Craigslist posting service.

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War Mongering.
BuSo Pro
Jun 20, 2018
I know the mods are seeing this post going OH SHIT! this drunk bastard again hahaha. Dont worry im not drunk posting, just posting to see if anyone knows of a good CL posting service provider on here.

Thanks in advance.
Take care, bro.

This same week in Italy, criminal court of the Italian city of Lecce has ruled that writing fake reviews, under a fake identity, is criminal conduct.
They sentenced owner of PromoSalento (selling fake review packages to Italian businesses) to nine months in prison and paying about $9300 in costs and damages.
Point should be made: he sent unsollicited mail offering to write fake reviews for hospitality businesses to boost their profile.
The bogus-review seller had attempted to submit more than 1,000 reviews on hundreds of properties – reviews that were either blocked or removed.
I'm interested in this too, but not for fake review posters, for legit ads
I'm looking for legit service ads to be posted, no fake review stuffs. If anyone out there still in the abyss hit me up, I'll do a test run.

Thanks in advance.
The traffic isnt there like it use to be ( i did a ton back in the day ).

Facebook local and other like communities have took a good chunk of traffic away from them.

Add this to the fact they keep getting creative with ghosting your ad and the die-hards that are left on CL are super anal at reporting ads they deem "fake" or unusual, and you end up with more trouble than it is worth sometimes.

Some of those people might just not like your ad and will get it removed.

I had lots of legit ones that someone didn't like because they thought I wasn't paying enough hourly. They wrote me a nasty email and proceeded to have all my ads taken down.
I noticed the drop off, but the major cities are still flooded with ads by posters(paid). I wanted to give it a try.
I already know my ad will work, its not direct monetization its for hiring for microworker type tasks.

Hard to explain here but basically I need to get ads up all over the USA and don't want to bother with it internally if theres still a good posting service or two out there
I can get you ads posted. Depending on volume and what you're willing to pay. I have had success with this, last few months. No ghosting done. I got great responses for my client.
Thanks for replying, I'll be hitting u up soon when we are ready to pull the trigger.
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