have know there'd be a slew of cameras behind and beside him too.

The whole thing is a sham anyways. Every app developed for Facebook wants access to all of your data and everyone happily forks it over. Is that right? Probably not, but that's what FB does, it brokers data for advertising.

He wasn't under oath and I don't believe some of the things he stated, and I think they'll circle around to bite him in the butt eventually, like the denial that they don't access your microphones to target ads, which seems like a given at this point with countless people reporting it and even showing the results of how it works by talking about some random topic or product around their phone they've never searched on any device, and fairly soon they start getting served ads on it.

Anyways, did you guys check it out? Any takeaways or anything that stood out to you?
I've caught bits and pieces of it.

There was a bit where he admitted that audio from video is recorded and can be used for targeted advertising. But he said that audio alone from say a phone call isn't extracted and used. This is a blatant lie as there's countless instances where people will have a phone conversation with someone, and within that same day, they'll start seeing ads in their feed on that exact topic.

That booster seat is hilarious. haha.
I also suspect that "his" data was not really harvested by CA. He was just trying to act the victim to get an ounce of sympathy.

It is also very interesting that the majority of the people questioning him have received donations from FB. And yes, @Ryuzaki - a lot of it did seem like self-serving soundbites or pre-arranged questioning.
Orrin Hatch asking the tough questions:

"So how exactly does facebook make money if it's free?"

God damnit, the people demands to know
Zuck might want to run for a political office, but the people are not going to vote for him.


Not that it matters what people vote for, see recent events.
I'm demoralized by democracy, need to stack money and go find a home in the mountains where hopefully nuclear hellfire won't reach us.
It was weird how much they continued to emphasize how "he started Facebook by himself in his dorm room," like over and over. It led to people re-talking about how DARPA's LifeLog project, which was basically Facebook, was shut down the same day Facebook was founded. And how past senators have bragged about how the government invented social media.

There's a lot to these discussions under the surface. They're so busy trying to convince the gullible of a certain fact that they inadvertently drop hints to other interesting breadcrumb trails.
Everyone trying to block his stoyle... but i think people will learn. You cannot block the Zucc. His stoyle is completely unblockable.